Increase Your Website Traffic
With PPC Management

PPC management services Heat maps

Pearl Lemon’s PPC management services in London will help you achieve your goals whether you want to improve conversions, drive more traffic to your website or both.

But first,

What does PPC mean? PPC stands for pay per click with the goal of driving traffic to your site!

Expert PPC Management Services That Grow Businesses

In the world of lead generation and digital marketing, one of the easiest ways to reach the most qualified audience is PPC or pay-per-click ads. It gives you the chance to reach them where they are already looking, and often long before your competitors do.

With our PPC management services, Pearl Lemon can deliver a custom PPC campaign to help you increase traffic, conversions and revenue for your company.

Pay per click marketing agency


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

Pearl Lemon successfully helped the client raise a significant amount of funding. Communication is seamless through weekly calls and regular progress updates. They respond promptly to requests and delivers work ahead of time. They are proactive which resulted in ongoing collaboration.
Matthew Roles
Managing Director, Curzon Partners
Competent and flexible, Pearl Lemon delivered successful improvements to the site. Although it's early to gauge metrics, the project points in a promising direction. They'll continue to execute effective SEO in the ongoing effort.
Gev Balyan
Founder, Ucraft
The efforts of Pearl Lemon resulted in an increase of 30% in unique monthly website traffic and grew purchases on the site. Their team was friendly and professional, emphasizing the importance of effective communication both internally and with their client to create a good final product
Aftab Sherwani
Director, Online Vape Retailer
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Why PPC?

There are many good reasons why your company should consider implementing a PPC campaign. Not only is it a proven way to boost qualified website traffic, but it’s cost-effective, highly focused, and produces rapid results.

If you aren’t already sold, let’s talk about each of the biggest reasons PPC works for so many businesses a little bit more:

PPC Management

PPC is Cost Efficient

You pay for the space your ad occupies when you advertise in a newspaper, on television, or on the radio. In a local magazine or in the newspaper, you’ll spend an arm and a leg for a two-inch rectangle, and billboard expenditures can be upwards of thousands of pounds.

PPC uses the same concept as an ad in a newspaper or magazine, with the exception that your ad appears in search engines. This leads a lot of people to assume that in search engine results you have to pay for that real estate, but that’s one of the big advantages of PPC-you don’t!

With PPC, you just pay Google – Or Bing, or Facebook, etc. – for your ad when someone clicks on it, instead of paying for the space that your ad takes up in the results pages.

This makes the cost of PPC management incredibly reasonable because when there is serious potential for making a sale or a conversion is the only time you pay Google. We say serious potential because PPC advertisements are so targeted, that when someone clicks on one, they are typically ready to convert.

PPC Gets Results Fast

Since ads start showing up for your targeted keywords as soon as you bid on that keyword and have a great quality score, it’s not out of the question to see more traffic to your website within the first week of your PPC campaign beginning.

It can take a few months to really reap the benefits when it comes to other long-term tactics, such as SEO (search engine optimization) or email marketing. However, those advantages are fantastic and worth the wait.

PPC campaign
advantage of PPC campaigns

Easy Results Tracking

One of the most significant aspects of any digital marketing campaign is monitoring outcomes. You just wouldn’t know what elements are working, and what elements are lacking, without being able to dig into your campaign’s analytics.

Results monitoring and conversion tracking are invaluable, and it’s a huge advantage PPC campaigns have over other marketing methods, as doing so is relatively easy.

Terrific Targeting

In order to reach the most qualified consumers, most marketing strategies allow you to use targeting, and PPC is no exception. In fact, it is one of the most highly targeted digital marketing methods available.

highly targeted campaigns

Here are a few ways in which Google Ads lets you
target your audience:

Basic Demographics

One of the best ways to target your customers, demographic audience targeting allows you to display ads to certain users only based on gender, location, and even the type of device they use to execute their searches.

Custom Intent

Google Ads has a feature called custom intent tracking. When you make use of this, you can choose keywords and key phrases that are most likely to appeal to a warm lead, a person who is ready to buy. In addition, you can include specific website URLs, video content URLs and more to fine-tune your targeting even further.


Remarketing helps you to simply re-serve your online advertising to people who have already clicked on your ads. Remarketing ads are super useful because they keep your company and its products and/or services at the forefront of the minds of consumers, especially those who were close to making a purchase before and just need one more nudge...

Similar Audiences

In Google Ads similar audiences are a first-party data lists-based targeting feature, most commonly remarketing lists, that helps you expand the reach of your best-performing ads by targeting new users with similar traits to your website visitors.

Targeted Keywords

Targeting unique keywords in the content of your ad helps users who are looking for that key term to appear in your ad. The best thing about keyword targeting is that you can change it to reflect the season, the holiday, etc. You can also hand-craft the keywords that you use to reach a particular demographic or target a specific search intent.

Some Of Our Clients

Subscription Business PPC Case Study

Plant Sumo is a plant based food subscription business in London. We built a strategy around a London based campaign for Plant Sumo. We sent over keywords to approve with search volume and bid pricing for ads for those keywords. We also build out ad copy and other technical aspects for PPC campaigns for our clients to approve.

Furniture Store PPC Case Study

Clad Home has been a great client we have worked with to help them with a Google Ads retargetting campaign to capture people that have fallen out of their sales funnel. We prepared a new Google Ads account, a new Google Merchant Center account, and added product feed using the Google Shopify app.

Luxury Audio PPC Case Study

Dubai Audio has been one of our clients that brought in Pearl Lemon to work on their eCommerce PPC campaign. This case study goes over month one of their campaign with us while selling high-end sound systems. Their conversion value had increased by just over 23% and overall ad growth across the board.

As Featured In:

PPC Management Agency

Why Use a PPC Management Agency?

PPC is an ongoing process — not just a “set it and forget it” technique that picks up momentum over time, and continuous changes need to be made to see the best results.

It is doubtful that you would have time to run a PPC campaign if you are a business owner who spends your time writing checks, ordering inventory, and managing a company.

There’s a lot to cover if you’ve never researched PPC before. If you want a campaign to be successful, becoming extremely knowledgeable about PPC, how it works, and the various tactics that are part of a campaign is crucial. It takes time and effort to become even OK at PPC, let alone an expert. Time you don’t have, even if you were inclined to learn.

The Pearl Lemon PPC management team have already invested that time and effort – and have the certifications to show for it – so are the perfect people to manage your PPC campaigns while you get on with the important business of running, and growing, your company.

successful PPC campaign
Schema Markup Implementation

Why Choose Pearl Lemon For PPC Management?

It’s simple. Pearl Lemon clients are more than just names on a spreadsheet or an abstract concept. We know that the services we provide can make or break a company in certain situations, and we don’t take that lightly.

We make your goals our goals to drive the best possible results for your company, and we ensure that we do whatever we can – going above and beyond – to get the job done. Basically, we’re not happy until you are.

Pearl Lemon is the right choice for you if you’re looking for one of the best pay-per-click companies that will totally run your campaign for you. We’re not just going to help you write ad copy and vanish; we’re going to help you through every step of the PPC process.

We know that all businesses are different, and that means that all businesses have different needs. That means every PPC campaign we work on is developed by hand to include only the elements you are most interested in. No ‘one size fits all’ package deals here, because there is no such thing, whatever other PPC firms might try to tell you.

When choosing our PPC management services for your online ad management solution, you get a bespoke, built-for-you solution to build, manage and enhance your PPC strategy. Plus, you’ll be working with a team that has more than 20 years of combined experience in managing pay-per-click projects.

Best PPC firms

Ready to get started?

Book a call here, so we can discuss just what our PPC Management Services can do for you and your company.

How do you get charged with PPC?

You as a company get charged with PPC every time someone clicks your ad. You set your ad budget and the exact cost per click will vary depending on the average bid price of the keyword used to make your ad appear. Pearl Lemon provides adwords management London companies need!

Why should you hire a PPC agency?

A better question is how confident are you in your PPC skills or are you a PPC expert?

You need a pay per click agency, London founded, like Pearl Lemon to take over the management of you PPC services. A PPC agency will know how to set up your ads, how to continually optimise them, and ensure they are performing at their very best.

Law Firm Web Design
money, SEO for Credit Unions

Who is the best PPC agency?

Totally going to toot our own horn here, Pearl Lemon is the best PPC AgencyWe have won multiple awards for our bespoke adwords management services. If you want to learn more about what we can do for you, book a call with our PPC expert, London trained.

How much does a PPC agency charge?

PPC agency, London founded like us, costs will vary greatly depending on the location of the agency, the amount of services done, the experience of the ppc management team, and the ad budgets put in place or decided by you. Common management fees for campaigns may be 1000 GBP or more a month.

We are an award winning London PPC Agency that can take care of your local PPC management.

What is CPC or PPC advertising?

Cost per click and pay per click advertising is when you as a business advertise only and only pay once it is clicked.

Similar to these are also cost per impression, when you pay when it is seen but not clicked, and cost per engagement, when a user engages with your ad (like watching a video or playing a mini-game), and you pay for that engagement.

How much does Google ads cost?

Google ads costs vary depending on your overall budget. In your user dash, you have budget settings and can make rules to what you are willing to spend per click. With Google Ads, there is no minimum spend requirement, and no required contract length – you can stop your ads anytime. You are also only charged when someone interacts with your ad.

What is CPC or PPC advertising?
How can PPC help grow my business?

Is adwords a waste of money?

No; AdWords can help increase much-needed exposure. The trick is to ensure that you choose the right targets. If you have tried running ads before and have had a failure, it usually means there as not enough preparation or education before starting.

Outsourcing to an experienced agency can also help prevent any hiccups with running an ad campaign.

How can PPC help grow my business?

PPC allows advertisers to show ads to their target audience almost immediately. PPC is run through keyword targeting for paid search adverts, where advertisers select relevant keywords that their potential customers will be searching for. Google ads is one of the most popular platforms.

Why should I outsource my PPC service?

Outsourcing your PPC campaign to a bespoke company, like Pearl Lemon, can mean greater success for your PPC campaigns. Many in-house teams do not have the time to dedicate to fully running a successful PPC campaign.

Why should I choose Pearl Lemon for my PPC campaign?

Pearl Lemon has an experienced and dedicated team that can lead you to have a successful PPC campaign. We are conversion specialists and can lead your PPC ads to success. We crunch the data and help you boost your conversion rate. 

Why should I outsource my PPC service?
pay per click marketing agency

Can Pearl Lemon help me run ads across multiple platforms?

Yes, we can. We can help on Google, Amazon, Bing, Yandex, Youtube, Yahoo and any other search engine that you may need to run your ads on.

How experienced is the Pearl Lemon team?

The Pearl Lemon team has numerous certifications and years of experience to help support your PPC campaign. From Google Analytics to Google Adwords certifications, the team has the definite know how to bring your campaign success. Due to our experience, we are the BEST PPC company for hire!


PPC services, London based like us, are services that are focused on optimising PPC ads. This means using the right keywords, having exceptional copy within the ad and a great image to match.

Choosing a good PPC agency means you need to do plenty of research to make the right choice. Pearl Lemon offers three different PPC packages to choose from so you can be sure you meet your needs and stay within your budget. We offer bespoke PPC management, London founded, for international clients. Pearl Lemon is the pay per click agency London companies know and trust.

A PPC agency, or Google Ads agency London based, is a company that focuses on managing and optimising PPC ads for other companies in order to help increase their overall conversions, signups (or whatever the goal of the PPC campaign is).

There are a few different types of Google ads to choose from.

  1. Search Network campaigns – usually text form, these ads show on Google Search results pages when someone searches for a product or service that’s similar to yours.
  2. Display Network campaigns – image form ads, these ads appear on websites or apps that your customers visit.
  3. Video campaigns – usually short videos, these ads are typically found right before or during YouTube content.
  4. Remarketing ads– these ads are aimed at people that have previously interacted with your site, and the ad aims at bringing them back.
  5. Google Shopping Ads– this ad type reflects a showcase of a product that you are selling.
  6. Local service ads– this ad type allows your business to be better found by someone searching for a service type in their area.
  7. Gmail sponsored promotions– there are ads in the Google Display Network that allows ads to show in prospects’ inboxes.

Aside from Google Ads, you have a few other platform options depending on the exposure you want. You have the option to run PPC campaigns on Bing ads, Amazon sponsored ads, Google shopping ads, and Youtube Trueview advertising.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!