SEO Agency Southampton

small business marketing strategy

The list of prerequisites for running a business is vast for local Southampton businesses. online enterprises and eCommerce sites. Marketing alone encompasses a vast range of marketing types, methods, and sub-categories, each with their own set of issues.

Most people are familiar with search engine optimization (or SEO), but they may not realize how critical it is for long-term success. So, why should you use an SEO agency Southampton? What is the significance of SEO services for your company’s website that makes it worth spending the money?

With so many other budgeting problems to consider, search optimization may be pushed to the back burner. Balancing efforts across numerous channels, in particular for local firms, requires determining which ones provide the highest benefits and deciding how to improve on them — for everything from social networking to paid advertising to email outreach and more.

When you consider the time and effort involved, as well as the fact that the nature of search engines frequently makes it feel like a guessing game, the benefits of employing an SEO company may not be as obvious.Experts in SEO, like those that make up the Pearl Lemon SEO agency Southampton team, on the other hand, can clearly see the benefits and the components that go into them.

Many businesses are irritated by the seemingly capricious changes in traffic and keyword rankings that search engines like Google and Bing make to their search algorithms. SEO can feel like it’s not worth it for websites that don’t know what they’re doing or for businesses that aren’t aware that they’re doing something wrong.

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The Statistics Speak for Themselves

Internet search traffic accounts for a significant portion of all online browsing. According to BrightEdge data, search engine traffic (also known as “organic” traffic) accounts for 51% of all website traffic.

Google alone receives 5.6 billion searches each day, making it an important part of the search funnel for people to get what they need – it accounts for more than 40% of income. People utilize search engines to find what they’re looking for.

That’s all there is to it. The importance of SEO is due to the fact that consumer behavior is still influenced by the dominance of search — Google (and to a lesser extent, Bing) are still the go-to resources for web users looking for information.

People conduct searches on Google, Bing, Facebook, and other search engines on a regular basis. These resources are so deeply embedded in web surfing behavior that they continue to be the world’s largest marketing channel, as well as the type with the highest return on investment.

Other reasons why SEO is vital for websites include:

The top page of Google organic search results receives up to 32.5 percent of all traffic. Page one rankings and spot one positions are highly sought for any company.

Similarly, page 1 results account for up to 91 percent of total average traffic! Searchers seldom look past the first page of results to locate what they’re looking for, which means that businesses on pages 2 and beyond may be missing out.

One of the biggest advantages of hiring an SEO agency Southampton is that you can have a professional team manage your whole campaign. Because search optimization is a time-consuming process, many businesses prefer to hire a team or an agency that can devote 100% of their time and effort to it.

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small business marketing consultant

SEO firms Southampton have a higher level of expertise and use specialized strategies

A company that specializes in search engine optimization will know more than you do. One more incentive to engage an SEO firm is that they will be able to use the most up-to-date tools, resources, and methods to stay up with the ever-changing SEO landscape. You’ll be able to focus on other aspects of your business by outsourcing your efforts to an agency.

SEO is likewise a rapidly changing field. Search engines like Google and Bing are continuously releasing new upgrades, which can make it difficult for businesses to keep up. Google delivered six major upgrades to its search system in 2020 alone, and those were just the big ones; they often make modest changes to their algorithm dozens of times per month.

To keep up with algorithm updates and their impact on search results, SEO agencies can watch Google news channels and SEO news forums. Many agencies monitor their clients’ site health to determine if they’ve been affected by an algorithm update and offer recommendations on how to fix it if necessary.

An SEO Agency Southampton Can Tackle the Technical Stuff Too

The many benefits of employing an SEO firm also include the ability to expertly optimize on-page features such as page meta-titles, meta-descriptions, internal site links, and keyword density using time-tested methodologies. These tweaks, when done correctly, can help enhance organic performance gradually but steadily and they frequently include keyword research and content editing, which can be time and resource intensive for most business owners.

Rather than attempting to improve SEO on their own (and maybe making things worse), many businesses decide to hire someone to do it for them. To get the most out of any SEO efforts, it’s really the only smart way to go.

Our Featured services

Climb Search Rankings now with our Proven SEO Services.

The organic search landscape is more competitive than ever. You need an agency with the know-how to get your site where it belongs: at the top of the search listings. As a full service SEO agency we have tools, expertise and proven track record to do that and more.

Local SEO

Dominate the SERPs and generate more local business! We use proven local ranking factors to BOOST your organic visibility and increase your bottom line.

SEO Audit

Our expert SEO auditors assess how 'search engine friendly' your site is so we can create a personalized blueprint to get it to the top of the SERPs.

WordPress SEO

WordPress is one of the best content management systems when it comes to organic search - but we can make it BETTER!


E-commerce SEO

Need consistent, high-quality traffic you don't have to pay for? We understand e-commerce SEO is different, and how to make it work for you, whatever, and wherever, you sell online.

Technical SEO

We'll identify, and tackle, the often hidden on-site issues that are impacting the way search bots see your site and holding you back in organic search.

International SEO

Operating globally? We'll optimise your site to increase your visibility and appeal to your global target market, no matter where they are.

Some Of Our Clients

Why Pearl Lemon?

Local SEO is a difficult task. In fact, it’s more than a bit of an art. To get to the top of a local search, you’ll need a new set of tactics and strategies. It demands specialized knowledge, which Pearl Lemon, as local SEO experts rather than just broad SEO professionals, is best positioned to provide (though we are also very good at that too).

We focus on search engine optimization best practices at Pearl Lemon every day. We work for our clients, we grow our expertise – SEO and local SEO best practices change all the time, so we stay on top of it – and we help local Southampton businesses like yours stand out online.

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Claim Your Free SEO Audit Now!

Ready to supercharge your SEO efforts by working with an SEO agency Southampton?

That not only does what we say we will but actively works to overdeliver? Get in touch with us today to get started.

SEO Agency Southampton FAQs

SEO in Southampton can be charged $1,000 – $7,500 depending on the project.

Southampton SEO services can include anywhere from link building, content,public relations, etc. A Southampton SEO agency will most likely focus on local SEO strategies.

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If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!