Link Building Services Agency based in London

We are a London Based Link building agency offering premium backlinking services for our local and international clients. 

Partner with Pearl Lemon to improve your search rankings and boost organic growth with our high quality backlinks

Link Building

Get 9-47 Links Per Month With Our Award-Winning
Link Building Services

Link Building Agency London

Pearl Lemon is a Link Building Agency in the UK that has a team of skilled employees who are ready to help you with your needs.

For the purpose of implementing Link Building Campaigns in the UK market, our link building agency offers flexible and reasonably priced services. In the UK, US, Australia, Canada, and European markets, we offer high-quality English link building services and support numerous SEO agencies.

Consider a local team of specialists in the UK if you’re looking to outsource your Link Building requirements. They can assist you in meeting your goals while staying within your budget.

Backlinks are important, but the quality of those links varies. Backlinks from high domain authority sites are prioritized for their effectiveness. We concentrate on acquiring high-quality backlinks.

Use our SEO services to help boost organic traffic to your website.

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SEO Link Building Services

When done correctly, backlinks can improve your site’s ranking and increase organic traffic and crawl rate. However, it’s important to note that not all backlinks are equal, as bad backlinks can negatively impact your site’s visibility. At Pearl Lemon, our team of skilled backlink experts exclusively utilize white hat, personalized link building strategies to achieve optimal outcomes and prevent penalties.

At Pearl Lemon, our link building services are designed to generate natural and organic backlinks for your website. We use a variety of white hat link building techniques such as guest posting, broken link building, content marketing, and influencer outreach to build links that will drive traffic to your website and improve its visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Establishes your SEO goals

We'll tailor our paid link building services to the marketing goals of your company. In essence we will ensure that the links we attain for your business are authoritative and relevent.

Discovers relevant sites for unique link building opportunities

We will determne through competitor backlink audits and our own database which sites should be approached or used to build links from always with the goal of relevence in mind.

Creates content That attracts quality backlinks naturally

Our experienced team of copywriters will create high-quality, engaging content. Our backlinking strategies are often tied in with content development as high quality content will always attract links independently from websites who recognise your websites expertise on a subject or topic.

Guest posting compliments our natural link building strategies

We use incorporate strategies including Guest Posting, Citation builing, broken link building and more to give you the most robust and complete link building strategy available on the market.

Leading UK based link building Agency

We provide a comprehensive range of SEO services to our clients, including link building. Our team has developed a proven process to ensure that the backlinks we generate for your business are of high quality and relevant to your brand. Pearl Lemon is dedicated towards helping our client’s achieve success in all aspects of their SEO. 

Our approach is never a one size fits all type of strategy and we focus therefore on Link Building as a priority for any customers search engine optimization campaign with the goal of enhancing the businesses website’s overall EAT (Experience, Authoritativeness and Expertise).

Some Of Our Clients

Quality Over Quantity

We are firm believers of quality over quantity when it comes to creating a link building strategy. We will ensure that your content is put in front of your target audience

In other words, we won’t be just building links for the sake of it – that’s an outdated technique. We’ll create excellent quality content that reflects your brand’s value. 

We’re talking about the type of content that increases referral traffic, boosts brand awareness and ultimately improves rankings! 

Question & Answers Engineer
back links

An Integrated Link Building Approach

Hiring the BEST talent is one of our core values here at Pearl Lemon. As a remote team, we are able to draw upon the best talent globally. As such, whilst our entire team are SEO experts, collectively, we have experience in Digital PR, Content Marketing, Digital Copywriting, Online Brand Management and Social Media Marketing. 

These experiences and insights help us to craft back linking strategies that get significant results for our clients.

What To Expect With Us

We’ll build a 6-month link building strategy that is tailored to your company. Our plans aren’t set in stone – we’ll adjust them according to what your competitors are doing, what other SEO activities you are engaged in and any algorithmic changes. However, some of the services you can expect include: A link profile audit, Paid PR, Guest blogging, Site owner outreach, Link reclamation, Influencer outreach & content creation.

successful PPC campaign

Link Building Company Case Study

We worked with a client who provides software for HR professionals. As part of their bespoke SEO strategy, we implemented a backlinking strategy to drive more traffic to their site and improve their online brand reputation. 

We were able to help them to improve their average keyword position by 41 positions! Watch this video to see what we did on this campaign. 

Off-Page Link Building London Case Study

Wonga is a payday lender that is massively funded in the UK. We were able to look at competitive keywords and get our client ranking higher than Wonga by building a strong social syndication network and strong backlinks from high domain authority pages.

Get Help With Your Link Building Strategy Today!

If you are looking for ‘link building packages’, you’ve come to the wrong place. We do not offer a one-size-fits-all service. Whatever industry your business is in, we’ll take the time to understand your business goals before tailoring our white hat link building strategy to your needs. 


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The campaigns led to an influx of new listings as well as buyer leads. Pearl Lemon responds quickly to inquiries and communicates effectively with the internal team. The team is hard-working, knowledgeable, and easy to work with.
Chris Myers
Co-Owner, DVC Resale Experts
The SEO and marketing efforts have contributed to an increase in visitors and ranking, plus a decrease in bounce rates from the site. The Pearl Lemon team has been a consistent partner during the project. Their personable, professional approach and expertise make them easy to work with.
Ofir Bashari
CTO, Asteria Diamonds
The efforts of Pearl Lemon resulted in an increase of 30% in unique monthly website traffic and grew purchases on the site. Their team was friendly and professional, emphasizing the importance of effective communication both internally and with their client to create a good final product
Aftab Sherwani
Director, Online Vape Retailer
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Claim Your Free SEO Audit Now!

Link building costs will vary from agency to agency and between different service packages. Some agencies will charge a flat rate for the number of links built, others may charge per link and types of links built. To get the best idea of how much link building will cost you, it is always best to book a call and get a quote based on your specific needs.

How much does link building cost?

What is link building and how it works?

Link building is the process of having a link building agency conduct outreach in an effort to get other sites to link back to your own site. The process of exchanging hyperlinks is link building. By embedding links on your site from other high quality sites, you can improve your SEO by improving your overall domain authority.

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What Links Mean For Search Engines?

There are two fundamental ways that search engines use links:

  1. To discover new web pages
  2. To help determine how well a page should rank in their results

Generally speaking, the more high-quality websites that link to you, the more likely you will rank well in search results. As a link building company, we can ensure that you get only high-quality sites linking back to you.

What Is a Link Building Campaign?

A link building campaign is a process of actively trying to increase links to your website, usually accompanied by some kind of overarching objective. 

It will use assets belonging to the website to acquire those links, and an asset can be anything from content and news to products and services.

As link building experts, we will ensure the right types of links are being used through your paid link building campaign.

What Are The Benefits Of Link Building?

Let’s start with the basics. Link building is a long-term strategy designed to increase traffic to your site while improving your reputation, all through the use of external links pointing back to your domain. Link building is about far more than just earning traffic (though that is certainly a key benefit).

Take a look at some of the ways link building can support your brand.

  1. Brand (and content) visibility. Building more links on more prolific sources means you’ll increase your brand’s visibility. That may not seem like a big deal by itself, but it can cumulate into a powerful effect.
  2.  Reputation by affiliation. In the early stages of your link building campaign, you’ll be working with relatively low-level, niche sources. Still, as you build up, you’ll start getting positions on high-authority, noteworthy publishers.

We offer bespoke link building services UK business can trust. Not only do we offer link building in London and throughout the UK, we work with companies across the globe.

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link building

How to Find Under-Promoted Assets?

To identify link building opportunities, you’ll need to discover which assets on your site are underpromoted. There are a few ways you can find undervalued assets, but a manual site search should always be the first step. If you don’t have luck with a manual site search, the next option for finding link-worthy pages is using a content analysis tool like BuzzSumo.

How To Search for Link Opportunities?

To find link opportunities, you need to identify websites relevant to your content. You also need to discover the unique value your content has to different audiences.

simple search is the best way to reveal potential link opportunities if you have a good grasp of using Google and search modifiers. BuzzSumo can also help you find content that’s similar to yours that has already proven popular with relevant audiences.

What Types of Links Do You Need?

When defining the strategy for your link building campaign, you need to think about the types of links you aim to get.

  1. Links to your homepage
  2. Links to “deep” pages (such as product or category pages)
  3. Links containing your brand/company name
  4. Links containing the keywords you’re targeting

How To Use The Broken-Link Building Method?

👉The technique involves contacting a webmaster to report broken links on his/her website. At the same time, you recommend other websites to replace that link. 

👉And here, of course, you mention your own website. Because you are doing the webmaster a favour by reporting the broken links, the chances of a backlink back to your website are high.

👉To use the broken-link method, first find relevant websites in your niche that have resources pages. Find them by using these search queries in Google:

  • your keyword + links
  • your keywords + resources
  • keywords inurl: links
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How do I build consistent internal links?

Building consistent links is a sound strategy to ensure uniform, original content across all your pages. Nothing kills your SEO faster than having duplicate pages.

With that said, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Create links to either the www. or non-www. version of your page.
  • Only link to pages using a trailing slash or no trailing slash, or pages with a suffix (.html) or no suffix.
  • Only link to a single version of a page, ever.

What Are Inbound and Outbound Links?

In layman’s terms, there are two types of linksinbound and outboundOutbound links start from your site and lead to an external site, while inbound links or backlinks, come from an external site to yours. … Backlinks are among the main building blocks to good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Pearl Lemon offers award winning link building services London businesses need to succeed.

Should I Build Internal Links?

Internal links are a key factor for running a successful website. They are passing link juice, and you can use your anchor texts. With a good internal linking structure, you can help users easily navigate through your website and increase the overall user experience.

There are tools that can automatically create internal links on your page, especially if you are running WordPress, but you should do this manually. Microsoft’s Matt Cutts has recommended that webmasters keep their number of internal links per page below 100, for both usability and SEO.

I Paid for Some Bad Links in the Past. Can You Help Me Get Rid of Them?

Sadly, we get asked this question a lot by people who were taken in by bad SEOs and have ended up with links that could really hurt their site. 

The good news is that yes, we can help you disassociate your site from these bad links and replace them with new, high-quality links that will get you back in the search engines’ good books.

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I Think My Site Has Some Old, Bad Links. What Can I Do?

Bad links happen. Sometimes you didn’t even put them there. We can help you put things right, remove the bad links and replace them with high-quality backlinks that will boost your eCommerce SEO and your business’ brand reputation.

What Is Link Building?

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link back to your site in order to boost your SEO. This takes strategy and skill to be able to be successful.

Pearl Lemon is an award winning London link building agency that uses only white hat techniques. We offer bespoke link building packages to improve your SEO and boost the authority of your site.

Is Anchor Text Still Meaningful?

Over the years, search engines have evolved. They have begun recognizing more metrics for regulating rankings. However, link relevancy is one metric that stood out from the rest, which is determined by both the anchor text and the content of the source page. 

Before Google’s Penguin update in 2012, anchor text was considered to be the simplest ways for Google to comprehend the relevancy of any site. However, today it has evolved to be a method of getting your site penalized by Google.

But it does not mean anchor text is no longer meaningful.

Google has been keeping an eye on how anchor text is utilized, and since it can be ruined, there are certain dos and don’ts of creating an anchor text. As a WordPress SEO company, we will pay attention to the anchor text within your site through our WordPress SEO services.


Link Building FAQs

Backlinks are important in 2021. Link building will always be an important aspect of SEO. In addition to this it is always a good idea to bring in link building experts to ensure you only have high quality links linking back to your site. 

Using hyperlinks to relevant pages, you are opening the gates to more vital information for the user. Such user-friendliness also helps in improving the ranking for pages with most backlinks internally as well.

A link building agency is an agency comprised of link building experts whose aim is to get high quality sites to link back to your site to improve your SEO. These agencies focus on link quantity and quality to get you the best results. Pearl Lemon is the premier link building agency UK businesses know to go to!

Conducting outreach for link building can be similar to PR outreach. You should contact the appropriate person to see if they may be looking for guest post. Have a proposal of sorts ready explaining why you are a good fit for their site and how you can contribute. Be polite and professional and most often people will be willing to help.

Some of the best link building strategies all fall under white hat methods. This means writing guest posts for other sites, publishing infographics for other sites to link back to you, maintaining an active social media presence and building your personal brand. There are plenty of other good methods to use…but remember diversity is key.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!