SEO Agency Birmingham

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Search engine optimization, or SEO, is possibly the most misunderstood but important topic in marketing. When people need to find a solution to a query, they turn to the internet. So much so that when we need to locate anything, we don’t “look for it”, we Google it.

Around 70,000 people are looking for answers every second. Every time someone types a search query into a search engine, a brand has the potential to deliver a solution. It’s ideal if your Birmingham business is on the first page of results for that search query. Not just ideal though, in a city as large and competitive as Birmingham, some might say it’s essential. As a leading SEO agency Birmingham who sees what great SEO can do every day, we certainly think it is.

The goal of SEO is to position your Birmingham business at the top of the search results page by providing a solution to the user’s problem or answering their query. When done correctly, SEO is one of the most effective forms of inbound marketing, bringing prospective buyers to your website who have an immediate need that you can meet. Inbound marketing that turns a lead into a sale in a few clicks is far more effective than inbound marketing that simply reinforces your brand or establishes your knowledge in the subject.

In the digital age, SEO is like word of mouth. People have faith in Google and other search engines to provide answers to their queries. If Google thinks you can fix someone’s problem, that person is likely to think so as well.

So, what’s the best approach to use SEO to boost your Birmingham business’s growth? You need somebody by your side who can ensure that your website climbs the rankings of search engine results pages (SERPs) to the top and then stays there. When it comes to finding that individual or persons, the big decision is whether to do it in-house or outsource to an SEO agency Birmingham. We obviously think you should do the latter, but we should explain why.

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Our Featured services

Climb Search Rankings now with our Proven SEO Services.

The organic search landscape is more competitive than ever. You need an agency with the know-how to get your site where it belongs: at the top of the search listings. As a full service SEO agency we have tools, expertise and proven track record to do that and more.

Local SEO

Dominate the SERPs and generate more local business! We use proven local ranking factors to BOOST your organic visibility and increase your bottom line.

SEO Audit

Our expert SEO auditors assess how 'search engine friendly' your site is so we can create a personalized blueprint to get it to the top of the SERPs.

WordPress SEO

WordPress is one of the best content management systems when it comes to organic search - but we can make it BETTER!


E-commerce SEO

Need consistent, high-quality traffic you don't have to pay for? We understand e-commerce SEO is different, and how to make it work for you, whatever, and wherever, you sell online.

Technical SEO

We'll identify, and tackle, the often hidden on-site issues that are impacting the way search bots see your site and holding you back in organic search.

International SEO

Operating globally? We'll optimise your site to increase your visibility and appeal to your global target market, no matter where they are.

Some Of Our Clients

Schema Markup Implementation

You Get People who Know All the Right SEO Moves

The criteria that Google and other search engines use to score and rank your website have changed in tandem with the field of SEO. Years ago, your website’s content was the sole factor in determining your search engine ranking. However, over time, it has expanded to incorporate indicators such as how quickly your website loads and other *extremely* technical indicators. The technical side of SEO has become so difficult that in addition to our ‘SEO Experts,’ we also have ‘Technical SEO Experts’

The ultimate goal of these tweaks and improvements is to construct an algorithm that can predict how a human would interact with a given web page, which is why page speed is important. Have you ever become frustrated while waiting for a website to load? Similarly, search engines favor websites that use encryption because it is assumed that users prefer a safe experience.

It’s not always easy to make modifications to your website to boost SEO rankings tied to performance, user experience, and security. If done incorrectly, they can have the opposite impact of what was intended. If you optimize a web page for SEO by lowering image resolution to make it load faster, but the images are fuzzy or don’t adequately represent your goods, your efforts will be in vain.

If you engage a SEO agency Birmingham instead, they can optimize your website without jeopardizing the desired user experience. You should hire an inbound marketing firm that knows how to boost your organic visibility while also improving the consumer journey and UX (that’s a tech-y term for customer experience.)

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You'll Avoid Big SEO Mistakes

In the world of SEO, there are a variety of tactics you may use to increase your rankings. Unfortunately, search engine developers do not “approve” all tactics. Some people are accused of black hat SEO, which means they choose to ignore what search engines believe to be a violation of their criteria in order to find shortcuts or loopholes that will allow them to rank pages higher than they should.

We don’t utilize black-hat SEO methods at Pearl Lemon and solely use white hat. If you’re caught utilizing black-hat techniques, Google will lower your results or, in the worst-case scenario, remove your site from their index altogether. This can be a huge setback for a company trying to establish a strong internet presence. The potential short-term gain is never worth the long-term risk.

Good Birmingham SEO agencies are experienced with the many strategies available and understand which ones are safe and which should be avoided. Paying for SEO services from a legitimate company that solely employs white-hat approaches will help you increase your SEO results fast, while also ensuring that everything is carried out ethically and in a way that Google approves of.

You Can Save Time, Money and Hassle

It’s one thing to understand SEO and what needs to be done to ensure it enhances your Birmingham business’ online presence, but it’s quite another to put it all into practice. SEO is hard work, it’s time-consuming, and it calls for a lot of frankly very expensive, tools to get it done right.

One of the things that those who try the DIY route to SEO optimisation quickly discover all of this, and have to abandon those efforts because they have more important things to do with their time and money, like running their business. They also discover it’s a lot harder than they thought, and they don’t have the resources to get it done either.

Working with an SEO agency Birmingham frees you to focus your energies on running your business, while our SEO efforts help it grow. And when you work with Pearl Lemon you get a team who become your partners, and will be as invested in your success as you are.

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Ready to work with an SEO agency Birmingham that really delivers?

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

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