Get Your Technical SEO Solutions From Pearl Lemon

Whether it’s a low text-to-HTML ratio or broken links, most sites have several technical SEO issues. Technical SEO is the foundation for a high-traffic generating site. Our experts will identify and help you to turn around what’s slowing your growth with our Technical SEO services, London based.

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Our Technical SEO Services

We offer a wide range of services designed to enhance the ability of search engines to crawl and index your site.

Website Migrations

Migrating your site without adequate planning and taking precautions could negatively affect the organic rankings you’ve gained.

Web Architecture

The structure of your website is not only important for search engines, but it also contributes to your visitor’s experience on your site.

Penalty Removal

Our awesome team of experts will use their technical SEO skillset to identify and resolve any manual issues given by search engines.

Duplicate Content

Search engines hate duplicate & near-duplicate content. It is a fairly common issue that many sites face, and it harms rankings.

Technical SEO Consultancy

Our team of technical SEO experts perform an advanced technical SEO audit of your site and give you the support you need.

SEO Audit

We will identify and fix any technical issues that are preventing your website from ranking higher on the search engine results pages.

Watch our Case Study videos

Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The SEO and marketing efforts have contributed to an increase in visitors and ranking, plus a decrease in bounce rates from the site. The Pearl Lemon team has been a consistent partner during the project. Their personable, professional approach and expertise make them easy to work with.
Ofir Bashari
CTO, Asteria Diamonds
Competent and flexible, Pearl Lemon delivered successful improvements to the site. Although it's early to gauge metrics, the project points in a promising direction. They'll continue to execute effective SEO in the ongoing effort.
Gev Balyan
Founder, Ucraft
The efforts of Pearl Lemon resulted in an increase of 30% in unique monthly website traffic and grew purchases on the site. Their team was friendly and professional, emphasizing the importance of effective communication both internally and with their client to create a good final product
Aftab Sherwani
Director, Online Vape Retailer

Some Of Our Clients

What Is Technical SEO?

In a nutshell, technical SEO relates to all of the factors that have an impact on a search engine’s ability to crawl, render, index and then rank websites for specific keywords.

Our SEO agency offers a wide variety of technical SEO services that are designed to improve your site’s ranking.

White Label SEO Services

Why It's Worth Hiring Technical SEO Services

The truth is, most people do not ensure that their sites are fully optimised and search engine friendly. Therefore many technical SEO issues go unnoticed, sometimes for years.

These small issues grow into bigger issues over time and consequently have a negative impact on a site’s ranking. Hiring a technical SEO expert who is experienced in technical search engine optimisation can essentially nip these larger issues in the bud, increasing your website’s potential to rank highly and gain more organic traffic.

Our Team Of SEO Consultants

As a technical SEO agency, we don’t simply tick off a ‘technical SEO checklist’. We understand that technical search engine optimisation is an integral part of every successful SEO campaign. Therefore, we build bespoke technical SEO strategies with a strong emphasis placed on technical elements.

When it comes to Content Management Systems, we’ve seen it all. So whether you’re using WordPress or Django, we will make the technical adjustments your site needs to rank higher.

shared goals

As Featured In:

Google Medic Recovery Case Study

In August 2018, Google released a major update called the broad core algorithm update which was later coined the ‘Google medic update’ because of the impact it had on the rankings of site related to healthcare.

Here’s a case study outlining how we helped one of our clients to recover from the dip in their rankings caused by the update.

What Is the Google Medic Update?

In August of 2018, Google released one of the most sweeping algorithm updates that it had for some time. Dubbed ‘Google Medic’ by the SEO community (not Google) it affected even high ranking, ‘big name’ sites.

Google, when asked what could be done to repair any damage, or avoid falling foul of this new algorithm in the future, was as vague as ever.

However, those people who spend their days going over and over what Google does, like the highly respected folks at MOZ and SEM Rush, are suggesting that sites need to improve their EAT ratings. What are those? That stands for expertise, authority, and trust.


What does that mean in real terms? It includes:

  • Bolstering your company’s about page and individual authors’ bio pages to include details on credentials and expertise.
  • Adding more client reviews and testimonials for products and services.
  • Building up your company’s authority on its other platforms, such as  LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Adding contact information on every page, or at the very least have a robust Contact Us page with a phone number, email address, physical address, etc.
  • Getting favourable press coverage in reputable outlets, and getting blog authors bylined in other high-authority publications.

These are theories, of course, but they are also big elements the Google of Google’s, Quality Rater Guidelines. Danny Sullivan ( a former SEO himself as the founder of Search Engine Land and now public Search Liaison for Google) has made suggestions via Twitter that webmasters carefully review and adhere to that in the wake of the latest update.

Do I need readable file names to have good SEO?

Yes. Having readable file names help identify what media is on your site and its purpose. Alt text for images helps tie in your keywords to the image.

What is a Google Algorithm Update?

Remember, we said that Google’s Algorithm changes all the time? It does. Sometimes in very small, subtle ways, and sometimes via larger system-wide updates. And it is these updates that can throw the whole SEO world in a panic.

You may have heard of the names of some of the biggest that have impacted the SERPS over the years. Google Panda. Google Penguin. Google Hummingbird. RankBrain. Mobilegeddon.

Slightly crazy names, but big updates like these can change the rankings of your site – sometimes in a positive way, sometimes in a negative way – in a matter of days.

Tailoring Mobile Marketing Strategies

What is a Google Penalty?

Google has always said they try to ‘do good’. And to do so they punish sites – and site owners – that do what they consider to be bad with penalties. Those penalties reduce a site’s visibility in search, and, if very severe, take it out of the results altogether.

Penalties can be automatic or manual. With manual penalties, you’ll probably be told by Google, via a message in your Google Search Console. But it’s hard to know for sure that you know you’ve been targeted if the cause is algorithmic. Those penalties may take even the most experienced SEO professionals by surprise. But then it becomes the responsibility of an SEO working with a site to backtrack, figure out what’s going on and start to put it right.

What is a 'clean' URL?

A clean URL is simply a URL that goes directly to where they’re supposed to. They are short, easy to understand and most importantly, encourage by Google. It is also important to note that you should add a relevant keyword to your URL slugs.

What are 'rich snippets'?

Rich snippets feature visual clues about a page or post’s content – for example, star ratings, author, prices, and so on – which appear just below the page/post title and before the meta description. Rich snippets are typically generated through the addition of ‘Schema Markup’ – HTML code featuring tags defined by (a collaborative project involving Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Yandex aimed at helping webmasters provide more accurate information to search engines).

Rich snippets for products are generated automatically by Bigcommerce — the platform uses the information you enter on your product pages to pull the microdata necessary to generate them. So it’s important to ensure you have filled out as much as you can on your product details pages.

professional SEO Agency

How Can My Site Recover From a Google Penalty?

That is a very complex issue. Sites are penalized for many different reasons, and therefore the remedies for a Google Penalty are very varied.

At Pearl Lemon we have a team that – as boring as it sounds – spends hours scouring the web, reading, learning and analyzing all of the ‘crumbs’ that Google does leave so that in the event that clients are penalized, they can come to us, and we will provide them with the best possible opportunities to put things right.

Regarding the low text-HTML ratio. What is the expected ratio and how do search engines penalize the website if it is low?

The text-HTML ratio is a way to tell Google that we have a good amount of content, and we are not a thin content site, which is made only for search engines. And Google does not penalize the website if the site has a low text HTML ratio. But good HTML-text ratio helps in SEO.

Google uses this metric to view the actual relevancy of a page (low ratio may cause confusion for crawlers as they won’t have enough information about a particular web page).

This ratio may also be an indication of an HTML heavy page which can affect users’ experience and loading speed. Big size of a page, too many image tags, and new link here and there can all indicate that you need to work on your HTML and CSS.

Boosting Website Speed

Am I able to hide certain pages from search engines?

Yes, you can. 

In cases like this, you may have pages that you do not want to be indexed by search engines in situations where there may be duplicate content. Squarespace does not have a setting to achieve this like other platforms do. This means to hide pages on Squarespace you need to have a level of coding knowledge and accomplish this yourself.

Why should I rename my htaccess file?

Because you are going to want to enable URL rewriting to make those URLs a whole lot more attractive than they start out, you are going to need to rename the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess – which is the version used by Joomla! and mod_rewrite.

How can animations affect site speed?

Like many platforms, Moonfruit allows you to add animation to your webpages.

Visuals can have deadweight on your site and make your loading speed slower.


How can I optimize store's images?

Adding alt text and descriptions to your images is actually a sound idea to optimize them. This is because as Google crawls your site, it knows how to rank these images if they have text telling them what they are, and this can allow visitors to find said images.

Do I need to embed a video/media widget to optimise my media?

Having well-optimised media helps with some overall SEO aspects. These include optimization in page speed and alt tags, so search engines know what the media is.

Most things can be embedded with the HTML Snippet widget. You will need to get the HTML code off any third-party site you want and save that code in a document.

On your Moonfruit site, go to the Page that you wish to insert the file into and click on Insert > HTML Snippet > Click on ‘Set up’ > In the ‘Set up’ tab, copy and paste the code you saved in the text or notepad > Click ‘Apply’ > ‘Save’ and then ‘View my site’.

What are the benefits to HTML5 as opposed to HTML?

HTML5 is a version of HTML, meaning HTML5 is the most recent or newer and better version of HTML.

HTML5 offers better support for things like audio and visuals, allows JavaScript, allows for new inputs, and better at finding a location without the need for third-party plug-ins.

How to do technical SEO

To do technical SEO, you should probably bring in a technical SEO expert. These experts can help with a technical SEO consultation and go through a comprehensive checklist covering what needs to be done to improve your site’s technical SEO. Technical SEO focuses on the technical aspects of your site. This means the URLs, alt text, html, breadcrumbs, scheme markups and robot txt.

Book a call to talk to a technical SEO specialist today!



What is technical SEO audit

A technical SEO audit is a comprehensive assessment done to go over your site and find any spots for improvement regarding SEO. A technical SEO audit is often done by a technical SEO agency. The Pearl Lemon team is comprised of technical SEO experts and can ensure we find any and every way to improve your site.

What are the technical SEO best practices?

There is a large list of technical SEO best practicesA technical SEO consultant will ensure your 404 pages are optimised, breadcrumb menus are set up, URLs are optimised and plenty more. The Pearl Lemon team will be able to conduct a thorough technical SEO audit to improve you overall SEO.

As a technical SEO company, Pearl Lemon follows all of the technical SEO best practices. Our team is comprised of technical SEO specialists that can guarantee you a successful SEO campaign.

Through our SEO consultant services we can get you to page 1!

What is the difference between technical SEO and on-page SEO?

Technical SEO is any work towards improving SEO that is off-page. This means checking URLs, alt image text and having custom error pages. On-page SEO addresses your website content in terms of length, keywords, and ensuring that it is quality content. The Pearl Lemon SEO team is a team of technical SEO experts that can help you improve both your technical SEO and on-page SEO.

Pearl Lemon is the premier technical SEO agency London has to offer.

What are technical SEO issues?

Technical SEO issues can cover a full scope of problems. Issues tend to be errors with URLs, https security, slow page speed and lack of site map. A technical SEO agency , like Pearl Lemon, can help you by running a technical SEO audit and helping you fix any issues to improve your overall SEO.

SEO Help from SEO Agency

What are technical SEO tools?

There are countless technical SEO tools. As a team of technical SEO experts, we would recommend Screaming Frog, Google’s Insights, Google Webmaster and plenty more. Our team would love to tell you what tools we use and how we use them to improve our technical SEO audit services for our clients.

What are technical SEO services?

Technical SEO services are SEO services that focus on the more technical aspects of your website. This means a technical SEO agency will put effort towards improving your site speed, image optimization and more. Pearl Lemon is a team of technical SEO experts that can help you improve your technical SEO strategy.

We provide technical SEO for WordPress, Shopify, and more!

Does Google Find Your Site Attractive?

Always remember, it’s in Google’s best interest to ensure that its users have the best experience possible. Getting your technical search engine optimisation right is necessary if you want to achieve your digital growth goals.

Technical SEO FAQs

Technical SEO refers to website and server optimizations that help search engine spiders crawl and index your site more effectively (to help improve organic rankings).

“SEO is like accounting,” according to Burr Reedy. “For the complicated stuff, you should hire a professional.”

While search engines are getting better at crawling, indexing and understanding information, they are not perfect.

And if, for some reason, they have a hard time figuring out what your website is all about or if you have what searchers want, they’ll move on.

Search engines work by crawling billions of pages on the Internet using their own web crawlers, aka search bots. A search engine navigates the web by downloading web pages and following links on these pages to discover new pages that have been made available. The bots are also sometimes referred to as spiders as they almost literally crawl around a web as they follow one link to the next.

The web pages that they discover are then added into a complex data structure called an index. The index includes all the discovered URLs along with a number of relevant key signals about the contents of each URL, such as:

The keywords discovered within the page’s content – what topics does the page cover?

The type of content that is being crawled (using microdata called Schema) – what is included on the page?

The freshness of the page – how recently was it updated?

The previous user engagement of the page and/or domain – how do people interact with the page?

These, however, are just a few of the factors that are taken into consideration when ranking these pages. According to Google, they take over 200 different things into consideration within their algorithms, although what all of those are is a reasonably closely guarded secret.

To answer this question, let’s turn again to Google themselves. According to Google, via their Search Console Help Pages: “Google doesn’t require you to take any special steps to appear in search results, but you can help us find new or changed pages faster by letting us know when you make changes.”

How do you do that? There’s no 1-800 GOOGLE LIST ME number to call. What you can do first is submit a detailed sitemap to them via the Google Search Console – this is essential – and keep submitting new ones as the site changes. Google makes no guarantees about how fast they’ll ‘dispatch’ their little bots to do so – or even that they will – but in our current experience it varies, it seems to take as little as 4 days and up to 6 months for a site to be crawled by Google and for them to attribute authority to the domain.

This is all very simplistic, of course, and there are many more ways you can nudge Google to come and ‘take a look’ at your site. If you want to learn more about them give us a call, we’ll be happy to go through some more.

An algorithm, in general, is a detailed series of instructions for carrying out an operation or solving a problem.

To put it in non-technical terms, we use algorithms in everyday tasks, such as a recipe to bake a cake or a do-it-yourself handbook.

Google uses algorithms to present you with those search results, and as we have just mentioned, there are more than 200 things that are being taken into account, so to say that search engine algorithms are complicated is quite an understatement.  

The one thing that you need to know is that search engine algorithms are not static. They are changing all the time. As the Internet, and the way people use it, changes so do these complex calculations. And that is just what makes SEO such an art form.

Trying to figure out how to best ‘please’ these algorithms at all times, something that is made even more complicated because Google and lesser search engines like Bing and Yahoo! are so very secretive about what they really are. They will issue warnings, and a little advice, and from there and SEO practitioner has to determine the best strategies for themselves.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!