Advanced Remarketing

What Is Lead Generation?

PPC advertising is great in that you only pay when a person clicks on your ad, as compared to conventional advertising methods in which you pay for people to simply see your ads. The big disadvantage is that you still pay for traffic that does not convert the first time, which is the case for the great majority of visitors to your site.

Not exactly what you’d call a cost-effective advertising strategy.

Unless you master remarketing, which lets you reach out again to those indecisive visitors and entice them to convert in the way you intended when they initially came to your site.

Remarketing, like PPC itself, is something of an art. Advanced remarketing strategies even more so. But, when done right, advance remarketing services can double, triple or better the ROI on your PPC campaigns, making them every bit as effective as you’d hoped when you decided to make the investment in PPC in the first place.

Pearl Lemon offers advanced remarketing strategies to businesses of all kinds, sizes and that operate in any niche where a defined conversion is the object of PPC advertising. Work with us, and you’ll finally see the kind of ROI on your PPC ad spend you should be getting along with the healthy, ongoing boost to your bottom line.

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What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The SEO and marketing efforts have contributed to an increase in visitors and ranking, plus a decrease in bounce rates from the site. The Pearl Lemon team has been a consistent partner during the project. Their personable, professional approach and expertise make them easy to work with.
Ofir Bashari
CTO, Asteria Diamonds
Competent and flexible, Pearl Lemon delivered successful improvements to the site. Although it's early to gauge metrics, the project points in a promising direction. They'll continue to execute effective SEO in the ongoing effort.
Gev Balyan
Founder, Ucraft
The efforts of Pearl Lemon resulted in an increase of 30% in unique monthly website traffic and grew purchases on the site. Their team was friendly and professional, emphasizing the importance of effective communication both internally and with their client to create a good final product
Aftab Sherwani
Director, Online Vape Retailer

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.

The Pearl Lemon Approach to Advanced Remarketing

Advanced remarketing is just that. It goes beyond the retargeting options offered in your Google Ads account, or your Facebook Ads dashboard and not only maximizes your campaign’s performance there but takes the information you gather from those campaigns and utilises them across other areas of your overall marketing plan. How do we do this? Allow us to explain.

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Advanced Audience Segmentation

The first step in advanced remarketing is to understand how to segment your audiences. Instead of bombarding every visitor with the same ad, you’ll design highly targeted campaigns based on their activities on your site and the interests that these actions confirm.

For example, here are four categories of visitors you might encounter:

  • People that arrive at and then depart your site in a matter of seconds are known as U-turners (without viewing a second page).
  • Visitors that stay on your landing page for a long time before leaving are known as scrollers.
  • We call users who visit many pages on your site and stay for several minutes browsers.
  • People who click on one of your CTAs but do not complete the conversion are folks we call quitters (but not to their face)

Each of these users has a distinct level of purchase intent, so we help you tailor your remarketing ads to them accordingly. When it comes to U-turners, you can either ignore them entirely or bid low on a generic campaign that merely reminds them of the offer in your ad.

Note: If you have a lot of U-turners, you might want to reconsider the relevance of your ad and the effectiveness of your landing page/website.

Scrollers appear to have expressed significant interest in your product or service, whereas Browsers appear to be curious about your brand. People who click on one of your CTAs are serious about one of your offerings, while Quitters are on the verge of making a purchase.

Your adverts for Clickers and Quitters should focus explicitly on the product or service they expressed a strong desire to purchase – possibly with a discount or other inducement to take the plunge. You may need to take a less aggressive approach with your advertising for people who have exhibited less buy intent and focus on broader themes (e.g., ads displaying a variety of items or case studies highlighting what you’ve done for your existing clients). Our advanced remarketing team will help you decide the right courses of action to take.

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We Track Beyond the Landing Page

You can only establish a limited number of simple remarketing audiences based on the actions customers take on your landing page. To get the most out of your remarketing campaign, you’ll need to follow visitors beyond the landing page to see which other pages they visit.

This reveals a lot about a visitor’s preferences, including the product or service category they’re interested in, specific products and services they’re interested in, and the items they almost purchased. When someone has a strong desire for something, you don’t want to bombard them with advertisements featuring your company’s logo. You want to target them with ads that feature the thing they want and make it impossible for them to resist. We’ll show you how.

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We Use RLSA the Right Way

When past visitors return to Google and continue searching, you can target them with conventional search ads using remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA). RLSA ads are standard search ads that only appear for users on your remarketing lists when they use Google Search.

There are two primary tactics that you can employ:

  • To boost the chances of people seeing your ad again,you can  increase your bids on the same advertisements and keywords.
  • Alternatively, you can choose new keywords and create new advertisements to target these consumers as their search progresses.

This helps you to ensure that visitors who return to Google and type your keywords see your ad, as well as use RLSAs to predict what searches people will type in next and target them with different advertising. Similarly, you can predict what your existing customers would look for after purchasing from you and target them with adverts for similar things.

We Use Remarketing Data to Supercharge Your Content Marketing Efforts

Remarketing is also used to boost your content marketing efforts and increase email sign-ups. This method can be started by promoting your blog content on social media, but you can also accomplish it using Google Ads if you choose the correct keywords.

With your blog articles, webinar sessions, free downloads, and whatever else your content marketing strategy entails, you’re essentially targeting consumer needs. Then you’ll construct remarketing lists for these individuals in order to push relevant content that addresses their requirements in greater depth, answers their next queries, or adds even more value.

By doing this, your content marketing efforts are no longer merely generating traffic from visitors who will read one blog and then ignore you. You’ve piqued their interest and are utilizing remarketing to keep in touch with them and develop your business as a resource they want to keep in touch with, and keep an eye on.

Content Structure

Ready to get the most from your PPC ad spend with expert advanced remarketing?

Contact us today and let’s talk about just how we can help your unique business.

Advanced Marketing FAQs

Advanced remarketing is very important and even more so it is critical to do this correctly. You need to be able to capture site visitors that are looking but have not yet purchased items. Pearl Lemon provides advanced remarketing services to help you grab those prospects that need to finish making their purchase.

There is a variety of remarketing strategies out there. The most common strategy is to launch dynamic ads and target individuals. This individual targeting uses items the customer already likes and search trends they have to send custom retargeting ads to them. 

There is standard remarketing ads and dynamic remarketing ads. Standard remarketing ads will target previous site visitors and dynamic remarketing ads allow for more personalization (viewed items and search trends).

Advanced remarketing is a type of retargeting campaign that dives in much deeper than your standard remarketing ad. Advanced remarketing strategies are more dynamic! This means each ad is custom tailored to each and every individual rather than groups.

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