Get Your Podcast SEO Nailed And Rank ASAP With Us Today

Podcasting is a highly valuable business resource used to create content to reinforce your brand. Over 60 million homes in the US are podcast listeners. Our Podcast SEO experts will create an ideal strategy, so you can tap the booming market of podcasting to increase your ranking and brand awareness!

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What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The SEO and marketing efforts have contributed to an increase in visitors and ranking, plus a decrease in bounce rates from the site. The Pearl Lemon team has been a consistent partner during the project. Their personable, professional approach and expertise make them easy to work with.
Ofir Bashari
CTO, Asteria Diamonds
Competent and flexible, Pearl Lemon delivered successful improvements to the site. Although it's early to gauge metrics, the project points in a promising direction. They'll continue to execute effective SEO in the ongoing effort.
Gev Balyan
Founder, Ucraft
Thanks to Pearl Lemon's SEO efforts, the client noted that their rankings returned and a number of their keywords have improved significantly. Their site also changed in terms of loading time and UX following as they follow the team's recommendations. They are responsive, helpful, and honest.
Sam Wilson
Co-Founder, B2B Professional Service Provider
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Run A Podcast? Let's Get You More Listeners!

We will rework your podcast channel and fully optimize your content so that you can:

Watch our Case Study videos

Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.

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Maximise Your Return On Investment With Our Podcast SEO

Podcasts rank among some of the most consumed content on the Internet. They encompass everything a brand wants to share with their target audience and to bring value. You understand this fact and want to take your podcast to the next level.

Our results-driven podcast SEO techniques are guaranteed to deliver ROI. Our processes will deal with:

Website Content

It’s important to have relevant content regularly published on your podcast’s website, to remain engaged with listeners even after the episode’s over.

We’ll work with our writing team to deliver the best content for your site that’s both engaging and of high quality.

Keyword Optimisation

Keywords are the primary means by which podcasts are found, regardless of platform. We will conduct rigorous research into the most optimum keywords that can apply to your podcast, with periodic updates.

Category Placement

Having the best podcast on your chosen platform doesn’t mean much if people can’t even find it. We will place your podcast in the best categories possible to ensure maximum views.

Meta Tags Research

Meta tags are a key component of any successful SEO campaign. We will conduct research into your chosen niche and determine the most optimal keywords for your brand.

Guest Outreach

We will create outreach campaigns tailored to help you land those all-important guests for your podcast. This can also lead to massive link building opportunities.

Some Of Our Clients

Engage More With A Podcast SEO Company

There are roughly over 700,000 different podcasts out there on the 3 main platforms: iTunes, Spotify and Google Podcasts. That is a significant amount of persons that could potentially be listening to your podcast. 

We have extensive experience in growing podcasts on all platforms. With our award-winning processes, we can get you a sizeable piece of that target audience.

Technical Website SEO Optimization
Schema Markup Implementation

Which Platform Should I Host My Podcast On?

Google Podcasts, iTunes and Spotify are currently the world’s biggest sources for podcasts. With that said, there’s a sizeable amount of listeners on each platform, so this can be a matter of preference.

Regardless of your choice of platform, our team remains committed to ensuring that your podcast stands out to be the best that it can be.

Is putting my podcast on Youtube a recommended SEO practice?

Don’t put your podcast on YouTube unless you do this. People go to YouTube to watch videos, and there’s a good chance they’ll get annoyed when they hit play and just get audio and a static image.

Is podcast SEO easy?

The Bottom Line. Certain components of SEO – like content marketing and on-site optimization basics – are easy to learn, and out-of-the-box template sites make it even easier to master some of the basics.

youtube video fix
SEO Help from SEO Agency

Does podcast SEO need coding?

There is no need for coding experience for SEO; all you need to know is about the basic principals of web development. To be an effective SEO game, you have to know how web pages work and to do that; you have to understand HTML. 

What skills are required for podcast SEO?

SEO skills are basically the knowledge of various elements required to carry out SEO for various websites. The various SEO practices are dependent on a thorough knowledge of the concepts and also require the knowledge of various SEO tools to further measure the performance.

What are the best SEO podcast topics?

Few topics that will help in your podcast SEO journey include

  • Simplification / Breaking down complex ideas (Planet Money)
  • Deeper / Diverse Insights (Exchanges at Goldman Sachs)
  • Interviews (How I Built This with Guy Raz)
  • Reality Show (The Pitch)
  • Coaching (AskPat 2.0)
  • Discussion (Jocko Podcast)
  • Thought Leadership (HBR Ideacast)
Meta Keywords in SEO

What is podcast SEO?

If you Google SEO podcast you will find that SEO for podcasts is the practice of taking your podcast and ensuring the title, description, file name and more are all set to be found by users when they search relative terms, but also be friendly for bots to be able to find your podcast and determine what searches will be relevant.

Pearl Lemon is a podcast agency London based businesses, and global businesses, can go to to ensure their podcasts hit position one.

How to build podcast SEO?

To build podcast SEO, you need to implement the best SEO for podcasts. This means that you should bring in a podcast SEO agency to ensure you are on the right platform, have the right title, have a transcript, include metadata and much more. Podcast SEO can be complex, but it is critical to get it right the first time. As a podcast agency, London hosts and international podcast hosts can trust us to ensure the work is done correct the first time.

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Ready To Boost Your Podcast?

Contact our team of Podcast SEO experts today and we’ll get your podcast highly optimised and ranking in 60 days. We’re happy to help you spread your message through podcasting!

Podcast SEO Services FAQs

Podcast SEO is a great opportunity to build an audience through search traffic. Podcasts have turned into a very popular option for content consumption. They are not new as a form of content type, but there is an increasing number of people re-discovering them.

Don’t worry, Pearl Lemon is a podcast agency, London founded, that can help you improve your Podcast SEO.

Taking the time to create a podcast can help increase your organic search rankings since it provides additional SEO juice to your existing marketing campaigns.

Podcasts are good for SEO, they give your brand the extra “oomph” it may need to boost authority. If you Google “SEO Podcasts” you will likely find countless podcasts from industry experts regarding SEO. That is exactly what we want to happen for you when people search your industry.

A few ways to rank your podcast include, asking for ratings and reviews, promoting podcasts on social media, monitor episode performance in Apple Podcasts Connect, encourage listeners to subscribe, create great content, get your show listed in as many directories as possible and many more!

Podcasts can be easily optimized like any blog because they are basically audio blogs. Use target keywords when creating meta titles and meta descriptions. Add text that will encourage your audience to click and listen to a new episode and optimize images as well.

Few podcasts which are a great choice if you are looking for podcast marketing advice include The Science of Social Media, The Social Media Marketing Podcast, Marketing Over Coffee, Perpetual Traffic, Marketing School, Copyblogger FM, and The GaryVee Audio Experience.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!