Get Your SEO Juice Back With Our Google Penalty Removal Services

Is your online presence suffering from a Google penalty? Don’t worry – Pearl Lemon is here to help. With our Google Penalty Recovery Services, we can help you get back on track and recover your website’s search engine rankings.

Our team of experts knows all the ins and outs of Google’s algorithms, and we use that knowledge to analyze your website and identify any penalties or issues that may be affecting your rankings. From there, we’ll develop a customized recovery plan tailored to your specific needs and objectives.

As a leading Google Penalty Removal Agency London,  we can track your progress and ensure that your website is complying with Google’s guidelines every step of the way.

So if you’re ready to reclaim your online presence and get back into the SERPs, contact Pearl Lemon today. Let us help you recover from any Google penalties and get your website back to the top of the search rankings.

As Featured In:

Have You Been Penalized?

Google Penalty Checkers

Our Google Penalty Removal Agency London Will Deliver Real Results

Online marketing is our livelihood; we invest a lot of time and effort to master our craft and to stay updated on the best practices Google is looking for at any given time. This means we know what is on the ever-growing Google Penalties List and what it will take to get a site that has been slapped with a Google Penalty back on the road to recovery fast.

Our expert SEO team will evaluate your site, help you understand why you have been penalized, and give you the insight, knowledge, tools and expert advice you need to recover from a Google Penalty and take your SEO to new heights of excellence that Google will love.

Content Analysis

At Pearl Lemon, we're experts in helping businesses recover from Google penalties and improve their search engine rankings. When you work with us, we'll take a close look at every page of your website to identify areas for improvement.

Using our expertise in SEO, we'll make small but powerful tweaks to your content, focusing on things like keyword usage and page structure. By optimizing your content in this way, we can help you climb the search engine rankings and attract more qualified leads to your website.

Manual Penalty

If you suspect that your website has been hit with a manual penalty from Google, don't panic; Pearl Lemon is here to help. Our team of experts can take a close look at your account to determine whether a penalty has been issued and what steps need to be taken to recover.

Using our comprehensive Google Penalty Services, we can help you recover from any manual penalty and get your website back on track as soon as possible. Whether you need help with link removal, content optimization, or other recovery tactics, we have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the process and achieve real, measurable results.

Algorithmic Penalty

Algorithmic penalties are a type of Google penalty that occurs when a website is deemed to violate Google's Webmaster Guidelines.

Algorithmic penalties can be caused by a variety of factors, including low-quality content, keyword stuffing, unnatural link building, and overuse of duplicate content.

Recovering from an algorithmic penalty requires a comprehensive SEO strategy that addresses the underlying issues and helps the website regain its compliance with Google's guidelines. This may involve a range of tactics, including content optimization, link removal, and technical SEO improvements.

Identifying Bad Backlinks

Backlinks are an essential aspect of SEO, but not all links are created equal. Low-quality backlinks can actually do more harm than good, potentially triggering a Google penalty and harming your search engine rankings.

At Pearl Lemon, our Google Penalty Removal Service includes a comprehensive analysis of your backlink profile to identify any low-quality or spammy links that may be negatively impacting your website. Our team of experts uses advanced tools and techniques to find and fix these links, ensuring that your website is compliant with Google's guidelines and free from any penalties.

Forensic SEO

At Pearl Lemon, we understand that even small disruptions to your website's day-to-day operations can have a big impact on your business. That's why our team of experts takes a targeted, data-driven approach to fixing your search engine rankings.

Using advanced analytics tools, we'll dissect your website's data to identify any issues or areas for improvement. We'll then develop a customized strategy to address these issues and improve your rankings quickly and effectively.

Our approach is designed to minimize disruption to your website and business operations, while still achieving real, measurable results in the search rankings. We believe in working closely with our clients to ensure that they understand every step of the process and are fully informed about the impact of our actions on their website.

SEO Recovery

If your website has been hit with a Google penalty, it's important to act quickly to address the issue and recover your search engine rankings. At Pearl Lemon, our team of Google Penalty Recovery Consultants is here to help.

Using our extensive experience and knowledge of Google's algorithms, we'll develop a customized plan to address any issues and help secure your rankings for the future. This plan may involve a range of tactics, including content optimization, link removal, and technical SEO improvements.

But we won't stop there - we believe in taking a proactive approach to SEO that ensures ongoing success and growth for our clients. That's why we'll work closely with you to identify any areas for improvement in your website and develop a comprehensive strategy for long-term success.

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Google Penalty Recovery

If your website has been hit with a Google penalty, it can be a major blow to your business and reputation. But don’t worry – at Pearl Lemon, our Google Penalty Removal Agency London is here to help you get back on track and regain your online visibility.

Using our expertise and knowledge of Google’s algorithms, we’ll perform a comprehensive analysis of your website to identify any issues that may be holding you back. We’ll then develop a customized plan to correct these issues and restore your website’s compliance with Google’s guidelines.

Our team of experts will take care of all the details, ensuring that your website is fully optimized and compliant with Google’s guidelines. This way, you can focus on what you do best – running your business and serving your customers.

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Top SEO Companies - Clutch

We're Recognised As A Top SEO Company Globally

We are ranked as one of the top SEO agencies on Clutch’s Leaders Matrix, demonstrating our ability to deliver excellent results to our clients. We are incredibly proud to be acknowledged as 1 of 15 global market leaders in SEO out of 11, 932 firms.

Google Penalty SEO Case Studies

We are an SEO agency with 25+ years of SEO experience between us. Here is a video case study that demonstrates our ability to rank our client’s sites on the first page of Google. Check out our other video case studies here.


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Why Should You Hire A Google Penalty Removal Agency London?

At Pearl Lemon, we understand how frustrating it can be to see your website’s search engine rankings suddenly drop or disappear altogether. That’s why our team of expert Google Penalty Checkers is here to help you get your page back on top.

No matter what type of penalty you’re facing, we have the knowledge and experience to help you overcome it and achieve your desired outcome. We’ll research the issue thoroughly and develop a customized plan to correct it, leveraging our proven tactics and strategies to help you climb the search engine rankings and attract more traffic to your website.

But we don’t just focus on short-term fixes – we believe in taking a long-term approach to SEO that ensures ongoing success and growth for our clients. That’s why we’ll work closely with you to identify any areas for improvement in your website and develop a comprehensive strategy for long-term success.

So if you’re looking to regain your online visibility and attract more qualified traffic to your website, contact Pearl Lemon today. Our team of experts is ready to help you overcome any Google penalties and achieve lasting, sustainable success in the search rankings.



What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

Competent and flexible, Pearl Lemon delivered successful improvements to the site. Although it's early to gauge metrics, the project points in a promising direction. They'll continue to execute effective SEO in the ongoing effort.
Gev Balyan
Founder, Ucraft
The project increased conversations with customers and increased understanding of the market. A reliable partner dedicated to their work, Pearl Lemon been notably responsive and helpful throughout the engagement.
Max Newton
Head of Sales, All Services 4 U
Within a month, the client recieved 12-25 new leads, some fo which translated into clients. Pearl Lemon establishes a smooth workflow through effective communication and collaboration. The team is knowledgeable, driven, and decisive.
Robin Luc Oppenheim
Commercial Manager, Insly

Some Of Our Clients

Google Penalty Checker FAQs

We’re a full-service SEO agency based in London – if you have any questions about our Google Penalty Recovery Service – contact us!

Here are a few examples of content that can cause you to receive a penalty:

Spammy or low-quality content, aka Panda penalty – Google expects unique content that adds value somehow. A few examples of low-quality content include scraped content, copied content and sneaky redirects. These practices can degrade the quality of your website, and Google will call you out on them.

Keyword stuffing – When your site receives a penalty for keyword stuffing, it means you’re using a lot of irrelevant keywords. This creates a bunch of “SEO static” that makes your website look unprofessional and spammy.

Garbage links – Garbage links are links on your website that have no recognizable value. Google can hit your site with a backlink penalty for Spammy links. Suck as ones from many link directories, are a good example of garbage links. These links often point to disreputable websites and are used to boost search engine rankings artificially.

Malicious software/code – Placing malicious software or code on your site is a good way to obtain a penalty. In addition to the Webmaster Guidelines, Google also has an Unwanted Software Policy. Google takes security very seriously. Violating the unwanted software policy can land you in serious hot water.

Too many spammy or low-quality backlinks – Here is a prime example of how yesterday’s SEO practices can get you a penalty today. Once upon a time, your website would rank just by getting as many backlinks as possible. However, as Google has evolved its search engine, it only wants to ‘see’ high-quality links relevant to your website. Nowadays, less can be more, and you will get better rankings with fewer links if they are high-quality backlinks.

Paid Links – If Google believes you paid for a link, they will penalize you.

The fact that Google penalties are unique to each site makes it difficult to identify a universal duration for all penalties. There is no consistent formula for recovery. Major brands tend to recover faster because it is easy for them to identify and address errors while rebuilding their rank through clean SEO tactics. Small businesses and mom-and-pop outfits tend to suffer for longer.

You can check for any Google penalties within your Google Search Console. Once you log in to Google Search Console, you will go to security and manual actions and generate a manual actions report. This report will show you if you have any penalties on Google.

Alternatively you can talk to a Google penalty recovery consultant- like us- to see what you need to do and get Google penalty advice to prevent any penalties in the future.

De-indexing is when for whatever reason, a website, webpage, or content of some kind is removed from Google’s Index and will not show in search at all, for any keyphrase, or even, sometimes, for the name of the site. It is the harshest form of censure Google applies.

De-indexing is a manual action, so a message is sent via Google Webmaster Tools to inform the site owner of the action. This can be a very sudden thing, and a site’s traffic can – and is likely to – drop rapidly. It is not the end of the world though – even if it feels like it at the time. A de-indexed site can be restored to the SERPs once the reasons for action have been addressed. These sites can even regain their previous rankings or better with a disciplined, white hat SEO strategy in place.

Google will allow those penalized – either manually or via an algorithmic update like Panda or Penguin a chance to recover, and many sites do. Often the penalty has the effect Google intended it to; force the webmaster to clean up their act and better adhere to the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Unfortunately, in the event of a Google penalty, many webmasters panic and start ‘fixing’ things that aren’t actually broken, often making things worse.  To form a recovery plan, it is important to first diagnose the source of the penalty. This can be a difficult process as there are so many factors to examine and the ‘fixes’ required to recover a site to good standing vary from site to site. But, in the right hands, almost any site can recover and be better than ever before.

Pearl Lemon is a Google penalty recovery agency that can help you improve your SEO and remove penalties.

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