Retargeting for Small Businesses

small business marketing strategy

Relationships are the foundation of any business, and entrepreneurs understand this better than anybody. When a company is first getting started, careful, personal interactions can lead to the acquisition of early customers, partners, and staff. As firms get larger, the most successful ones continue to place a premium on long-term connections.

This emphasis on relationships extends to digital marketing as well. Small business owners may be intimidated by digital marketing, but think of it as an investment in building relationships with the individuals you hope will become your customers. The difference between short-term sales and loyal consumers that generate repeat business and help promote your brand to their friends is how thoughtfully you approach it.

Because 96 percent of your website visitors will not buy anything on their first visit, a good and efficient digital marketing strategy includes strategies to contact them again. Retargeting is one of the most effective methods.

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A Quick Beginners Guide to Retargeting for Small Businesses

You’ve seen retargeting advertisements if you’ve ever visited a website and then had ads from that company come up in your Facebook feed, Instagram feed, or on other websites.

These advertisements can help resurrect abandoned shopping carts or provide personalized discounts and promotions on things you’ve already looked at. Many retargeting partners use sophisticated data analytics and creative optimization to help create highly relevant ads. Relevance is also crucial when it comes to retargeting: Consider the difference between a random commercial and one that has been customized for you: the less obtrusive and more relevant the ad, the more likely you are to be intrigued.

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Relevance refers to where, when, and why you might view an advertisement. If you looked at a linen shirt on a website but didn’t buy it, seeing it on your mobile Facebook stream could serve as a compelling call-to-action at the very least. The ad recognized an item you looked at but didn’t buy, it appeared in a place you frequent, and it provided a helpful reminder about the item.

You can put retargeting for small businesses to work in a way that is profitable and fosters great customer relationships by accounting for your shopper’s intent and behavior in this way.

The Process of Retargeting for Small Businesses

Retargeting is an ad technology that displays digital adverts to those who have expressed an interest in a brand or a product.

How do you determine who is interested in your company and how to contact them? A strong signal of interest is visiting a product page on a website, reading a blog post, clicking on a PPC ad or installing an app. In essence, you’re reconnecting with folks who have already expressed an interest in you. So you are retargeting them.

Retargeting for small businesses is cost-effective as well as efficient. It helps you maximse your ROI on your content marketing efforts, on a PPC spend, and, as the more people are reminded about you the more likely they are to remember you – and what you offer – it helps with small business brand building too.

user-centric CRO model
good marketing plan for small businesses

The Pearl Lemon Retargeting Difference

Small businesses should consider retargeting, but it should not take the place of other digital marketing standard practices. All recommended practices for landing pages, ads, blog articles, product pages (for ecommerce sites), and shopping carts remain applicable. Understanding visitor behavior, as well as analytics and data use, are essential components.

When done correctly, retargeting can help businesses and marketers gain more exposure, increase conversions, and increase sales. It might be a disaster waiting to happen if done poorly.

Is this a double-edged sword? It is, without a doubt.

Retargeting, when done correctly and as part of a larger marketing strategy, can be extremely effective for small businesses. The key is doing it the right way.

The Pearl Lemon team have extensive experience in retargeting and remarketing strategies and campaigns across a huge range of verticals, and we work with businesses of all sizes. Our global team has extensive experience in working with local businesses too, taking the time to understand what they do and where they come from. In a nutshell, we don’t do generic at Pearl Lemon. Every project we undertake is bespoke, and that includes our retargeting for small businesses efforts.

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The campaigns led to an influx of new listings as well as buyer leads. Pearl Lemon responds quickly to inquiries and communicates effectively with the internal team. The team is hard-working, knowledgeable, and easy to work with.
Chris Myers
Co-Owner, DVC Resale Experts
Competent and flexible, Pearl Lemon delivered successful improvements to the site. Although it's early to gauge metrics, the project points in a promising direction. They'll continue to execute effective SEO in the ongoing effort.
Gev Balyan
Founder, Ucraft
The efforts of Pearl Lemon resulted in an increase of 30% in unique monthly website traffic and grew purchases on the site. Their team was friendly and professional, emphasizing the importance of effective communication both internally and with their client to create a good final product
Aftab Sherwani
Director, Online Vape Retailer

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


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We’re a full-service SEO agency operating on a global scale, but maintaining a local mindset. Here’s a look at the answers to some questions we are asked most frequently. Have more questions?- Contact us!

Audiences will vary depending on how you want to reach. You can group audiences by interest, age, location and more. You should conduct some research to decide who you may want to target during your campaign.

Your budget for retargeting should be reflective of the new reach your would like to achieve. A good budget should be at least $2000 to be able to have some longevity with your PPC campaign. You also should factor in the possibility of maybe needing someone to manage social media and more.

You can remarketing your business through a variety of methods. One of the most popular, and ones we offer here at Pearl Lemon, is retargeting through PPC campaigns. You can also revamp your social media accounts and more to help remarket your company.

Ready to discuss how retargeting for small businesses will help your business get bigger, faster?

Contact us today to learn more.

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