What Is The Best Way To Advertise Your Small Business Locally?

Table of Contents

Straight off the bat, I want to say that it is possible to find affordable SEO services for your small business…

However, this is an interesting question!

My honest opinion is that I can’t see how you’ll manage without any ‘online interactions’.

Even if you are running a relatively small business.

It is vital that your small business has an online presence.

Right now, if a potential client or customer can’t find you online, they will think something is up. Maybe you aren’t legit; maybe you are shut down….maybe you are closing. Any of these would be incorrect so you want to be sure that you can be found.

This is because the following are all established elements of the customer journey:

  • Conducting online searches
  • Seeking reviews
  • Watching video demonstrations
  • Following the business’ social media
  • Reading company blogs

Potential clients and prospective customers EXPECT to be able to easily access these sources of information. So, why skip out on possible interaction if your ideal clients are searching for your competitors. You want to be able to scoop up these people and convert them to your business and get that sale.

Furthermore, they’ll want to be able to reach out to you at any time with questions or queries about your offering. Even if you stick to the more traditional forms of marketing such as sending out postcards and flyers, it would still put you at a disadvantage if you’re not active online.

If someone does not want to call via a number on a flyer, they will still attempt to look you up online. And if they come up with nothing, your flyering investment will be a bust.

Implementing a Digital Marketing strategy for your small business can supplement your offline efforts

This is not to say that offline marketing tactics can’t still be a decent SUPPLEMENT to online local business marketing. However, you need to get online. Here’s a bonus, here are 4 benefits your small business will reap from using online marketing:

1: Cheaper

Traditional forms of marketing, such as printing and distributing flyers, can get very costly, not to mention time-consuming. Other forms of traditional marketing…still costly and sometimes more than printing or flyering… are billboards, television commercials, radio advertisements

The average flyer printing service can run you up close to $200 for 2000 flyers…this depends on paper type and other factors… but doing this continually gets costly. 

On top of this cost, most business owners have reported that high quality leads coming from television, radio, and/or print is only about 4%. That is a troublingly low amount of leads to come through based on the cost of that investment.

Trade shows are another traditional method but can vary with booth price, and some come at a hefty cost. Although, next to the above listed traditional methods, trade shows can be more successful in terms of leads and direct sales. Those that go to trade shows find attendees are 34% more likely to purchase directly at the show versus coming to the shop after an advertisement.

Having fully optimised profiles across social media, Google My Business, and most directories is often free to do. Running ads is when you start to build up costs associated with it but are still less than flyers and better targeted.

On Facebook, if you run ads, 1000 impressions cost less than $8. That is like skipping two cups of coffee to be able to run your ads. As a disclaimer here, running ads across numerous platforms for a long period of time does add up as well.

Building up social media profiles costs nothing though. Investing in your SEO will also pay off in the long run as it will help your site and web presence be well established and built to rank for your desired keywords.

2: Highly measurable

3: Cost-effective

4: More relevant

5: You can be extremely specific


Positive feedback from Client for Pearl Lemon
Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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