How Do I Improve The SEO For A News Website?

SEO For A News Website
Table of Contents

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a step-by-step guide that outlined SEO strategies for news websites that actually work?  

Even better…

What if this guide included a real case study demonstrating exactly how to improve SEO for news websites?

Good news! (no pun intended). We’re gonna walk you through how to optimise your news site, and drive a ton of new and returning readers to your news site.

Continuously produce high-quality, actionable content for your news website

[Tweet “You must consistently produce high-quality, actionable content that is relevant to your readers.”]

Let’s break down this statement.

Producing consistent content

Your content won’t rank immediately. It will take some time to build up search authority.

However, when you publish content frequently and consistently make sure that all of your posts are optimised for:

⫸Search engines

⫸Your reader’s experience


Over time you’ll reap the rewards of having more new and returning readers.

Two key benefits of consistently producing content:

1: You’ll increase your number of returning visitors

Think of it this way…

Successful YouTubers with a large following clearly state when their subscribers should expect a new video.

They are specific about the days and times new content will be released.

Take a look at this example from Neil Patel’s YouTube channel.

neil patel's youtube header

Producing high-quality content

[Tweet “Your content must be well thought out, unique and specific to your audience”]

It’s vital that the content for your news website is high-quality.

But what does that actually mean?

High-quality content on news websites will have the following attributes:

⫸Unique: There’s a sea of content out there. If your news articles are just a rehash of the content used on other sites, it will not add value for your readers.

Be sure to add your angle when you cover news stories.

⫸Valuable: What will your readers take away from your news stories?

Bear this in mind for every post that you publish.

For example, if you cover a news story on mental health, you could include links to organisations and sites that help people to get help.

Take a look at this screenshot from the BBC to illustrate this point:

bbc screenshot

⫸Accurate: There’s a lot of fake news out there.

In order to create a brand that is trustworthy and credible, be sure to accurately cover stories and include disclaimers where the opinion of a writer has been stated.

Producing actionable content

bbc uv story

1: Producing content that is relevant to your readers

2: Build Backlinks

3: Work on your Local SEO to improve the SEO of your news website

4: Create & submit sitemaps


5: Create evergreen content

6: Call in the experts!

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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