Generate More Inbound Leads With SEO Content Writing Services

melanie SEO writer

Meet Mel, she’s our very talented Head SEO writer.

Mel crafts results-driven blog posts, articles, white papers and more that are designed to offer value to your readers, and drive traffic to the most important web pages.

If you’re looking for an SEO writing service, Mel and the content team here at Pearl Lemon are here to help!

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Is Your Content Strategy Delivering Results?

Mel has been creating content for 20+ years! Over the years, she has discovered the key to delivering SEO content services that deliver the return on investment clients are looking for. It starts with the development of a robust content strategy and ends with our clients getting more traffic, inbound leads, and sales!

Years Of Experience
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Some Of Our Clients

The Results You Can Expect From Our Content Writing Service

On-Page SEO

Valuable Content. No Fluff. No Filler.

When it comes to optimising SEO content we focus on the 3 following categories: SEO, reader experience and conversion rate. This is what sets us apart from other SEO writing services. Here are some of the things we do to fully optimise your blog posts:

Develop a Keyword strategy

Before creating SEO content, we conduct keyword research. In this stage, we identify the keywords that your target audience uses.

We ensure that your content contains keywords that have search volume and build content that is designed to offer the most value to your readers.

You can rest assured that we NEVER resort to keyword stuffing – it doesn’t work. We pride ourselves on creating high-quality content that delivers.

Enhance Reader Experience

When your readers arrive on your landing page or blog, they won’t stick around for long if they are met by a large ‘wall of text’ or if your page takes too long to load.

In other words, if your content doesn’t look great, your bounce rate will increase.

We implement lots of strategies designed to boost your readers experience regardless of whether they are consuming your content on a desktop or mobile device.

Optimise Content For Search Engines

We’re an SEO agency based in London. SEO is what we do, and we do it really well.Our experts understand the importance of content when it comes to search engine optimisation.

We will apply our expertise to your blog posts so that they stand the best chance of ranking highly on the search engine results pages.

We’ll take care of everything from your title tags to your image optimisation.

Boost Conversion Rates

This is the metric we care most about. We create content with the intention of attracting your potential customers and providing them with the information that they need to make purchasing decisions.We will implement our tried and tested strategies for increasing the number of conversions that come from your blog traffic.

Our content is designed in a way to be highly shareable. We want your audience to share your blog posts on social media to increase the reach of your posts.

From writing engaging meta descriptions that improve your click-through rates to capturing emails from your visitors, we’ll ensure that you get the most from your organic traffic.

Utilise Powerful Tools

Here at Pearl Lemon, our SEO content writers have access to some of the most powerful SEO tools in the industry.

We use these tools to ensure that your content stands the best chance of ranking highly and attracting organic traffic.

We’ll also use our tools to measure the success of your posts to ensure that we are delivering the highest return.

Online Reputation Management

Find Out More About Mel, Your SEO Content Writer!

UK-born Mel now lives in Scranton, Pennsylvania (yes, as seen in The Office). She has two degrees (BA communications and BA journalism) from the University of North Texas and in addition to her SEO content work is a working sports and music journalist. If you’d like Mel to be your SEO content writer – get in touch with us!

What languages do you speak?

English, Spanish, French, German

Do you have any pets?

4 cats, 1 dog, 1 turtle

Do you have any tattoos?

20+. Lots of Sisters of Mercy Lyrics, Gir, No Face, Tribute to WWFC

Star sign?


What would you love to learn in the future?


Where is the future of your industry going?

Growing fast and still growing, content is king online

Favourite food?

Blue cheese

Favourite drink?

Stella Artois

Favourite movie?


Favourite book?

London Fields – Martin Amis

Favourite thing?

Yankee Stadium in October

Favourite animal?


Can you link to any example work that you’ve done for Pearl Lemon?

What makes you the best at what you do?

I work harder than anyone else

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Play baseball, play bass, hunt Pokemon

Have you done any adventurous sports/activities ?

Baseball, basketball, football, sailing

One achievement you’re proud of

92% lifetime free throw percentage

What might I find you doing on a Friday night?

Winter = working; Summer = on the lake

Your Website's Content Is Worth The Investment

Content is king.

Having different types of content created for your website is definitely an important part of your digital marketing strategy. We’ll incorporate a variety of different types of content into your blog posts, including your videos, images, annotated screenshots, podcasts and more.

Find a content specialist that will understand the worth of your site! With rankings it is content vs content so it is important to have a content developer in your corner.

Content Structure
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SEO Content Writer FAQs

Keywords are words and phrases that people type into search engines. When people search for those keywords, websites will come up and the goal is to be on page one for that keyword. Therefore in content writing, the keywords need to be placed in the content in order to get ranked on page one. Sometimes it can be challenging because what we write in google isn’t always grammatically correct like content writing agency uk it is hard to fit phrases like that into a sentence. If you need help you can hire an SEO content writing agency.

SEO Optimized content means that content is written in a way where it is Google friendly. A content writing agency not only writes for their users but also for search engines. Of course, no one will be able to see the content if it is not ranking on google. Therefore it is important to have SEO-optimized content to get your pages ranked and viewed! For more help, you can google content writing agency London”!

If you want users to view your content and writing it is very important to implement SEO. SEO is a series of techniques applied to the website and content with the intent of increasing the rank on search engines. If you are ranking on Google then it increases your chances of people finding your site for relevant search terms. For help with this process, you can google “content writing services London”! 

An SEO content writer is not only responsible for creating content but they are in charge of designing content that includes SEO techniques. The SEO techniques will help the content get ranked on Google and exposed to more viewers. To improve your ranking on google you can Google hire seo content writer” 

SEO content writing starts before the content is written which includes keyword research. Content is written based on the keyword to get that article ranked in Google. Therefore you start with keyword research, write content based on the keyword, and implement more SEO techniques. Hiring an SEO content writer can help you with this process!

SEO copywriting is written content for both Google and users to understand. SEO copywriting content is optimized content with keywords. On the other, writing solely for Google comes off as robotic and not user-friendly because the writer might be at fault for keyword stuffing. Meanwhile,writing just for users isn’t optimize content and doesn’t rank well. SEO copywriting is a blend for both users and Google. For more help visit an SEO content writing company.

An SEO content writing agency includes skilled SEO content writers that know how to produce quality content with SEO techniques. Content writers may write blogs and guest posts but just write based on opinions and research. An SEO content writer writes with intent and awareness of implementing SEO techniques. For example being mindful of keywords, internal linking, creating effective titles, and meta titles.

SEO content writing services are offered by an SEO content writing agency to improve your site ranking. SEO content services can include writing quality blogs, service pages, and guest posts. This differs from regular content writing because SEO techniques are embedded in the content to help with ranking on Google. These services then help with your traffic and domain authority. Hire SEO writers to help improve your content production and results!

High quality written content that informs, engages or educates is what earns your site the crucial backlinks you need, and it’s also what search engines crawl when they arrive at your site.

The days when a static website was sufficient are long gone. In order to be ranked well in the SERPs your site – no matter what niche it’s in – needs to serve both human and bot visitors a constant diet of high quality SEO content.

A good SEO content writer is just that, a writer. Far too many websites are content to offer content that is poorly written, spun, so packed with keywords that it is impossible to read and even stolen from other sites. While that may have got them by a decade ago all it will get them now is a high bounce rate and a low ranking in the SERPs.

Good SEO content incorporates the required keywords, at the proper density, while still offering valuable information. A good SEO content writer knows how to achieve that balance.

Writing blog posts and website pages strictly for the search engines – adding links into every other sentence and overusing keywords -is useless. Your audience wants quality. And so does Google. Please the former and you’ll please the latter as well. And excellent content will do that every time.

An SEO copywriter is someone who can look at a set of keywords, figure out what someone searching for those phrases wants to know, and write it clearly and succinctly and in an engaging fashion.

The basic difference between an SEO content writer (if you are looking for one) and a normal content writer is that the former understands how to create content, without making it spammy, in order to improve your search engine rankings legitimately.

SEO writing is a form of writing that helps websites become more visible to major search engines. A highly visible website with good content appears on the first few pages of results when someone searches for that topic.

The trick to how to write SEO articles is to start with good writing, just like any other type of article. Keep these key points in mind:

  1. Use the keyword phrases to guide what you write: What does someone searching for these phrases want to know?
  2. Write engaging content that’s grammatical, well-organized, and easy to understand.
  3. Use headings to make the text more scannable.
  4. Make sure that keywords sound natural in context.
  5. Always proofread.

The more quality content you have on your website or blog, the greater the probability that people will start linking to your content. And who provides quality content? For that, you need an experienced SEO web content writer.

Although there are many factors that can affect your search engine rankings that have nothing to do with your main and secondary keywords, how you incorporate keywords into your content writing still matters.

A trained web content writer knows how to incorporate your keywords without overusing them.

Creating a sensible balance between creating legible content and incorporating keywords into it is not easy. Keywords are still important, but it is the way they are used that is even more important than the volume.

If you are looking for actual numbers however, we have to disappoint you. The answer is: There is no OPTIMAL KEYWORD DENSITY. Moderately optimised text is going to perform better than repeating keywords too often as it will read far better.

Again, there is no agreement in the SEO world over how often content should be published, and different frequencies suit different businesses. We recommend at least once a month, at a minimum, but usually find that weekly publishing produces better results in terms of both SEO and traffic generation.

One of the things that sets an SEO content writer apart from a traditional scribe is their ability to adapt. Research is an essential part of an SEO copywriter’s job, and they execute it diligently to ensure that their copy sounds authoritative and accurate.

Absolutely. And unlike some other SEO agencies Pearl Lemon is happy to provide SEO content for these industries.

Provided that the SEO content we provide you with has been paid for in full as agreed, you own all rights to it, forever. The transfer of copyright occurs at payment, as the law provides.

Totally. We have provided clients with guest posts, one-off articles, white papers and even complete e-books. Our content writers love to write, and while blogging is very important it is far from the only thing they do.

Research shows that long form content has a greater probability of earning quality backlinks, which contributes a lot to any efforts to improve search rankings.

An SEO whitepaper is a persuasive, authoritative, in-depth report on a specific topic that presents a problem and provides a solution. Not only are they good for SEO but they are an excellent way to generate leads as well.

We love clients with ideas. If you have great blog or article ideas we will always want to hear about them. We can then take your desired topics, add the right keywords and create pieces that represent your brand in the way you’d like.

If there is content on your website that is old, or not quite as good as it should be, our SEO content writers can take it and reshape it into the kind of SERPs boosting content you need.

Good SEO content writing helps define your brand voice and demonstrate your expertise and authority in your field. This is essential for both branding and SEO, as E.A.T – expertise, authority and trust – is increasingly important to Google and you place in the SERPs.

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If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!