11 Proven Methods To Increase Your Website Conversion Rate

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The website’s usability, consumer confidence in your brand, the relevance of the incoming traffic, and several other elements all play a role in conversion rate. Continuously improving your website for more conversions is a no-brainer if you want to ensure you are getting the most for your marketing dollar.

But, you can frequently find yourself in a bind while developing a step-by-step plan that produces useful outcomes. Pearl Lemon presents 11 statistically supported strategies that you may apply to gradually boost your website’s conversion rate and enhance your bottom line as a starting point.

Let’s get into it:

Define Your Site's Goals

Setting website goals for which you want to evaluate conversions and optimise is vital before beginning your conversion rate optimisation journey. These objectives could be any specific activity you want the visitor to take on your website to benefit your company.

Once you’ve established them, you must evaluate visitors’ behaviour towards them. Some of the most popular conversion objectives that you could provide for different web pages are listed below:

  • Page visits
  • Form submits
  • Click on links
  • Clicks on elements
  • Custom conversions

Collect And Analyse Visitor data.

It’s advisable to steer clear of assumptions and estimates regarding CRO and make all decisions based only on data. To better understand your website users and their interests, continuously track and evaluate your website data.

You should use this information to guide your optimisation strategy. The important data points listed below are crucial for understanding your visitors and must be tracked:

  • Data on traffic and traffic sources
  • Details of user behaviour on your landing pages
  • Bounce and abandonment rates for web pages and forms
  • Click-through rates of adverts and marketing campaigns
  • Information on return customers and average order values
  • Net promoter scores (NPS) and customer feedback are crucial components when evaluating the effectiveness of a CSAT tool.

Perform Competitor Analysis

You must know your competitors’ advantages and disadvantages to outperform them in a certain situation. Then, use that knowledge to emphasise your USPs and strengths over your rivals.

Remember that before buying something, individuals investigate their options. They’re going to research your rivals to see how you stack up. By conducting a competition study, you can put yourself in your potential customer’s shoes and compare yourself to your rival. You can concentrate on ensuring that your website and product selection are the greatest they will ever find.

Assess Your Current Conversion Funnel

Ensure you thoroughly understand the typical user path and conversion funnel on your website before attempting to remedy what is faulty. By doing so, you’ll be able to determine where visitors are stalling and leaving and the likely causes of those behaviours.

You can use VWO Insights to monitor conversion rates throughout your funnels and identify points in the user’s journey where they may be losing interest. There will be a natural drop-down at each stage of the funnel because people choose not to go to the next stage for various reasons. Finding remedies to those likely causes can push individuals down the funnel and increase your conversion rate.

Define And Highlight Your Value Proposition

Your value proposition is a brief justification for a user to choose your goods or services over your rivals. So, the first step in persuading visitors to convert is to make it plain to them what makes you unique and why choosing to do business with you is wise. Your conversion rate can greatly improve by presenting and reiterating your value proposition through various site features.

Optimise Layouts Of Your Critical Pages

You need to make a significant modification to your page if, despite repeated efforts, your conversion rates aren’t increasing. To evaluate if your conversions are impacted, try changing its design and layout based on insights from visitor data and best practices.

The foundation of high-converting page design is a set of knowledge and case studies that show how users interact with websites. You can learn more about how users navigate your website using tools like eye tracking, scroll maps, mouse tracking, and click maps. Employ these to make a page that users will want to interact with.

Apply Sales Copy Best Practices

Making your website’s sales text more persuasive is frequently the key to increasing conversion rate. Several case studies have demonstrated that even little changes to your material can impact your conversion rate.

The headline is the most crucial of the numerous components of sales copy that you can and should evaluate. Thus, start by testing your headline and see if you can produce a noticeable boost in your conversion numbers, as David Ogilvy, the founder of the international marketing business Ogilvy famously said.

Build Trust With Reviews And Testimonials

Potential customers won’t convert if they don’t trust you. The easiest way to gain trust is to display client testimonials and reviews to strengthen your reputation. Take, for instance, the VWO homepage. It displays a customer’s success story, photo, the trust badges of review websites, and the logos of well-known international companies using VWO. These components work together to increase visitors’ trust and belief in the brand’s legitimacy.

Make Site Navigation Simple And Seamless

Ensure visitors who have come to your website with a specific purpose can find what they are looking for as easily as possible. To boost your website’s usability and encourage visitors to convert, ensure the navigation is simple and easy to use. You want to make it easy for visitors to understand how to convert right away, whether by purchasing from you or, in some other way, by eliminating all user experience friction.

Also, consider including a search function on your website. Users of the internal site search have a substantially greater conversion rate than non-users. This is so because users of the feature frequently have a significantly higher purchasing intent and are already aware of the goods or services they seek. You don’t want these people to leave your website because they can’t find what they want.

Improve Page Load Time

Potential visitors quickly leave pages that are taking too long to load. Such abrupt abandonments can negatively impact your conversion rates.

According to research, you should aim for page loads that take no more than four seconds. Even within that range, your conversion rates will increase the faster time passes. Speeding up page load times can prevent impatient visitors from leaving your site before it has fully loaded. Using AMPs and removing huge pictures are two faster ways to load your pages.

Test Everything Before Deployment

Testing is one of the most methodical ways to make data-backed improvements to your sites and lower risk. Before deciding whether improvements you make to your pages genuinely improve your conversion rate, you must measure and evaluate their impact.

A/B testing enables you to compare your theories to the original version of a webpage to determine which has the greatest influence on conversions and should be used everywhere. By doing this, you will stop making decisions based on preconceptions and instead rely on your visitors to select the one that speaks to them the most. Create different iterations of your web pages using VWO Testing to find the most effective ones in increasing conversion rates.


By extracting more value from the visitors and users you already have, conversion rate optimisation enables you to reduce customer acquisition expenditures. You can boost revenue per visitor, attract more clients, and expand your business by optimizing your conversion rate.  To achieve these goals, consider working with this website design company in Birmingham that can help you create a website that converts visitors into customers Do you have concerns? Let us know!


What is good conversion optimisation?

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is increasing the percentage of conversions from a website or mobile app. CRO typically involves generating ideas for elements on your site or app that can be improved and validating those hypotheses through A/B and multivariate testing.

Which three actions can improve your conversion rate?

Using negative and specific keywords and Search Terms reports to reach the right customers can improve your conversion rate.

Why are conversion rates important?

Conversion rates are an effective way of comparing and contrasting the performance of multiple advertising channels. As with the example above, conversion rates are particularly important when running mobile user acquisition because they can measure the success of each campaign.

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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