Conversion Rate Optimization: Key To Converting Visitors

Conversion Rate optimization
Table of Contents

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is the answer you are looking to increase sales and get more customers. CRO is a powerful tool for businesses who want to maximise their website’s potential and convert visitors into paying customers. 

This article will discuss when and where to implement a CRO strategy and provide some useful strategies that can help boost your conversion rate.

From optimising your homepage, category pages, product pages, cart page and checkout page – you’ll have all the information you need to ensure your website is optimised for success! 

So read on and discover how you can use CRO to get more conversions today!

CRO: Where Do You Start?

When implementing a CRO strategy, it’s important to identify which pages are in the purchase funnel path (e.g. product pages, category pages, cart page, checkout page) and which are supporting pages (e.g. about us page, FAQ). 

This will help you prioritise your efforts and target high-impact areas first. For example, optimising product pages should be the first step in any CRO strategy, as they will most likely impact conversions immediately.

Once these high-priority areas have been optimised, you can optimise other supporting pages, such as the about us page and FAQ section. Additionally, any changes made should be tracked and monitored to determine their effectiveness in improving conversions.

Let’s get into more detail;


The homepage is key in any conversion rate optimisation (CRO) strategy. It is the first touchpoint many times for first-time visitors to your site and serves as an entry point that guides them further into the purchase funnel.

When properly designed, the homepage can emphasise links to best-selling product pages, category pages, FAQs, testimonials, etc., providing users with more information and helping them make informed decisions.

Optimising your homepage lets you capture more leads and convert more visitors into customers. Additionally, tracking and monitoring any changes made to the homepage can help determine their effectiveness in improving conversions.

Category Pages

Category pages are one of the most important elements of any CRO strategy. They bridge the gap between the homepage and product pages, allowing users to navigate and find what they’re looking for easily. Category pages essentially group product pages with some similarity, making it easier for site visitors to locate items that fit their needs.

When optimising category pages for CRO, conducting user research is essential in helping you discover how your users categorise items. Additionally, testing different page layouts and designs can help determine which ones perform best with your target audience. Lastly, tracking and monitoring any changes to your category pages will help you measure their effectiveness in improving conversions.

Product Pages

Product pages are the backbone of any ecommerce business, and optimising them for conversions is essential. When it comes to CRO, testing different messages, layouts and designs can help you determine what works best for your users.

Additionally, improving user experience is important as it ensures that product descriptions are clear and concise, images are high-quality, and loading times are fast. Leveraging customer reviews can also be beneficial in helping shoppers make an informed decision about a product or service. Lastly, tracking changes to your product page will help you measure its effectiveness in converting visitors into customers.

Cart Page

Cart pages are the final hurdle for customers to complete their purchases, and optimising them for conversions is important. An effective CRO strategy for cart pages should highlight any promotions or discounts that apply to the customer’s order.

Additionally, you can display recommended items along with product images, which can help increase average order value. It’s also important to ensure the checkout process is simple and intuitive so customers don’t become frustrated with too many steps or confusing navigation.

Finally, it’s crucial to ensure that customers feel secure while purchasing by having clear payment methods and strong security protocols in place.

Checkout Page

Checkout pages are the last stop in the customer’s journey, and ensuring this page is optimised for conversions is important. You can start by ensuring customers have easy access to all their payment information, such as billing address and payment method.

Additionally, it’s important to display clear shipping costs upfront so customers know exactly how much they’re paying before they submit their order. You can also encourage visitors to complete the checkout process by showing them progress bars or graphics showing how close they are to submitting their order. Finally, you can add trust signals like security badges or reviews from other customers who have purchased on your site.

When You Should Use Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is a powerful tool for any business looking to maximise its profits and increase customer satisfaction. Businesses can pinpoint areas where visitors may drop off or struggle to complete their purchases by analysing user behaviour.

From there, they can then implement strategies to improve the overall user experience and encourage more customers to convert. Some of the most common CRO strategies include A/B testing different page designs and copy, using targeted landing pages, optimising loading times, and leveraging social proof. Additionally, businesses can use retargeting ads to bring back customers who may have dropped off earlier in the funnel.

Clearly Display Product Reviews.

Product reviews can be incredibly helpful for customers who are on the fence about making a purchase. Seeing a product’s rating and reviews from other users gives them an idea of what to expect and can help sway them in either direction.

That’s why it is important to display product reviews on your website. This can be done by placing the ratings and customer comments near the product description or image so customers won’t have to search for them. Additionally, businesses should strive to include positive and critical reviews so customers get a realistic picture of the product they are looking at.

Provide A Great User Mobile Experience.

Providing a great user mobile experience is essential for any business. Mobile now accounts for more than half of all internet traffic, so it’s important to ensure your website looks good and functions well on mobile devices. This means ensuring your website is optimised for small screens, images look clear, and menus are easy to navigate.

Additionally, businesses should consider adding features such as swipe navigation or a mobile-specific search bar to improve the user experience. Finally, ensure all forms are optimised for mobile so customers can easily fill in their details without switching between keyboards.

Always Label Both Required And Optional Fields In The Checkout Form

When it comes to improving your conversion rate, one of the most important aspects is labelling both required and optional fields in the checkout form.

By ensuring customers know which fields they must fill out and which are optional, businesses can reduce errors and confusion that could lead to order abandonments. Additionally, labelling each field clearly helps customers understand what information needs to be provided upfront, helping guide them through the checkout process quickly and efficiently.

Labels should also be clear and concise so customers can easily identify the information needed for each field. Businesses should also consider providing additional guidance, such as validation messages or tooltips if necessary.


CRO requires an understanding of customer psychology and knowledge about web design best 

practices, such as creating compelling calls-to-action and using visual cues to guide visitors through the conversion funnel. By employing these techniques and strategies we gave you, businesses can increase their website’s conversion rate and make more money from their online efforts.


When to use conversion rate optimisation?

Conversion rates are an effective way of comparing and contrasting the performance of multiple advertising channels. As with the example above, conversion rates are particularly important when running mobile user acquisition because they can measure the success of each campaign.

What is the point of increasing conversion rate?

Visitors to your website can experience this too if there are too many places to look or if there’s a confusing design. When this happens, visitors won’t convert. Therefore, increasing your conversion rate benefits lowering your cost per acquisition.

What is conversion optimisation in digital marketing?

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is the practice of increasing the percentage of users who perform a desired action on a website. Desired actions can include:

  • Purchasing a product.
  • Clicking ‘add to cart’.
  • Signing up for a service.
  • Filling out a form.
  • Clicking on a link.
Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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