Conversion Rate Optimization
For Humans

Pearl Lemon CRO

At Pearl Lemon, we don’t think quick hacks and blindly following ‘industry best practices’ are really what’s needed to increase a website’s conversion rate.

We think the only way to really boost your conversion rates is to take the time to understand your visitors and then give them what they need through a better experience.

We believe that to significantly increase your conversion rate on a long term, sustained basis you need to look past the data to see what’s really happening on your website, identify the problems and opportunities that exist and then make the fixes and new implementations needed to create a smoother, more effective path to conversion.

It might sound simple, but it’s effective, and we have the results to back our theories up to prove why we are the best CRO agency London based and why we can help you!

Conversation Rate Optimisation Agency


If you look in the dictionary, the definition of conversion rate optimisation reads a lot like this “the practice of increasing the percentage of users who perform a desired action on a website. Desired actions can include purchasing a product, signing up for a service, or clicking on a link.” 

These standard practices usually focus solely on numbers, averages, comparisons and set benchmarks. Data like this IS important, but concentrating on it too hard comes with a serious downside  – the more you look at spreadsheets full of numbers, the less you actually think about the genuine people behind them. You forget that you are trying to please people, not balance the books. User experience is important when thinking about higher conversion rates.

Conversation Rate Optimisation
user-centric CRO model

Best Conversion Rate Optimization Services to Convert Searchers Into Buyers

The Pearl Lemon process is built around a far more user-centric model. Our team puts themselves in the shoes – and the minds – of your prospects and focuses on learning who your ideal customer personas are, what they want and how you can best give it to them. 

The final action – the conversion – is important, but a lot has to happen before a user gets to that point, and that’s what we focus on first.

As a conversion rate optimisation agency we try to find the balance between knowledge of the user, the website and numbers.

CRO Agency

Moving past standard conversion rate strategies and using our innovative proprietary techniques Pearl Lemon focuses on understanding what drives, halts, and persuades your users, so your site can be tailored to offer them the best experience possible the thing that will really boost conversions in real life, not just theoretically on paper.

Some Of Our Clients

What DRIVES People To Your Website?

What MAKES THEM LEAVE? What HOOKS Can Be Implemented To Get Them Converted?

When you are working on improving your conversion optimisation rate, not every problem is quantifiable or backed by numbers. And a clear-cut answer might be hard to see. 

Sometimes, just a single bug in your code that is blocking customers from doing something is all that was ever really wrong. Fix that, and your business is saved. But that’s a very rare scenario. 

Usually, when we work with businesses, we find that their website functions perfectly from a technical point of view. But people still aren’t converting. So that is when it’s time to look beyond the cold, hard data and focus on the customers and their experience first. And that’s what we at Pearl Lemon think successful CRO is all about. Pearl Lemon’s conversion rate optimization services can be the that fix your business needs. And our results back our theories up.

CRO agency


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The campaigns led to an influx of new listings as well as buyer leads. Pearl Lemon responds quickly to inquiries and communicates effectively with the internal team. The team is hard-working, knowledgeable, and easy to work with.
Chris Myers
Co-Owner, DVC Resale Experts
Competent and flexible, Pearl Lemon delivered successful improvements to the site. Although it's early to gauge metrics, the project points in a promising direction. They'll continue to execute effective SEO in the ongoing effort.
Gev Balyan
Founder, Ucraft
The efforts of Pearl Lemon resulted in an increase of 30% in unique monthly website traffic and grew purchases on the site. Their team was friendly and professional, emphasizing the importance of effective communication both internally and with their client to create a good final product
Aftab Sherwani
Director, Online Vape Retailer

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.

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What is CRO?

CRO stands for conversion rate optimization. If you combine SEO and CRO, you’ll get the best of both worlds. SEO will help drive traffic to your site, and then CRO will help ensure that traffic converts. As in people click to buy your products.

At Pearl Lemon, we use a heatmap, scroll map, and similar reports to analyze how people engage with your site so we can better optimize each page for conversions.

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What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

In a nutshell, conversion rate optimisation – or conversion rate optimisation if you are in North America – is a system, or set of systems, and strategies that increase the percentage of browsing and returning users who complete a previously defined, desired action on a webpage.

CRO is, however, a broad umbrella term. It encompasses data analytics, A/B testing, marketing psychology and more.

How are conversion rates calculated?

Conversion rates can be calculated by taking the number of successful conversions from your website, whatever that conversion might be, and dividing it by the number of visitors the webpage receives. It’s fairly simple maths, but maths that needs to calculated carefully in order to figure out how conversion rate optimisation can be done best.

What is A/B testing?

You’ll read about some terms and tactics on the Pearl Lemon website and our team if you speak to them will discuss are relatively new and unique to the digital space. A/B testing is not one of them.

A/B testing is an old, tried and tested tactic that has been used in marketing and advertising for decades. The way it’s conducted has changed, but the basic principles behind its use have not.

A/B testing – which is also known as split testing – takes two versions of something – content, media, visual design, email messages, webpage navigation and more – and pits them against one another.

A/B testing can be as extensive as sending two different versions of an email newsletter to a divided but similar subscriber segment, offering two completely different landing pages or as small as changing the placement of a call to action button or the title of a blog post.

A/B testing aims to determine what elements will increase conversions and what elements might decrease them.

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What is Multivariate Testing?

As you might have been able to guess from the name, multivariate testing changes several different things at once, instead of focusing on a single change like A/B testing does. Two completely different versions of a website homepage, for example.

Multivariate testing is often used when a website is cluttered and has too many conflicting elements, and/or if conversion rates are meagre or the website itself is brand new.

What are heat maps?

Heat maps are fairly simple digital visualisations of just what visitors do when they interact with your website, and they are handy CRO tools. They can answer some very important questions quickly and easily. What areas of the site fail to attract any attention? Are there distracting elements that take away from the main call to action? Are users trying to take an action but can’t? A heat map can offer some great answers fast and speed the CRO process considerably.

What is a CRO agency?

CRO agency, or corporate CRO agency, is a team lead by a CRO expert meant to help increase the conversions (signups, sales or subscriptions) for your business. CRO specialists know what they are doing and create bespoke plans to help your individual needs; no cookie cutter plans.

Pearl Lemon is a CRO agency, London founded, that can help your business increase overall conversions to help boost your bottom line.

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digital marketing

What are conversion rate optimization services?

Conversion rate optimisation services , London focused or global, are services designed to increase your sales. A few parts that may be included in your plan from an ecommerce CRO agency may be improving page copy, improving the design of the site and making other changes that make it more tempting to make a purchase.

How does conversion rate optimization work?

CRO services, London or global, work by improving the user experience and value of your site in a visitor’s eyes with the goal of encouraging them to sign up, book a call, or may make a purchase… whatever your site’s goal may be. Pearl Lemon is the premier CRO agency, UK founded, that global companies can trust to increase their conversion rate optimization through a bespoke CRO plan. 

How does CRO benefit SEO?

CRO is conversion rate optimization- this means that there is a goal at increasing conversions, whether this is sales or sign ups. SEO is search engine optimization- this means there is a goal of making your site more friendly for bots to crawl to be found for relevant keywords searched. Pearl Lemon is a CRO agency, London founded, that can help you with BOTH your CRO and SEO. After all, as the best CRO agency we know that these two services often work hand in hand.

Why do we need CRO?


Unless you do not want your company to grow, you need CROPearl Lemon is a conversion rate optimization agency, London founded, that can create a bespoke plan to improve your CRO. We will go through an audit process to see exactly what needs to be done to help boost your conversion rates.

SEO for lawyers
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What is CRO in digital marketing?

CRO in digital marketing is defined as conversion rate optimization. This means the goal of the digital marketing campaign is to increase the amount of sales, signups or whatever your call to action may serve for your business. CRO is a part of most digital marketing plans because it can tie directly to the KPIs associated with traditional success.

What is the benefit of conversion rate?

The benefit of conversion rate is that you will know the ratio of how many site visitors end up completing a sale. Knowing this metric can help you decide what may need to change to improve your business.

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Conversion Rate Optimisation FAQs

The simple answer here is what do you want your visitors to do when they visit your website? What actions are most valuable to your business, or to your current sales campaign? A conversion can be a lot of things. It could be a booking, a sale, a sign up to a newsletter. These are usually called macro conversions. But there are micro conversions you might want to measure too, things like time on site, video plays and downloads. 

If you’re in the business of eCommerce you are probably focusing on the macro conversions.

They are different concepts, so one is not better than the other, but they are used in different situations. If yours is a brand new site, or your conversion rate is meagre, then multivariate testing may be the best way to go. They offer an advantage in that a full website redesign for a newer, less established brand may result in the drastically increased conversions needed faster. With fewer traffic issues, the longer A/B testing process is often more efficient for a more established site.

Most websites have almost countless elements that could, in theory, be A/B tested to increase conversions potentially. But testing every button, every image, every text path is not needed. The best way to determine what to test is to analyse traffic data and determine where the biggest opportunities for change might lie, and then plan to test there.

If you want the textbook definition, opinion actually varies widely and can be anywhere from 4-20%. But a better answer is that a good conversion rate is higher than the one you have now because any business aims to improve continually.

A good conversion rate all depends on what you are measuring and your industry type. For example, if you are doing an email opt in campaign, a rate of 5-15% may be average but 20-25% starts to be able to be more successful. For some apparel niches, a rate of 2-5% is the industry average.

For this reason, it is best to consult a CRO expert in order to see what you may have to do to improve.

CRO offers excellent ROI. There is a trend in digital marketing today to spend lots of time and money, concentrating solely on attracting visitors to a website. But if those visitors arrive, browse for a minute and then leave much of that time, money and effort are wasted.

If you are getting good traffic to your site but you are not meeting your conversion goals more traffic generation is no longer the answer, optimizing your conversion funnel is.

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