Digital Marketing Agency Business Growth Expert

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It is easier said than done to grow a firm. Companies of all sizes encounter hurdles that limit their growth. A firm may have a fantastic product or service but no business growth strategy to enable it to define, express, and communicate its direction.

A growth strategy is not the same as an annual plan and can be tough to establish if you are unfamiliar with what it is, why you need it, and how to create it.

This is especially true in digital marketing. The field and scope of digital marketing is ever changing, and those changes often happen fast. As this is the case, it can seem like creating and sticking to a business growth strategy if you are a digital marketing agency will be pretty much impossible. That’s not the case however, you’ll just need to approach the issue differently. Working with a specifically focused digital marketing agency business growth expert will help you do just that.

Why Is So Much Emphasis Put on Business Growth?

Isn’t it true that every entrepreneur and/or business owner starts and runs a business in order to see it grow? The answer appears to be obvious. However, as many top business coaches will tell you, some business leaders who achieve a certain degree of success are content to remain there. They are comfortable in the market space that their company inhabits and have little desire to change anything.

Any business leader would be foolish to take this approach. Growth is not only vital for a firm; it is absolutely necessary. Operations will stagnate unless they continue to grow. This can lead to lower quality standards for products or services, poor customer service, low employee morale, and a variety of other concerns.

Business growth is critical to the long-term viability of a business, and business growth will also improve your company’s credibility, allowing you to diversify your supplier base and increase stability and revenues.

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All appealing advantages earned from the pursuit of business growth!

A variety of other factors motivate successful business leaders, like those who contribute to Pearl Lemon’s digital marketing agency business growth expert programme, to adopt a “continuous growth” approach. A rising, financially secure company frequently enjoys market domination (meaning less threat from competitors), which gives it increased leverage to negotiate large-scale purchases (for example, new technology) and/or more advantageous lease or rent arrangements.

Effective digital marketing agency business growth also helps to mitigate the potentially harmful consequences of market and national economy volatility. Furthermore, the high profile of a growing company generally attracts the most talented job-seekers and the best clients.

What Special Growth Challenges Do Digital Marketing Agencies Face?

Even if you are sold on the idea that you will have to be proactive in your business growth efforts, and that yes, working with a business growth expert might be beneficial, why choose one who specifically works with digital marketing agencies. Are the business growth challenges you face – or will face – really that different to those any other business faces?

In a word, yes. While some business growth challenges are universal, some of the biggest are rather niche specific, which is why if you are going to invest time and resources to work with a growth expert, if you are in digital marketing you should specifically be looking for a digital marketing agency business growth expert. Here are just some of the reasons why.

Our Digital Marketing Agency Business Growth Expert Can Help You Overcome The Challenges

Every business, including digital marketing agencies, requires long term clients to earn money. They do, however, face particular barriers in acquiring and keeping such clients.

It is difficult to market a digital marketing agency. First, due to tremendous competition, even getting in front of prospects is challenging. Even if you succeed, distinguishing your business in a crowded market is challenging.

For most small and midsized digital marketing businesses, SEO and social media are the key marketing mediums. However, competing against experienced specialists is difficult. PPC is expensive because larger agencies have raised the cost of purchasing clicks. As a result, maintaining visibility is a constant issue.

The competition is intense with so many firms (and individuals) vying for the same keywords. Ranking for important keywords in Google searches is difficult. The majority of terms are prohibitively expensive to get clicks using Google AdWords. To gain visibility and attract visitors, digital marketing agencies must invest significant resources in content generation and link building.

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Once in front of the prospect, the agency must show why they are the best choice. Most digital marketing agencies appear to be pretty much the same to a prospective client, with comparable services and business strategies. Everyone employs the same tools and techniques. Every agency claims to produce the same results – increased traffic and sales. So, how can you distinguish yourself?

The key is to have distinct offerings as well as a distinct business approach. It could imply you’ll need to look at narrowing your niche or repurposing your offerings.

As the digital marketing agency owner, you must identify and capitalise on your core competencies. Maybe you’re an SEO whiz. Perhaps you’ve built a solid portfolio by assisting SaaS companies in acquiring new customers. You should focus on your best qualities. But first of all you’ll need to nail down what those are. A digital marketing agency business growth expert will work with you (not for you) to do that.

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

A successful digital marketing agency cannot be built without the right people at the right price. And competition for the best talent in digital marketing is fierce.

It is difficult to attract the brightest minds in the industry when you are a small fish in a big pond. The best talent is usually already working for other organisations, and convincing them to leave is a tough proposition.

Talent management is not something that many digital marketing agency owners have a lot of experience with. There are ways to find, nurture and retain extraordinary talent but it often involves thinking outside the box and then doing things differently. We’ve learned that at Pearl Lemon, often the hard way. ‘Normal’ does not apply in the world of digital marketing talent management, and you’ll need to find your own way.

But you don’t have to go it completely alone. Working with a Pearl Lemon digital marketing agency business growth expert will give you access to the intel that most others don’t have – how to find, retain and nurture the digital marketing talent you need for your business to thrive and grow without going broke in the attempt to do so. We’ve worked long and hard on this, but are willing to share these ‘secrets’ to help your business grow too.

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Successfully Scaling Your Digital Marketing Agency

Scaling a firm is always difficult, especially in a people-centred field like digital marketing. As a company grows, it faces new obstacles in recruitment, such as guaranteeing continuous service delivery, managing money, and forming a new business development team.

As your digital marketing agency expands, you’ll need to have the necessary processes in place to manage the growth. This means setting up systems for tracking and monitoring sales, finance, service delivery, and human resources. You must also create a culture that brings out the best in your staff and makes them want to stay with you.

Digital marketing is a skill-based service, and there is always the possibility that the individual providing the service will make a mistake or lack the necessary information to provide the best possible service.

To address these issues, Pearl Lemon employs small, nimble teams that serve specialised customer groups. To ensure that work is consistent across teams and clients, our organisation has created and documented processes and templates for everything they do.

Growing Beyond You

Many – indeed most – digital marketing agencies are initially based on the founder’s own brand. Clients come to the firm hoping to receive personalised service from the founder. As such, as your digital marketing agency grows you must be proactive in order to expand beyond the founder’s bandwidth. You are only one person. Scaling your business to better manage day to day activities while still providing the one-on-one individualised touch that your clients want is a huge problem. But it is one that can be overcome.

Communication tools and platforms are also critical to business growth. You’ll require a knowledge management system that documents current information, procedures, and process workflows that employees can refer to, use, and update the information as needed. This allows for information sharing and decreases the possibility of uneven or subpar service delivery.


You must define processes to promote growth in addition to picking the appropriate tools. You can, for example, mandate that all client deliverables be peer-reviewed before being sent to the client. You can implement monthly internal review processes for each account to ensure that team members understand what is expected of them and how to complete their work.

All of this sounds like a lot, we know. And it is. Anyone who says that growing a digital marketing agency is easy, or that there is a one size fits all process for doing so is either very misguided or telling lies.

While we can’t offer to swoop in with a magic wand to fix all your business growth issues in a week, we can offer you the attention, wisdom and guidance of a seasoned, successful  digital marketing agency business growth expert to help you achieve the long term, sustainable

Some Of Our Clients

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works