Marketing Agency Coaching

Usman Jatoi Pro , Deepak Shukla

You know that digital marketing is booming, and you’re now thinking how you might be able to start a digital marketing agency, possibly even from your own home. Maybe you have already laid the foundations for such a business.

If you want to get into this profitable sector, it’s not as difficult as you may believe. It’s actually how the Pearl Lemon Group got started. Right from a basement room in Fulham (and a lot of sessions in nearby coffee shops) and now the flagship company – Pearl Lemon – has been a six figure marketing agency for several years.

Starting a digital business of any kind has never been easier. For example, launching a digital marketing agency fifteen years ago was extremely difficult. It was nearly impossible to do so without a significant initial investment in what was then a primitive digital world.

With the proper tools and expertise, only one or two highly skilled individuals and a small supporting team can now build a totally sustainable digital marketing business from the bottom up! And maybe some help from your friends. Or better still, with the help of our marketing agency coaching team.

What is Marketing Agency Coaching?

Marketing coaches are marketing specialists who use their knowledge and experience to educate founders, CEOs, CMOs, and even marketing staff. Marketing agency coaching aims to equip clients with the capabilities they need to overcome obstacles and continue developing their company successfully and sustainably.

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What is the Difference Between a Marketing Agency Coach and a Marketing Agency Consultant?

A marketing agency consultant (also known as a marketing advisor) might assist you with certain marketing related activities (for example, boosting a stalled ad campaign), but once the project is over, the consultant is no longer involved. And because they normally do the majority of the work themselves, you won’t be able to recreate their results.

A marketing agency coach, on the other hand, will assist you in acquiring skills that you can utilise long after the coaching relationship has ended. Pearl Lemon’s marketing agency coaching teams assist clients in understanding marketing principles, setting general business goals, and developing growth strategies.

The Pearl Lemon Group began with a digital marketing agency – Pearl Lemon itself – but has expanded to include a sales company, a PR company, a property company and even two cafes and a catering company. Along the way we have learned a LOT about growing and sustaining a business in general, not to mention a plethora of new marketing, client acquisition and retention and talent sourcing skills and, via our marketing agency coach program we can share them all with you.

How Our Coaches Will Help

Help You Determine Your USP

Any business needs to have – and understand – its USP.

The digital marketing landscape is immense, owing to the fact that any organisation, no matter how physically located, requires a strong Internet presence to thrive. Even a neighbourhood pizzeria needs a decent web presence in this day and age if it wants to prosper and even be found. This means that, in principle, your client base is vast.

It is hard for us to advise you on which marketing services to sell here. If you choose us as your marketing coaching team we’ll delve deep and help you figure it out. You’ll certainly need skill sets that businesses value if you want to start a digital marketing agency.

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But it’s vital to assess how much value the service will add to a company. In the corporate sector, this is known as the Return On Investment (ROI). The more difficult it is to defend your worth, the more difficult it is to attract and retain clients.

Consider the following example:

  • CRO – I’ll improve the look and functionality of your website so you can generate more revenue.
  • Graphic Designer – I’ll produce eye-catching marketing visuals for you

Who would you work with if you only had a limited marketing budget? The answer, we believe, is very obvious. If the ROI case is made clear to them, they will be more interested in your digital marketing agency and its services. It is crucial that you do this correctly. Again, we don’t know what yours will be, but it’s critical that you do before proceeding. So our coaches will help you figure all this out.

Entrepreneurial Mindset Coaching

If you are still only thinking about starting a digital marketing agency, or are finding the startup process hard, you may need to stop at this point and determine if you really are cut out for the life of an entrepreneur in general.

Sometimes, when folks hear someone is starting their own business, they imagine someone leading this uber cool lifestyle where they work for four hours a day and spend the rest of their time doing what the heck they like. That’s not the way it works, at least not at first. Maybe that’s what the likes of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk do, but they still had to work very hard to get to that point.

Starting any business, and perhaps even especially a digital marketing agency, as it sells services and concepts rather than physical goods, is hard. Really hard. There are lots of failures, they’ll be obstacles, and you’ll need to put in a lot of hours, more than you do if you currently have a conventional job.

The payoff can be massive, in terms of earnings, ‘job satisfaction’ and personal fulfillment, but if you are considering starting a digital agency because you think it will be, you are probably better off sticking to your day job. There are ways to make it easier though. Our marketing agency coaching team has lived through this process and can share exactly what they are.

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Business Growth Coaching

A solid digital marketing agency business growth strategy is more than just a marketing strategy; it is an essential cog in your company’s machine. You’re at the mercy of a fickle consumer base and market swings if you don’t have one. So, how do you intend to expand? How are you going to grow your business?

As many people find out fast, the answer is not as simple as ‘make more money’ or ‘get more clients’. Those are generalised statements that mean very little. And actually coming up with, and then implementing, a real business growth strategy is where a lot of digital marketing agency founders struggle most.

Working with the Pearl Lemon marketing agency coaching team will give you access to people who have been there and done that in the real world, and are basing their guidance on those experiences, not just on business school best practices. We can share with you the strategies we’ve used – and use – to grow our marketing agency successfully and sustainably so you can do the same.

Marketing Agency Sales Coaching

Marketing and sales are not the same thing, and even some of the best marketers struggle to close a sale even after they’ve used their skills to attract those warm leads. If you can’t close a sale, and do so in a way that will accelerate your business’ growth. all of that effort may be wasted.

One of the things that our marketing agency coaching team does better than most is provide actionable, effective sales coaching and sales training. Whether your marketing agency relies on a small in-house team, has been experimenting with outsourced sales teams with less than the desired success or your sales department consists of, well, just you right now, our sales coaching professionals can help.

You might be wondering about the difference between sales coaching and sales training. That’s fair (and smart)

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Sales training and coaching may appear to be the same thing on the surface. They’re like peas in a pod—possibly even cousins! In a nutshell, they’re related.

To differentiate, consider sales training to be the basis upon which everything is built. Your sellers will be unable to sell until they have received the necessary training. In essence, sales training is the actions that a marketing agency does to guarantee that its sellers understand the fundamentals of selling a product, and when it comes to selling marketing services, that’s a special challenge in itself.

Sales coaching is what you get by adding another layer on top of sales training. Sales coaching consists of ongoing activities or sales trainings that are tailored to target specific abilities and promote excellent sales behaviour. It’s the specialist attention anyone trying to sell something as intangible as marketing services really needs. And it is an ongoing process, rather than a one off thing.

These are just some of the ways that the Pearl Lemon marketing agency coaches can help. There are a lot more. In short, if it involves growing a successful marketing agency we can help. Contact us today and we’ll tell you all about it and discuss just how we can help you.

Some Of Our Clients

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works