SEO Agency Coaching

Usman Jatoi Pro , Deepak Shukla

When traversing through unfamiliar or new territory, it is easy to become disoriented, confused and disheartened. This is particularly true of the evercharging world of search engine optimization (SEO).

To support you in your SEO efforts and boost your results, Pearl Lemon will assign you a seasoned SEO coach with a proven track record of long term SEO success across a wide range of verticals.

Our diverse SEO agency coaching experts can offer specialist SEO agency coaching to those who are trying to build a business in the field, one off SEO coaching for a specific site that is a thorn in your side, and even specialize in SEO agency coaching for businesses whose grow in the SEO has stalled (or never really took off in the first place.)

Is SEO Still a Good Business to Be In?

Every year there is chatter all over the Internet – and even off it – that SEO is dead. And every year, IT LIVES! SEO changes constantly, but for as long as people use search engines – even in the unlikely scenario that the search engine of choice is not Google – SEO will be relevant, and crucial, for anyone who needs to get found on the Internet. So yes, SEO is still a good business to be in.

Those who think it’s an easy business to be in, a great way to get rich quick, are in for a big shock though. As our seasoned SEO agency coaching pros will be quick to tell you, GOOD SEO is hard. If you want to build an SEO agency that makes money, your SEO work has to be good.

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What does taking the time to build an SEO agency offer? A six figure return for starters, but there’s even more than that. At a time when the economic landscape is unstable and uncertain (like right now) and businesses are cutting back left, right and centre, the one thing that remains constant is their need to reach their target market. To do so they need SEO, and so ours is an industry that’s one of the more recession proof.

In fact, in hard times, businesses are proving more likely to turn to boutique SEO agencies. Huge marketing firms still charge huge fees, and while you shouldn’t charge peanuts in comparison, if you lean how to offer a more affordable, flexible option you may find – as Pearl Lemon itself is – some surprisingly big players coming to you for help over their often stagnating, expensive marketing firm. So actually, not only is SEO still a good business to be in, there may have never been a better time.

How Our SEO Agency Coaching Experts Can Help

You run an SEO agency. Or want to. You know quite a bit about SEO. You have a few good clients. You are doing OK. So why would you even consider SEO agency coaching?

Because there is a LOT more to building a successful SEO agency than just knowing ‘quite a bit about SEO’. Obviously that’s hugely important, but if you want to make the leap from minnow to big fish in the SEO world, SEO agency coaching is the way to go.

Not sure how we can help? SEO agency coaching from Pearl Lemon can offer all the following (and a lot more)

SEO Sales Coaching

Do you know how to sell your SEO service effectively? You know how to do the basic SEO to draw traffic to your agency website (of course you do) but do you know how to convert those generated leads into paying customers and long term clients? Most of the SEO agencies that fail do so because they don’t.

Sales is not something that many SEO agency owners do well at all. It’s an odd commodity to sell, as there is no physical product to showcase, and many potential clients don’t really understand why they need it (often someone just told them they probably do.)

Our SEO agency coaching team can work with you and your team so that you learn how to effectively sell your SEO services, how to charge the rates you want to charge (instead of the lowball ones many potential clients want to try and get away with) and how to sell services for the long term.

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SEO Agency Staffing Coaching

SEO is complicated, and an SEO agency needs to attract all kinds of talent in order to provide the services they are promising to clients. This is often another area of running an SEO agency that gets complicated and messy fast.

A great deal of SEO work is done remotely and always has been, long before pandemics and economic downturns made remore work a ‘thing’. It’s rarely ever made sense to sit a bunch of people together in an expensive to maintain office when they actually complete their work exclusively online.

Finding the right talent is NOT easy though. One of the hardest parts of growing Pearl Lemon from a one man band based in a Fulham basement to a multi-national six figure SEO agency has been finding, and then retaining, the best talent. It took a long time for us to get it right, and to this day it remains a challenge.

When you work with our SEO agency coaching team you will benefit from everything we have learned – often the hard way – about SEO agency staffing so that you don’t have to make the mistakes, and waste the money, that we did in the early days.

Our SEO coaches will show you how to determine just what talent you need, where to find it, how to determine whether what someone says they can do is actually what they can do and more.

We’ll also show you how to retain the top talent once they are on your team. As digital marketing expands so does the demand for talent. Big corporations are now looking to hire the content creators, technical specialists, and other personnel you need to run your SEO agency right out from under your nose. You’ll need to offer something great to these people, but we can show you just what that is (and it often isn’t just money.)

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SEO Agency Business Growth Coaching

Most SEO agencies experience a plateau at some time in their life cycle, running into certain challenges that prevent or discourage future growth and expansion. Any company is most vulnerable at this stage because failing to expand could spell doom for them, especially if their rivals are doing so successfully.

The following examples, among others, could represent these growth challenges for any SEO agency:

  • Weak management/lack of management
  • Insufficient knowledge of the market
  • Poor customer needs understanding and consideration
  • Financial difficulties
  • “Growth mindset” deficits
  • ill-conceived business planning
  • Mistakes in marketing
  • Failing to meet customer expectations
  • Failure to recruit and/or keep key talent
  • Rapid and unsustainable growth
  • Blunders in business branding

In these circumstances, a committed business growth coaching team can really make a difference. When you hire our SEO agency coaching team, you get them too.

These consultants help SEO businesses increase performance and efficiency and achieve long-term, sustainable growth by identifying chances for internal process improvement as well as growth potential through optimised or new income streams. If you don’t have a plan for business growth, it won’t happen, it’s as simple as that. We’ll help you make a plan, and then show you how to stick to it, even in a field as volatile and changeable as SEO.

These are just a few examples of the things our SEO agency coaching team does to help their clients. Basically if it involves business, and/or SEO, they can help. Our coaches can call on the assistance of any of the extensive, experienced and talented Pearl Lemon staff if they need an assist, which gives you access to a huge pool of knowledge. They may even be able to ‘lend’ you s few of them if your SEO agency is really in a jam.

To really discover just how much SEO agency coaching has to offer, you’ll need to talk to us. Good thing we love to talk. Contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss your needs and challenges, show you how we’ve helped others and what we think our coaches can do for you.

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Some Of Our Clients

As Featured In:

Watch our Case Study videos

Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works