How to Drive Traffic To A New Site

Table of Contents

In this post, we will look at all the different factors using which you can drive traffic to a new site.

Creating Content

Inbound marketing’s core focus is on creating the right content for the right people at your company.

One of the most ideal ways to do this is through blogging.

To create effective content that attracts the right visitors to your site, first create the buyer persona you’re targeting with your content. Once you know the audience well enough, you can create content that will attract them to your site.

But how to write blog posts that draw in the right audience?

Start with these five steps:

  • Target and identify with the buyer persona:
  • Find out in-depth about your target market. Start from job title and go to pain points. For example, in the field service industry, hiring and retaining top talent is a common pain point for business owners. Jobber’s Salary Guides, like the Electrician Salary Guide directly addresses this pain point and would attract those targets to Jobber’s site.
  • Conduct SEO research: Understand what your audience searches for on search engines and provide the best content in return
  • Write a draft: Begin by drafting content that answers the audience’s questions. Use interesting angles so that the post stands out.
  • Publish: Publish the content on your site’s blog. With the help of SEO tools optimize the content
  • Promote: The next crucial step is promoting the blog post on different social media channels as well as email newsletters to attract traffic. The more traffic the post generates the higher will its ranking be

However, content marketing is becoming increasingly more competitive. Businesses will need to churn out more and more quality content. You’ll likely need a dedicated content marketer (or even a team) to help with the content production for your business. Hiring an inhouse team for a new site is expensive and it’s best to work with freelance content marketers. You can hire them on a freelance basis to help you scale and write the content your site needs. Work with content marketer to develop a strategy, content ideas, and content for your website and blog.  

You can set up dedicated Zoom or Google Meet interviews with content marketing freelancers.

Topic Expertise

Ranking higher on Google increases the organic traffic to your site.

You can do this with the help of the pillar topic cluster model of content. Google factors sites that develop topical expertise on the subjects they’re writing about. For instance, look at the blog created by Juris Digital, they have created content which is focused on digital marketing for lawyers. Similarly, find a niche where you can be the topic expert. 

For example, you may need to hire a developer if you want to write posts about how to embed excel into HTML.

To be seen as an expert create a pillar page, which is a long post that broadly covers everything about a topic. Then create cluster content or supporting blog posts that target long-tail keywords. Also, remember to use VDS Servers for better website performance. You can also try a chatbot agency to create a customized chatbot to boost your conversation.

Focus on long-term traffic to show that you covered the topic in depth.

The pillar cluster model of content allows you to organize content on the site on a single topic and search term with the help of internal linking.

This helps search engines crawl the content and categorize most of it so that you start ranking for that search term.

When done right, it helps visitors navigate your site and move through different related pages. This boosts the traffic for all pages.

When Gary started Social Media Examiner in 2009 he knew nothing about social media, except that if he could attract social media experts and get them to share what they know he could grow his following.

He opened these doors with the help of live video broadcasts interviewing experts like Mari Smith. Chris Garrett, Denise Wakeman, and Jason Falls.

Within weeks, Technorati started ranking Social Media Examiner as a top small business blog.

On Copyblogger, Brian Clark got copywriter Roberta Rosenberg to create a series of landing page makeovers that quickly became one of the most accessed sections on the site.

Along with taking Roberta to new heights of personal fame.

Organic Social Media

Organic social media is nothing new. But it’s still something marketers must pay close attention to.

Besides posting content on social media channels you can use Instagram stories with its hello, swipe features. Live video, IGTV or even Facebook messenger.

The key to organic social media is to adopt the features early on.

Facebook for instance launched automated lead generation through its Messenger app that allows you to create an automated chatbot within messenger to link to content offers on the site. This is a specific spot on a feature that lets you send traffic to your site.

It’s important to have a diverse social media strategy that covers platforms like YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.

It costs nothing for someone to scroll past your past, totally ignoring your brand. And if you don’t offer value perhaps that’s what people are going to do.

People like it when brands like and respond to them. It humanizes your business and then people come back for more content.

Before you go to more steps try to do each step fully.

This is something you can leverage for any of your companies.

You can build up your personal brand as well as influence with the help of Twitter.

The best way for people to start noticing you on Twitter is by helping people. Instead of promoting your business, try helping people as best as you can.

If you look at tweets from successful people on Twitter you will see that there’s plenty of advice they push out that’s designed to help people. They rarely mention their own company or what they do. If people respond with questions, they tend to reach out and respond back.

Only some feel compelled to take the advice but the intent of positively helping people counts.

Again these personalities retweet what they like be it from influencers or the average layperson. This way they share the best information out there.

This is why people talk about their product. Be super helpful and that help extends down the line. This strategy seems like forever but here’s a trick to start getting attention right away.

Every day search Twitter to look for people who talk about your competitors. Do they have questions about their products or do they have complaints? Whatever they do, your task is to help them.

One such example is from Niche Site Lady. She is one of the most popular Twitter personalities who you can turn to for advice for building niche sites.

At this stage don’t pitch your company or services. People will be in awe that you’re helping a competitor. And if that’s the service you get think of the service they’ll get when they actually do business with you.

Being helpful gets you goodwill and it causes people to switch away from competitors.

The strategy is to help and help others.

You can do this for any other social media handle like LinkedIn. Do a hashtag search on Twitter and Facebook to find out what competitors are talking about.


Customers are more likely to love and purchase from sites that come recommended by people they know. That’s where you can use influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is especially helpful for driving sales for eCommerce stores.

Influencer marketing is no fad. It’s a budget-friendly option that helps you drive traffic to your site. When influencers postcodes, links reviews or giveaways you’re tapping into their audience and going traffic to your site.

Nike is the world’s leader in athletic wear and sports equipment. In 2017, they made $34 billion in revenue.

They’re not just the world’s leading brands. They are also the top influencer marketing users worldwide.

For their Air Vapormax series shoes, they teamed up with a YouTube channel WHat’s inside. This is run by two people who show what everyday objects are made of. For this campaign, the duo created seven videos that they integrated into the brands’ messaging.

Email List Building

With the help of current readers and customers, you can drive traffic to your site. The best way to do this is through an email list. When you post new content you can promote it to your followers for a quick traffic boost. Content-heavy websites lean on repeat readership for this.

Build an email list or grow your email list to take advantage of this.

Second, publish content that requires visitors to share their email addresses to access the same. Include CTAs for content offers on your site.

Add sign-up forms to your site from your homepage to the about page. If the visitors have had an interesting experience on the site, they may want to sign up for a newsletter.

Gated content needs to be exceptionally well written and full of valuable information that informs the reader of what they get next- a worthy payoff for their email addresses.

A good example is from Klood’s ebook on “The Beginner’s Guide to WordPress.” You gain access only when you sign up.

We sign up for platforms like Medium because these outlets provide us with valuable information that enrich our lives.

To succeed with list building start with content that people care about, provides solutions, and entertains people.

The first step to do that is by getting a clear picture of who we write for. You need to know who wants these solutions.

Do they want a quick fix? Their income and more details.

These questions let you create buyer personas suitable to create targeted content that’s designed for their lifestyles.

Community Engagement

The more brand recognition you have, the more traffic you can drive to your site. One quick way to achieve brand recognition is by being active and engaged within the larger community. You can participate on Linkedin and Facebook group discussions, answer questions on forums like Quora and interact with your followers on social media.

Quality Backlinks

To drive traffic to your site you need to rank better on search engines. You need to start developing authority in your industry. Besides the cluster model, you need to acquire high-quality links. If authority sites link to you that gives you additional credibility.

This credibility means search engines see your site as highly authoritative which you means you will now start ranking for multiple keywords, start generating organic leads for your business, and drive even more traffic.

Comment on other blogs without spamming

Commenting on blogs can be a powerful tactic to get back traffic to your site. When you leave a comment, most places let you put in a name, URL and your comment.

If you leave valuable comments, you will start getting a trickle of traffic from these sites. Only very few people are clicking on your link as you leave a comment. But it’s not that hard to scale things up since most blogs get millions of visitors and you only need a tiny fraction of that traffic.

The key here is to be the first to comment. This makes your comment at the top.

Nothing of this sort will work

Nice post! Keep up the good work!

In fact put in the effort to create something that benefits the readers.

For example a comment on a post for generating backlinks could look like this:

I love the actionable tips you mentioned on generating links to a SaaS site. I find it particularly beneficial considering my long-term game plan is build a few links every month.

I recommend others start by researching competitor backlinks on UberSuggest or Ahrefs first and then find out where competitors are getting all their links from.

By going after these backlinks you can generate links much faster and at a better success rate than most people.

See this is what I meant by writing thoughtful comments.

10 solid comments every day will help you reach 50 to 100 new people. So spend an hour a day for this tactic.

Take advantage of guest bloggers

Here’s another of my favorite picks.

Recently two sites came to my attention that grew solely on the back of great guest blogging. The first is ranktracker and the second is

The strategy is simple.

Look for someone who is willing:

  • Be a long-term contributor
  • Has 1 year of working experience as a writer
  • Has a good level of knowledge of digital marketing
  • Is willing to research and learn more about marketing
  • Has great grammar and spelling skills as well as proficiency in English
  • Likes working with deadlines and structure
  • Has a social following and doesn’t mind promoting the content you are writing as it will be published under your name

This way they scaled up traffic to millions of visitors by publishing 5 high-quality pieces every week.

They also promoted their content on social media profiles.

Once you scale that up you will see people wanting to write for you free.

This is true for any blog that becomes more and more popular.

The more writers who write for you, the more people will find out about your company..


What do you think of the traffic acquisition strategies discussed here? Let us know in the comments below.

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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