Improve Your Client Engagements Online With Our SEO For CBD Sites Today

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One way or another, people might have the wrong idea about CBD sites that can be found online.

However, we know that not all CBD sites are for the dark side.

Cannabidiol is a prescription form used for various ailments, including seizure disorder or epilepsy.

It’s a medicinal drug that helps patients ease their stress to rest from their illnesses.

But not all people know about that, do they?

To inform them about what you genuinely offer, its’ time to use SEO or search engine optimisation.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we have the best SEO strategies and experts that can help reshape your site and the way other people perceive it so that you can have more engagements coming.

So what are you waiting for? Book a call now.

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Our SEO For CBD Sites

Now that you know that SEO can help you immensely, here are our SEO solutions that will surely get your small business trending online:

Site Design & Optimisation

Site design is about how your website looks, navigations, features, and backlinks work. Your website must give your customers the best services and not headaches. Our experts can do the work of both revamping and optimising your website so that search engines will have an easy time crawling on your site.

Market and Keyword Research

To be on page 1 of search results, you need relevant keywords, and you need to know what your target market is reeling to get their hands on. Our experts can do the challenging work of researching which high-quality keywords and online trends can generate more customers for you.

High-Quality Backlinks

No man is an island, and that also goes for your business. The more sites that refer to your business website, the more credibility you'll gain online. If other sites refer to your site whenever there is related information, that imposes the concept of trust– and therefore, other people online will trust you as well. Pearl Lemon will get the best backlinks there is to get for your business.

Relevant Credible Content

To quickly get the attention of your target market, we would need to create, publish, and market content that would give them information on what's going on in the city. Lucky for you, we're not just SEO experts but also content creators and digital marketers. We will provide you with the content that search engines would definitely want to crawl and index. If you have your content, we can give you advice on it.

Local SEO

Before becoming an international enterprise, you need to be known in your local area first. Your business will need a local SEO plan to guarantee your brand visibility among the residents. Lucky for you, Pearl Lemon can help your business increase its presence and become the best in your league by implementing strategies that are a sure win for you.

Google Maps Optimisation

What if people want to visit your business? Where do they find you? We will make your business stand out in your local market with Google Maps Optimisation. Since Google knows when a specific search has local intent– our team will use this knowledge to make your business top the local searches.

If you happen to be looking for services not mentioned above, you can always talk to us HERE.

Watch our Case Study videos

Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works

We Have Worked With:

The Helpful Tools We Use

We enhance our in-depth SEO expertise with information and analytics gathered by using several superb SEO tools. However, SEO tools are only tools; What matters is how we utilise them, which sets Pearl Lemon apart. Here are some tools we use to make you experience the best SEO service:

SE Ranking

We can see real-time updates on how your keywords rank on the internet through SE Ranking. Understanding where a site is ranking for a given keyword or key phrase at all times is a must, and we use SE Ranking to give us a 24/7 360 degrees picture of all that and more.


As SEO experts, we need to have that one app that can cover the other apps’ weaknesses. We use Moz to help us find onsite SEO errors that other less comprehensive tools might have missed. The platform also uses a specific and very comprehensive local market ranking tool. It helps us get a clearer picture of how the local SEO campaigns we conduct for some clients are performing.

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We use Nightwatch as an extra data point and a tool to help clients, who are new to SEO, understand where they stand in terms of keyword rankings because the reports that the interface generates are easy to read.


Because YouTube is the second most popular search engine on the planet, we must optimise our YouTube marketing efforts. That marketing includes ensuring that each video uploaded is SEO-friendly to make it enjoyable on YouTube. TubeBuddy is a complete tool that assists us in doing so more speedily and effectively.

We work with many tools, and we just gave you a glimpse of which ones we work with. If you’re interested to know more about us– you can always look for more information HERE.

Expand Your Business Reach

When you have more engagements, you also expand your business reach, don’t you agree?

When you top the results page, more people will be informed, educated, and interested in the product.

SEO helps you with these things and improves how many perceive you by being credible and reliable. With an educational source of information online, you’re increasing the chance of society accepting your site as a CBD producer.

So what are you waiting for? Book a call now.


In a world ruled by the internet, users now search for CBD producers or shops online. Individuals can put “CBD producers near me” into the search box and select the first result. You’re losing many leads if you’re not ranking for a term with a massive monthly search volume. You wouldn’t want so many leads to pass up as a business?

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to yours. It helps in ranking your site at the top of search results. This method acts as a vote of trust from one website to another. Your credibility online increases when other people refer to your site for specific topics, and search engines read that.

Internal, external, and outbound links are three links that are crucial for your site. You must have internal links so that users that see your site will be able to view more services from your website. An external link is a form of referral that comes from another website. These links are counted by search engines as third-party votes, indicating that your site is an authority on your topic and worthy of being referenced. Lastly, connecting to another website from your own is known as outbound linking. With this method, you are assisting search engines in determining the credibility of your website by connecting to other reputable sites.

You often hear that search engines crawl and index your site. But what does that mean? Think of it this way; engines cannot index it if they don’t crawl your site. Search engines send out their ‘spiders’ to crawl your site and pages. By crawling, engines analyse and review your site’s authority, credibility, and authenticity. After crawling successfully, they can now index your site. They will add your site to their list of results and rank it based on their analysis by indexing.

Our services vary on a case-to-case basis. Pearl Lemon understands the unique needs of each client that we have. That is why we do not offer a singular plan to everyone– our experts will customise every plan for each client we will be working with. Talk to our team of experts to learn more about our rates.