What Do You Do For The First 120 Days On Our Project? ?


Setting Up To Attack ⚔️

  • Initial keyword research documentation – analyze site and competitor backlinks using Google Webmasters, SEMRush tool and MOZ
  • Understand site architecture, page level keyword targeting and devise SEO roadmap over the next 12 months to build page-level SEO documentation
  • Detailed competitor analysis to run an SEO SWOT for your website to use as a reference point moving forward
  • Team meet, understand roadmap for other elements of biz and advise upon it’s SEO implications – e.g PR/Social/etc
  • Revise and adjust plan built based upon an understanding of points 1-3

DAY 14 – 60 

Plan of Attack  ?

  • On Page Optimization and Profile Building
  • Content Gap Analysis – We look at your website content and identify opportunities for improvement by adding optimized content
  • Conversion Rate Optimization Analysis – Examine Google Analytics to understand traffic sources, mediums, bounce rates and identify opportunities for quick wins
  • Conversion Tracking – Identify key buttons and forms on the site and setup conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of SEO at driving conversions
  • Meta Data Overhaul – Write up metadata changes and implement them across the site to include titles, tags, and page by page level meta descriptions
  • Technical SEO Optimization – Optimise tags,  image alt tags, content optimization, sitemap and fine tune other details. – Internal linking structure, Responsive/Mobile friendly website, Image optimization, Sitemap.xml & Robots.txt, 301 redirection links, broken links etc.
  • Business Listings Setup – To get initial good backlinks you need to be on Google Maps, FourSquare, Yelp, Yell, Scoot or other relevant sites  for your industry
  • Branded Social Network Setup – we over the first 45-90 days will create over 50 social profiles on sites such as Tumblr, Diggit, Blogspot, Gravatar, About.me and more to create a powerful branded network and interlink them for added SEO benefit
  • Design A Keyword Rich Content Calendar – according to keywords and related products

DAY 60 – 90 

  • The proposed 2nd and 3rd-month activities are expand based upon month  but we will be focusing on off-page activities more heavily than on-page activities.
  • The main difference is the amount of time needed to be spent on the activities.
  • Official Site Blog Content Upgrade Exploration
  • Standard Link building for the site while we are taking care of
    • Anchor text distribution
    • Dofollow / NoFollow link ratio
    • Branded / Nonbranded links
    • Links from various mediums like image, text, video and many more
  • Profile creation – ( cont. from 2nd month)
  • Content Asset creation for link building
  • We will also be fine tuning your on page and site content as well as blog content, adding more activities where necessary.

DAY 90 – 180 ??

This is where will we determine what is the best course of action based upon the results of the initial 3-months and then adapt and iterate (Eric Ries Lean Startup Style) to get the best results we can.This is where we also begin to consider things such as:

  • Your overall marketing strategy
  • Building whitepapers
  • Link reclamation
  • Broken linkbuilding
  • What you are doing socially and much much more

What is the value of profile creation?

There are a number of very good reasons why online business profile creation is not only a good idea but these days it’s a must. Here are some of the most important:

Spread the word  ?– Profile creation allows you to promote your business and your brand across a variety of social networks and Web 2.0 properties in order to gain visibility with both new audiences and search engine crawlers.

Establish a Consistent Brand Image – A good quality, SEO optimised business profile can be used across a large – and growing – number of platforms, giving you access to a wider audience without compromising your brand image.

Better Engage with Your Customers – Sparking a genuine conversation from your page on Facebook, business profile on Twitter or even review platforms like Yelp! is far more natural a way to interact with your target audience than a traditional advertising campaign.

Potential Link Boosts – Some Web 2.0 sites do allow you to create links – both follow and no-follow that will help boost overall SEO. Even social links – which are not indexable by search engines on sites like Facebook – are believed to be helpful as Google has indicated that positive ‘social signals’ are a part of their ranking algorithm.

What is the value of local citations?

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Local citations play a big role in securing a higher ranking for your website on search engine ranking pages. In fact, evaluation of citations has long been an acknowledged part of the Google ranking algorithm. And they are especially important for local businesses.

SEO Experts believe that local citations could account for as much as 25% in ranking value for a locally based business. So, naturally, the more the number of citations, the more influence to increase your rankings on search engines.  The key however is having a consistent NAP – Name, Address, Phone Number – that it always matches.

General Visibility ?

Citations increase the overall visibility of your business on the internet. This increases the chances of your target audience finding your business more frequently when they search for the kinds of products or services your business offers.


In order to make the most of citations, you need to get your business listed in reputable relevant national and local directories. The more you can do this the more that it builds trust and credibility for your brand, which in turn provides a big boost to your branding efforts.

A Competitive Edge

Citations give you a definite competitive edge in any industry. Businesses that have a good number of quality citations are likely to attract more customers because more and more people these days rely on the Internet to find information about businesses of all kinds.

For more information: https://whitespark.ca/blog/what-is-a-local-citation-for-local-seo/

What is the value of web 2.0 submissions?

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Web 2.0 refers the evolution of the Internet from an entity mainly populated with static pages to one that offers a more interactive and dynamic web experience. Web 2.0 is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online via social media channels, blogging, forums and Web-based communities.

Web 2.0 submissions are useful for a number of reasons:

Link Building –  While a link is not available through all Web 2.0 channels some do offer that capability – WordPress blog comments, Quora answers etc. – which is obviously an SEO plus. Whether the link is a follow or a no follow each high quality link is still a small indicator of quality in the eyes of search bots.

E.A.T Score  – According to experts the Google Medic update of 2017, which affected a great many sites, was all about meeting their E.A.T guidelines (Google’s Danny Sullivan almost confirmed as much via a Tweet) E.A.T stands for expertise authority and trust, and Google look outside a website to find that.

Ones of the best ways to increase your E.A.T score is via submissions to social media sites, niche forums and other related publications. Reviews, which are also counted as Web 2.0 submissions are also an important element of an E.A.T score.

Branding- Web 2.0 submissions offer even more valuable branding opportunities, as they give you a better chance of getting your company’s name, branding imagery (logos etc.) and even key personnel noticed by a wider audience.

For more information: https://seo-hacker.com/web-20-link-building-branding/

What is the value of social bookmarking?

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When approached carefully, avoiding low quality sites – social bookmarking can offer the following benefits:

Links – Some social bookmarking sites can garner you site links. The quality of the link is important, of course, as is whether or not the link is followed or no followed.

Traffic. Posting in, for example, a popular sub on Reddit can get you a lot of clicks and a lot of new eyes paying attention to your company/webpage/offering.

Potentially Faster Content Indexation- You want Google to find any new content you publish and index it as quickly as possible, so submitting it to a social bookmarking site can be useful. If Google keeps a close eye on the site – like they do with Reddit – it can mean they find your site almost immediately. ??

The Potential to Go Viral – Compelling content on a good social bookmarking site has the potential to go viral. Going viral means more traffic, more shares, and a lot of links from people who pick up your content to post it on their own or link to it from their own sites.

For more information: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/social-sharing-sites/261563/

What is the value of a PR release? 

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Our team are experts at search engine optimized content. We make sure your content is engineered for BOTH humans and crawlers. ?

Google News alone sends over 6 BILLION clicks per month to businesses and websites just like yours. Let our team craft and distribute a PR that earns you the visibility and brand awareness you deserve.

With all that traffic up for grabs, you can’t afford not to take advantage of it. Further, being published on TRUSTED news sources like Google News will help your brand gain credibility, increasing conversion rates and sales

Our distribution plans include publication and/or submission to over 450+ national and local media news outlets, including major media like: ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS, The Associated Press, and more… ?

For more information: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/press-releases-seo/210048/

What is the value of web pinging?

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For new blogs, it can help you get started and get some attention from all the automated sites and crawlers that travel around the internet allowing your new site to get indexed faster.

If you have a site that changes frequently then pinging search engines with your sitemaps is important. It is in your, and Google’s, best interest that they have the newest and most up-to-date content in their index, available to serve in search results. Examples of this would be marketplace sites where new products or services are being listed all the time, currency exchange listing sites where pages are continuously updating, or news publishers where freshness is critical.

To ensure that Google and other search engines know when your site has new content pinging them with your recently-updated sitemap is a must.

For more information: https://trafficgenerationcafe.com/wordpress-ping-list-2012/

How pinging works

It is actually very simple. If you have ever used a web browser you will probably understand.

  1. You send an HTTP GET request to a specified “ping” URL on a search engine’s server with your sitemap’s URL appended to it.
  2. When the search engine receives the request, they, in turn, send an HTTP GET request to the sitemap URL that you submitted.
  3. If your sitemap returns a 200 “OK” response, with a valid sitemap, the search engine will scan the URL’s on the sitemap and reconcile them against the URLs that they have previously discovered.
  4. The search engine may decide to crawl some, all, or none of the of URL’s listed in the sitemap.

What is the value of Quora answers? ?‍?

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Quora is often overlooked as an SEO tool but there are number of ways that Quora can be helpful for SEO.

Links: All Quora backlinks are no follow. But nofollow backlinks offer plenty of benefits for your website, especially when coming from such a popular website as Quora. These links can be a way to gain new traffic to your site if your Quora answer offers the reader a compelling reason to click on them.

Authority: People go to Quora looking for answers with depth, substance and authority. But they go there looking for answers on thousands of different subjects, so there are almost certainly going to be lots of questions that you can answer authoritatively, helping to position yourself – and your business – as an expert in your field.

Branding: Those who offer consistent, good answers on Quora become very visible on the platform, Quora ‘stars’ in a way. This can be a huge plus in terms of brand building.

For more information: https://blog.monitorbacklinks.com/seo/quora-backlinks/

What is the value of guest posts?

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  • By  publishing a useful article, a brand can position themselves as an expert in their field an/or a reliable source of useful information.
  • Build Consumer Trust – People just don’t really trust traditional ads anymore. Or they block them out altogether with an ad blocker. Sponsored content is a real article and so more people are likely to engage with it as good sponsored articles are helpful and informative and research has shown people will read them and trust them, even though they know it’s technically an ad. ?

What is the value of pdf submissions?

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PDFs are easy to create and can offer some excellent SEO Benefits:

Links – Some of the better known document submission sites can serve as sources of some good links – both follow and no-follow

Build Authority – Many of the document submission sites you can submit PDFs to are considered ‘authority’ sources of information by both web users and search engines.

Create Link Diversity – By adding PDFs and document submission sites into your link building efforts you will be gaining more of the link diversity that Google is looking for.

Traffic – A good, informative or engaging PDF can be a great way to gain extra traffic to your site. ?

For more information: https://www.thewebhospitality.com/pdf-ppt-doc-submission-sites/

What is the value of classified ads? 

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Classified ads are another lesser known way to boost SEO in a less direct, but still effective manner. Here are some reasons why:

Budget friendly – Classified ads at reputable sites like Craigslist and Gumtree are often free, or offered at a very nominal cost.

Traffic – If you ad is interesting to readers, they will click the link to your site. ?

Reach new audiences – Classified ad sites offer the chance to interact and gain visibility with new audiences

For more information: https://bloggerspassion.com/classified-ads-seo/

What is the value of blog comments?

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Good blog comments that add to the discussion are still great for SEO. ‘Nice post’ won’t cut it, but a well thought out comment can offer a number of benefits. Provided that the comments are good blog commenting can:

Increase links: How backlink attempts form within comments are treated is up to the individual blogger. Some do still allow follow links, others, usually after being spammed too much, may only offer no follow. But those still have value as if they are of value to a reader they will still click through.

Brand Awareness: if you add valuable comments to blogs and do so regularly these will help increase brand awareness among the blog’s readership who are very likely not yet a part of your regular audience.

Authority: Well thought out, informative comments on high quality blog posts build authority, with readers, the author themselves and even with search bots.

For more information: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/link-building-guide/blog-comments/

What is the value of forum submissions?

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People who submit to forums are often people who are particularly passionate about a subject. If your form comments add to the discussion and provide useful information they can be very valuable in terms of brand building and authority. Links are also sometimes still available, many of them no-follow but still a potential source of new and increased traffic.

What is the value of video submissions? ?

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  • Increases Your Brand Awareness
  • Inbound Links
  • Increased Page Rankings as many sites have good PA/DA
  • You can easily create a backlink in your videos submission with the help of video submission websites.https://www.quora.com/Why-is-image-and-video-submission-important-in-SEO

What is the value of a syndication network?

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Content syndication networks are not, as some people may have heard, a bad, black hat SEO tactic. Good content syndication networks offer a way to promote your content to new audiences in a way that search engines are fine with, because they practice what is known as canonical linking. The rel= canonical tag is an HTML tag that essentially tells search engine bots that one URL is equivalent to another URL where search results are concerned. This means content can be syndicated across a number of platforms without diluting the value of the original source.

When used in this way submitting your content to content syndication networks can be very helpful and offer the following benefits.

Increased traffic – There will always be a link back to your content somewhere, that interested parties can click on.

New Audiences – It costs a great deal of money to advertise on hugely popular websites. However many of these sites now make use of content syndication themselves and so as huge sites like the Daily Mirror, the New York Times, Forbes and other media powerhouses are doing so it’s a great way to potentially reach a very large new audience.

Create Buzz – If a great piece of content is syndicated across a number of sites and it is engaging enough it has the potential to go viral, something that is very hard to achieve from your own website alone. ?

For more information: https://matchboxdesigngroup.com/blog/a-beginners-guide-to-building-your-blog-audience/

What Is The Value Of Brand Mention Outreach

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As you generate PR activity and people mention your brand everywhere online – there’ll be many mentions made that don’t link back to your content.

We’ll set up monitoring and conduct manual outreach to ensure that some of these mentions turn into backlinks to your site. This is an excellent way to generate SEO value from PR you’re doing or any other mention of your brand (as well as from a reputation management perspective.

For more information: https://searchengineland.com/use-brand-mentions-seo-linkless-future-link-building-290344

These links aren’t niche related?

Search engines like to see what they call a ‘diverse link profile’. Some of the links sourced therefore may not be directly related to your niche and sourced for their high basic link value instead. However, we create a balanced link profile and will always seek out high quality sources of niche and closely related links as well.

How do you source these links?

We manually look for the sites and prepare the lists, sometimes we go through the various forums and groups and get the relevant sites.

How do you decide how many links to build?

There is no set ‘ideal’ number of links that ‘need’ to be built as a part of a link building campaign. We look at the number, and quality of links a site already has, what forms of linking would be most beneficial for each unique client business and how they can best be achieved naturally. We also practice link building in sensible moderation in terms of timing. Gaining too many links in a very short space of time is a red flag for bad practices to Google and other search engines.

How do you monitor these links in case they break/expire? 

Making use of industry best tools like ahref and SEMRush we monitor links on a regular basis and offer reporting on gained/lost links to every client. ??

What about Yelp/Yell/GMB etc?

If these sites are suitable for your business – not all businesses belong on them – they will be included in our link building efforts.

Why don’t we just get guest posts?

As we have mentioned Google, while a company that offers paid ads itself, expects high authority sites to have a good organic SEO profile, and that cannot be achieved via paid links and submissions alone. Paid content can be a great way to get a quick boost – during the ‘peak’ of your sales season perhaps – but for long term success you also need great organic SEO and links are a huge part of that.

Are clients meant to read this?

These articles are not designed to be read or viewed by potential clients to your website. The goal around the backlink strategy is to increase the authority on the keywords, so that your website shows up in the search engines for those keywords, and NOT the articles (which is true of all healthy link building).

What do clients read then?

Industry travel blogs and big news sites which you can pay $200-500+ per link from but often end up being no-follow and risky to do 😛

Is your approach the best?

Well – we’ve been following this strategy for years and we have never been penalized by Google or had any of our work removed by Google.

We are always keeping up with Google’s algorithm changes and SEO policies. We do not take part in black hat SEO tactics and we do not send spam to your website. Not only would this do you a disservice, it would also put our own business at risk and that is not something we intend to do.

We have a high success rate with our clients and getting rankings and organic traffic in the search engines and have won awards for it. ?

What assurances can you give me as to the above?

All of our work is tested consistently and thoroughly in Google to ensure that our work has a positive and safe impact in the search engines

And also – stick with us for several months and the results will speak for themselves.

What is the link building strategy overall?

The goal around the back-link strategy is to increase your Google rankings for the keywords agreed at the start of the campaign. It is not a direct traffic acquisition method, therefore the content is not always designed to be 100% about your product.

Why not just build guest posts?

It’s not diversified and feasible to use this as a strategy to get to page 1.

Do you use PBNs?

No. While PBNs remain a favourite of greyhat SEOs, that is not what we are. PBNs are expensive, risky and ultimately not effective. Our work is built on genuine link building and on the creation and distribution of valuable SEO content that’s better than industry standards.

How does your linkbuilding work?

Just how we build links depends upon the stage your company is currently at in its lifecycle and just what SEO has been attempted/implemented in the past. The process itself actually changes from month to month too, as we adjust our strategies according to current  SEO practices. If you’d like a walk through as to how it might apply to you Deepak does a great one here: https://youtu.be/7XUgErTJshs , or we can arrange a discovery meeting to go over it if you’d prefer.

Can you show me some case studies?

Sure, we love to showcase our work and just how we achieve our results. You can watch a number of video case studies right here. https://pearllemon.com/video-case-studies/

Do you offer a guarantee?

Are we one of those fly by night SEO agencies that will promise you a number one Google ranking for all your keywords in a month? Absolutely not. No one could reasonably guarantee that. What we do guarantee is that working with us will increase your position in organic search results significantly and that none of the work we do goes against the Quality Guidelines of any major search engine, especially Google.

Getting rankings and traffic is great but how do I know it’ll be my target market?

We put in extensive research time before SEO outreach work begins to ensure we understand just who makes up your target market. Once the project is underway we constantly monitor the data about just who is being reached via Google Analytics and several other respected tracking tools to ensure that those are indeed the people being successfully reached. ?

The reporting provided by these tools is extensive and it will be shared with you as a part of our own reports.

Do you do technical SEO?

To be honest, any SEO agency worth its salt has to be able to, as onsite, technical SEO is every bit as important as offsite SEO, and you can’t have one without the other. We make use of both our own experience and a number of industry first tools to ensure that every aspect of your website is search bot friendly and meets Google’s increasingly stringent standards for performance.

Will you write content for me? ?

We can do that, our content creation team are some of the best in the business (and have the portfolios to prove it). If that is something you would be interested in it can be built into the proposal.

Which sites do you link request links from?

The sites we request links from obviously vary from niche to niche, but we do maintain some very high standards. While DA – Domain Authority – is a factor, in line with Google’s recent EAT – Expertise, Authority and Trust – focus, the primary factors we consider when choosing sites to link to are relevance to your business and quality.

Do you do social media? Should I do social media? ?

To be clear, Google has not shifted its position that social media activities and ‘status’ (number of likes, shares, follows etc.) are not ranking factors in terms of the SERPS. However, even they have admitted that social engagement may impact other metrics, like links, which could impact your rank, so it is fair to say that social media MAY have some SEO value.

We believe that every business really does need a social media presence, but because that is what consumers now tend to expect. As an agency we will make social media recommendations from an SEO point of view.

Which is better SEO or PPC?

PPC is a great way to boost a new site, or a new service or offering. The difficulty is that it is expensive and requires an ongoing investment. The second you stop paying for Google Ads, or Bing ads, they stop working and there is no carryover benefit. That is not the case for organic SEO. Organic SEO keeps working, and offers a decreasing cost of acquisition without an impact on results.

Our site is very outdated, can you still get us good results?

We can. A greater initial focus on technical and onsite SEO will likely be called for initially, but site age and outdated features are not a bar to good SEO. And did you know that domain age is actually a positive ranking factor? ?

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!