Quora SEO Case Study

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Quora…the sleeping giant of the marketing world!

Quora is a fantastic question and answer website which some call the sleeping giant of the marketing world. It’s an excellent way of driving traffic. We were able to successfully increase the traffic of the Purr Traffic profile through our efforts.

As Featured In:

The Purr Traffic profile ended up with 361 answers, around 150,000 views and we were closing in on 11,500  views a month that will continually grow over time as we’re posting around. We’re posting around 10 answers per week. 

Through this work we had a business approach us for Quora services as well. They want to improve their ranking on Quora for certain answers that relate to their niche.

Views in a Month
Answers per wekk
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There are some relevant sources for lead generation, LinkedIn, etc. mentioned through the questions and answers. In addition to this, the company that approached us stated that they had a competitor that just discontinued their product and wanted to sweep up any of their legacy customers. 

We came in and helped write answers to the questions that are relevant to their area. 

We ended up growing at a rate of around 800 to 1000 views per day. That will probably increase by the time you read this case study. And that was what we did for them. I hope that it helps!

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