Crushing the App Stores: How Pearl Lemon Took a New Mobile Game from Zero to 65k+ Downloads in Just 12 Weeks

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At Pearl Lemon, we love a good challenge, and that’s exactly what we faced when a client approached us with their brand-new mobile game app. They had just launched their game and wanted to achieve a high number of downloads in a very short time frame. We knew we had our work cut out for us, but we were up for the task!

With our extensive knowledge and experience in digital marketing, we set out to create a strategy that would get our client’s game in front of as many people as possible. And boy, did it work! In just 12 weeks, we were able to help our client achieve a whopping 65K downloads from the Google Play Store.Ā 

In this case study, we’ll take you behind the scenes of our winning strategy. We’ll share the tactics and techniques we used to promote the mobile game app and the challenges we faced along the way.

The Challenge

Our client’s mobile app is a fun game based on the popular board game Carrom. As the game has a massive following in India, the app was being marketed on the Google Play store to an international audience, with a primary focus on the Indian market.Ā 

With the goal of achieving a large number of downloads in a short timeframe, the client approached Pearl Lemon, seeking our expertise not just in SEO but in digital marketing in general.Ā 

We understood the significance of this game in Indian culture as well as its potential to introduce what is a great game to new audiences, even those who might never have heard of it before, and were excited to help our client take their game to new heights. As well as smashing the download numbers in record time!

In this case study, we’ll show you how we used our digital marketing strategies to reach the right audience and help our client achieve outstanding results.

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Digital Marketing for Mobile Apps: What Makes It Different

Our client came to Pearl Lemon with a bunch of tricky challenges that demanded a mix of technical know-how and clever strategy. They wanted to make a splash in the cutthroat esports gambling scene, and they needed help with technical SEO, staying on the right side of regulations, and building a killer brand. Plus, they had their sights set on ranking higher across different markets for those super competitive keywords

.Technical SEO and Security: Our client wanted to make sure their platform was safe and user-friendly, and they needed a helping hand to spot and fix any technical glitches that could hurt their search engine rankings or turn off users.Playing by the Rules: As a legit esports gambling company, our client had to follow some pretty strict rules and regulations in both the United States and Europe. This meant their SEO game plan had to be flexible enough to stay compliant while still delivering the goods

Our Solutions

When the client approached Pearl Lemon, seeking help with promoting their newly launched mobile game app, we knew it was time to put our digital marketing expertise to work in earnest. Here’s more about some of the most important elements of those efforts, efforts that ultimately led to some very impressive results.

App Store Optimization (ASO)

At Pearl Lemon, we know that optimizing for app store search engines is critical to achieving high download numbers for mobile game apps. So, when our client approached us with their newly launched mobile game app, one of the first things we did was optimize the app for app store search engines through App Store Optimization (ASO).

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ASO Keyword Research

To begin with, we conducted in-depth keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords to use in the app’s title and description.Ā 

When it came to conducting keyword research for App Store Optimization (ASO) for our client’s mobile game app, we utilized a range of tools and techniques to identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for the Google Play Store.

We started by analyzing the top-ranking games in the relevant categories to see which keywords they were using in their app titles and descriptions. We also used keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to identify popular keywords that potential users might use to search for the type of game our client’s app offered.Ā 

We made sure to select keywords that were both relevant to the app and had a high search volume to ensure that the app would rank well in app store search results. Additionally, we analyzed the user reviews for similar games to identify any relevant keywords or phrases that users might use to search for the type of game our client’s app offered.

Once these high-potential keywords had been identified, we made sure that the app’s title was clear, concise, and included the most relevant keyword. We also optimized the app’s description by including relevant keywords throughout the text to make it more visible in app store search results. This not only helped the app rank higher in search results but also made it easier for potential users to find and download the app.

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In-game Game Marketing

As an experienced digital marketing agency, we know that word-of-mouth marketing is still one of the most powerful forms of it, and there are opportunities to harness its power from within most mobile apps, although this is something that far too many app developers overlook.Ā 

We wanted to incentivize users to share the client’s game with their friends, family, and followers on social media. To achieve this, we created a referral program that offered rewards to users who successfully referred the game to their network. For every successful referral, users received in-game currency or other rewards that helped them progress through the game.

We made it easy for users to share the game with their network by adding a simple and user-friendly sharing button within the app. Users could share the game with their friends, family, and followers on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with just a few clicks.

By incentivizing in-game sharing, we were able to create a buzz around the game and encourage users to become advocates for the app. As users shared the game with their networks, it helped spread awareness of the game to a wider audience, ultimately leading to more downloads.

Review Gathering

Positive reviews and ratings can make a world of difference when it comes to promoting a mobile game app, or, in fact, any app. With this in mind, we focused on creating a simple and user-friendly interface within the app that made it easy for users to leave feedback and ratings.

We made sure to ask users for feedback at the right time, such as after a successful game level or after a user had completed a significant achievement in the game. This ensured that users were more likely to leave positive feedback and ratings.

We also made sure to respond to user reviews and address any issues or concerns promptly. By being responsive and proactive, we could ensure that users felt heard and valued, which increased the chances of them leaving positive feedback and ratings.

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Positive reviews and ratings not only help to improve any app’s ranking in app store search results, but they also create social proof that the app is worth downloading. Potential users are more likely to download an app with positive reviews and ratings, as they provide reassurance that the app is of high quality and worth their time.

In addition to encouraging positive reviews and ratings within the app, we also leveraged other channels to encourage users to leave feedback and ratings. We sent follow-up emails to users after they had downloaded the app, asking them to leave feedback and ratings on the Google Play store. We also made use of social media channels like Facebook and Twitter to encourage users to leave feedback and ratings on the app store

Promotional Content Creation

At Pearl Lemon, we know that in the crowded digital world of mobile apps, creating visually stunning and compelling content is key to standing out and generating interest among potential users. With this in mind, we focused on creating various types of content to promote our client’s mobile game app.

To begin with, we created visually stunning images and videos that showcased the app’s unique features and gameplay. We made sure that the content was visually appealing and highlighted the key features of the game, making it more likely for potential users to download the app.Ā 

social media

We also made sure that the content was easily shareable on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, as well as game forums, to increase the chances of it going viral.

In addition to creating visual content, we also created video tutorials and blog posts to educate potential users about the game’s features and how to play it. Outside of the Indian community, the board game on which the client was based was not as widely known, but we wanted to change that, not just to increase downloads but to draw new players to what really is a fun and engrossing pastime.

We made sure that the content was easy to understand and engaging, making it more likely for users to download the app and start playing. By creating educational content, we were able to generate interest and curiosity around the game, which ultimately led to more downloads.

To further promote the app on social media, we utilized various channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit to reach a wider audience. We created engaging and shareable content for each platform, making sure to tailor the content to the platform’s unique audience.

For example, we created short, punchy videos for TikTok that showcased the app’s unique features, while on Reddit, we engaged with the gaming community and shared content that was relevant and useful to them.

We also worked with app bloggers to get them to review the game and share their thoughts with their audiences. This helped create buzz around the game and generate interest in it. By working with bloggers, we were able to reach a wider audience and create social proof that the game was worth downloading.

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PPC Ads for Facebook

In addition to the organic promotion channels, we also ran a short Facebook Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ad campaign that helped drive additional downloads.Ā 

Facebook PPC is an effective way to reach a targeted audience and promote a mobile game app. By creating targeted ads that appeared in the newsfeed of potential users, we were able to reach a wider audience and generate interest in the game.Ā 

Facebook PPC ads are best used to promote mobile game apps by targeting specific interests and demographics. By using data-driven targeting methods, we were able to ensure that the ads were shown to users who were most likely to download the app, leading to a higher conversion rate and increased downloads.

The Results

We are thrilled to report that our digital marketing efforts for our client’s mobile game app were incredibly successful.

Within the first three months of launching the app, we were able to generate over 67,000 downloads and receive over 1,000 positive reviews from satisfied users. Additionally, our client’s mobile game app achieved a remarkable 4.3-star rating on the Google Play Store, a testament to the high-quality gameplay and immersive experience the app provides.Ā 

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Through our strategic use of app store optimization, in-game sharing encouragement, content creation, and targeted social media promotion, we were able to increase the app’s visibility and attract a broader audience. Ultimately, our efforts helped our client achieve their goal of becoming a significant player in the mobile game market with a successful and popular app that continues to grow in popularity.

We understand the pain points that app developers often face when promoting their mobile game apps. With so many apps in the market, it can be challenging to get your app noticed and attract a broader audience.Ā 

Moreover, promoting a mobile game app requires a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that includes app store optimization, social media promotion, and content creation, which can be overwhelming for app developers who may not have expertise in these areas.

However, at Pearl Lemon, we have years of experience in digital marketing, and we have worked with numerous app developers to promote their mobile games and other apps. We know how to navigate the crowded app market and how to make your app stand out from the competition.

By working with us, you can be assured that your mobile game app will be in safe hands. Our team of experts will work closely with you to develop a tailored digital marketing strategy that will help you achieve your goals and attract a broader audience. We will guide you through each step of the process and ensure that your app gets the attention it deserves.

So, if you’re an app developer struggling to promote your mobile game app, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Let us help you take the stress out of digital marketing and achieve success with your app. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.


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Click-through rates and impressions have increased rapidly due to Pearl Lemonā€™s responsive approach. Theyā€™re detail-oriented and hardworking. Their dedication to clients is also noteworthy. Customers can expect a proactive team working with Pearl Lemon.
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The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
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The engagement has led to an increase in search ranking and website traffic. Pearl Lemon is organized and accurate, providing detailed analysis to ensure the best results for their client. Their team is understanding, communicative, and responsive.
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