Get Back on Track With Our Google Medic Recovery Service

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Google’s search engine ranking algorithm is updated numerous times every day. Some Google upgrades come and go without notice. One example is the Google Medic Update. 

When Google Medic Update was revealed, it affected 50% of medical and health-related websites, significantly dropping search results. In just a few days, the number of visits dropped. 

If you’re one of the affected websites, don’t worry! Pearl Lemon can help you regain your traffic and visibility on search results with our full SEO services. 

Book a call now to learn more.

What Is The Medic Update?

The first shift in Google’s stance on health and medical-related websites came from Google’s “Medic” upgrade, which was discreetly rolled out in August of 2018.

People believed it was a quiet update because they did not officially announce the change until people began discussing it on forums and Twitter. When Google finally disclosed the algorithm upgrade, it didn’t say much.

According to Google’s Tweet, there was nothing out of the usual, and it was an everyday occurrence. Still, webmasters, marketers, and SEO professionals throughout the business were witnessing a massive swing in ranks over timelines as small as 24 hours.

Google is well-known for not disclosing details about what it is and isn’t changing with its search algorithm upgrades. Fortunately, the folks at Search Engine Roundtable took the initiative to survey their large audience of SEOs to see which sites were affected.

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How To Know When The Medic Update Hits You

When Google releases a new update, you should check to see if your website has been affected. The indicators of a direct influence from a “Medic” upgrade will be obvious around:

  • August/September 2018 saw a significant reduction in visits.
  • In or around June 2019, there was a significant decline in traffic.

Google implemented algorithm adjustments that targeted medic and YMYL (Your Money, Your Life) websites throughout the two dates. The algorithm upgrades considered content and how reputable your practices appeared in all cases.

You can use the Organic search traffic report from Google Analytics and Penguin SEO by Barracuda. If you check the last 30 days of traffic, the organic search traffic report in Google Analytics will clearly show you if there has been a traffic reduction.

If you’re unsure or want to be extra cautious, Barracuda’s SEO tool overlays the most recent Google updates on your organic search report, allowing you to evaluate whether an update has affected your search traffic immediately.

SEO Techniques That Will Help You Recover From Traffic

After discovering that the Medic Google update has hit you, your first initiative should reverse the negative trend in traffic as soon as possible. How can you do that? Here are some steps you can take to recover from your traffic.

Rewrite Landing Pages

Unverified claims of health advantages from products were the most common offender we’ve encountered on health and medical-related websites. Essentially, suppose you run a health supplement site and claim that it helps you lose weight or heals illness without site credits or scientifically-backed proof; Google regards that as a breach of its content quality standards.

Here’s how it works:

  • Look at your product pages.
  • Remove any medical statements you cannot back up with physician or scientific research.
  • If you have research backing up your medical claims, include them on the product page.
  • Reindex your revised product page with Google.

Optimise Metadata And Title Tags

Meta Tags and Title Tags are one of the most fundamental aspects of SEO. Every SEO practitioner should be aware of this. Are meta tags useful? Do metatags consider Google PageRank? 

On the backend of your website, title tags and metadata are implemented. They are brief and informative and serve as the title of a page of content on your website. Both search engine bots and users examine title tags. These title tags appear at the top of a browser window and appear as a bold blue link title in search results. 

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An optimised title tag comprises branding information, your location, and information about the individual page of content. This informs search engines and potential patients about who you are, where you are, and what services you can offer them.

Metadata is classified into four types: meta keywords, meta language, meta robots, and meta description. Most effort is focused on meta descriptions (or meta tags), which serve as a summary or explanation of the page’s content. This information displays in search results in two lines of grey text beneath the title tag. 

Each page on your website should have its meta description. It is recommended to stay under Google’s 160-character limit while adding information about the website and a call to action. You want your patients to know that you not only perform stomach tucks but that they can readily learn more about the process by visiting your website.

Ensure High-Quality Content

One of the most significant components of an SEO campaign is implementing optimised and high-quality content on your website. The language on your website describes your practice and the various services you provide. Google favours sites with unique, high-quality content. 

It must be distinct to your site, natural, and new! While a list of services your business provides may appear sufficient, your website is an opportunity to demonstrate to new and existing patients that you are a qualified expert in your profession. 

Don’t just say you offer rhinoplasty and medical advice; show that you understand the procedures and the recuperation process. Unique and fresh content also strengthens your domain authority in the eyes of Google bots. New content on your site prompts those bots to return and crawl the practice information on your site. 

Content should be 500 words each page on average, but because the medical sector is highly sophisticated, twice that length is usually appropriate. Use content to distinguish yourself as an authoritative and relevant authority in your field to patients and search engines.

Google Core Update Recovery Service

Why does YMYL matter?

YMYL sites stand for “Your Money, Your Life,” and they refer to any website content related to a user’s money or health. The primary goal of YMYL is to increase the inspection of sites that have a greater impact on people’s lives. As a result, these websites must be examined to guarantee that no misinformation (like substance misuse) or fake news is sent to consumers.

What makes great content?

It is critical to have a solid interaction between search engine optimisation and unique content. Here are some checklist items to help your content go further while also improving your SEO efforts:

  • Write clear and engaging headlines
  • Make use of keyword-rich phrases
  • Organise your posts
  • Insert images
  • Encourage natural link building

Merge Duplicate Content

Have you ever used an advanced search operator to discover that you have multiple landing pages targeting the same keyword? If not, try performing one. You can see if your landing pages are targeting the same keyword. If it does, because there was so much comparable content, we will end up competing for the same keyword. That’s not good.

As a result, you should combine the contents into a single landing page.

Begin by identifying your most linked-to article, take the copy from similar pages, insert it into the most linked article, and revise the content to maintain a consistent message, tone of voice, and flow.

Furthermore, avoiding duplicate content concerns is critical for the Medic recovery and SEO strategy. Another advantage of combining content is that your overall content length can increase from 500 words to 1,200 words for each article. Repeat this approach for more than ten crucial keywords, and you can reduce more than 20 pages to a tiny handful of landing pages.

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Hire an Expert

Even if you don’t have scientific studies or are a medical practitioner, you must display some competence on your website. If this is the case for you, your best bet is to employ a verifiable subject matter expert, professional, or authority to assist you in legitimising your site and increasing your authority.

Here are some examples of how you can accomplish this:

  • Hire an SEO expert like Pearl Lemon to create blogs and articles for your website.
  • Consult a medical practitioner about reviewing and endorsing your health claims.
  • Get your items certified, examined, or reviewed by health professionals and list them on your website.

Pearl Lemon's Full SEO Services

We are a full-service London SEO agency that helps businesses recover from traffic downslides caused by Google’s Medic Update. Here are some of the services we offer for Google Medic update recovery.

SEO Analytics

SEO Analytics is an essential component of any successful SEO effort. Our SEO professionals in London will examine your SEO to determine what is working.

SEO Strategy

If you’re affected by the Google Medic update, your traffic and rankings on search engines are affected. To help you recover traffic and rankings, our SEO strategy consultants will create an SEO plan to increase your search engine presence.

SEO Audit

Our skilled SEO auditors evaluate your site’s search engine friendliness’ so we can design a customised plan to help you rank higher in the search engines.

On-Page SEO

Are all of your individual web pages’ search engines optimised? We’ll investigate and design a strategy to improve your rankings and visibility!

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Let's Get You Back On the Right Track

The Google Medic Update significantly affects healthcare and medical practitioners’ websites. As an SEO agency, Pearl Lemon will help individuals achieve recovery services that this Google Algorithm Update has impacted. We are here to assist you in regaining all of your lost visitors. 

If you’re unsure how to proceed, an SEO agency like ours can be of helpful assistance. It’s never too late to get back on track. Contact us now to start.

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works


In SEO, E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. This notion is thoroughly covered in Google’s Quality Raters’ Guidelines. Search engine results can be enhanced by good E-A-T, both on and off your website.

Our SEO services costs vary from individual to business. If you want a specific quote- get in touch with us. 

It is vital to expect long-term recovery regardless of your recovery method.