Google Medic Update Case Study


Senior Guidance was one of our many successful SEO clients. This client came to us for SEO help after the Google Medic update. Our client provides comprehensive resources for senior living options.

The Google Medic Update was a Google algorithm that happened in 2018 that affected numerous industries like our client. The updated rewarded pages that were high in expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) and punished those that were considered to have a low EAT.

Many companies that were negatively affected by this update turned to our team to help them recover.

Our client recently put out pages during that time and noticed a drop in their site. We are working through all the issues that arise from the update including a 40% drop in organic results in the last 30 days. Looking in the last week and recent dates the drops aren’t as drastic and there are actually areas of growth.

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The Pearl Lemon team is not afraid to help sites that have faced a big impact because we are there to help. Growth and recovery takes time but we are committed to going through the journey.

Worried you have been hit by an algorithm update? Give our expert consultant a call today to discuss how we can help you.

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