Top Tips for Digital Chiropractor Marketing Success

digital chiropractor marketing
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Digital chiropractor marketing – and chiropractor marketing in general – is critical for finding new patients and keeping existing ones engaged. However, some chiropractors are very wary of it – with good cause – as they are concerned about how marketing will affect their image as medical professionals and even if certain types of chiropractor marketing might violate advertising standards or ethics rules.

While it’s true that chiropractors and other medical professionals are held to higher standards than some when it comes to digital marketing and advertising in general, a careful, considered campaign can work wonders. Here we’ll take a look at some of the best chiropractor marketing strategies in use today and how you can get the most out of using them.

Create a Better Website

First and foremost, you need to realise that your website serves as the public face of your practice. Your brand, experience, professionalism, and excellence are all communicated through your website. The primary means of converting visitors into paying patients is through your website. So it has to be good.

Your website must be user-friendly above all else. The following are characteristics of a modern user-friendly website design:

  • Optimization for mobile devices – people search for you on the go, so a website should look as good when they do that as it might on their desktop. And Google higher favors mobile friendly websites too.
  • Make it simple to use and load quickly.
  • Makes use of a variety of media – text, images, videos, they should all be featured.
  • Brand it to help potential patients remember you.
  • Make it quick and easy to navigate, but not boring

A single visit to your website can give potential patients an impression of your entire practice. They are no doubt in the middle of researching which chiropractor might be right for them. You need a website that will help convince them that it’s you.

For SEO purposes, you also need a great website. Without SEO, a website is like a car without petrol. It may have a lot of potential, but in its current state, it’s next to useless.

But what exactly is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is maximizing the way your website complies with algorithms used by search engines like Google and Bing to find and place relevant information on the Internet for their users.

Website SEO is used by search engines to assess the relevance of a page or website based on a user’s keyword search. If people in your town look for “the best chiropractors near me,” for example, your website’s SEO will determine whether or not they find you.

Local SEO is important, especially for chiropractors. You don’t need to pay for SEO that brings in traffic from all over the world because those visitors are never going to become your patients. Instead, a good digital chiriopractor SEO plan will focus on the basics:

  • Copy or content that is optimized for search
  • Keyword usage that is both local and hyper-local (“chiropractor near me”)
  • Google My Business and other local listing profiles that are optimized for searchers and SEO
  • Reputation management on the Internet
  • Digital PR to help build your brand’s reputation

Be wary of SEO services that promise you “tens of thousands of monthly website visits.” Only high-quality traffic – those who will become patients – is of any use to you. Local SEO is different to ‘standard’ SEO, so ensure any marketing and/or SEO agency you work with knows that and can demonstrate they are good at it.

Specialist Landing Pages

Landing pages on and off your website are something we often recommend clients make use of because they provide a clear message and a strong call to action while also guiding patients through the customer journey.

Such pages often contain a description of your services as well as the advantages of using them. To add credibility, they also include price points and patient reviews. The sales funnel comes to a close with a strong and clear call to action (typically to book an appointment, schedule a call, or buy a product).

Landing page advertisements can take the form of pop-up windows that appear to every website visitor or they can also be set aside for specific users based on their actions, such as clicking on specific links or visiting specific pages. Finally, you can direct traffic to your landing pages using social media pages, emails, and external ads.

Google Ads

Using Google Ads to promote your brand is one of the best digital chiropractor marketing strategies for new practices that don’t have a lot of SEO in place yet or for business owners who want to make a bigger impact fast. In essence, you’re paying Google to place your website at the top of search results pages for specific keyword searches.

Instead of paying for intangible results, you’ll only have to pay a set amount for each click your website receives.

Begin by identifying your objectives, whether they are more phone calls, website visits, or visits to specific pages. Then, decide where you’d like to place your ad. You’ll get the best return on investment as a chiropractor by advertising locally to people who are looking for specific services for specific conditions.

After that, you can create your message. This is what you want people to see when they click on your website link.

Set your maximum budget next. Your Google Ad will become inactive once the requirements have been met, ensuring that you do not pay more than you can afford. Finally, publish the ad. Sounds like a lot of work? It can be, which is why hiring a Google Ads expert can help you maximize your efforts, and your budget.

Optimise Your Google My Business Presence

You should invest in Google My Business if you want to implement some of the best local SEO strategies. Although we use the word “invest,” Google My Business is a free tool for business owners. You can optimize your website for local searches by registering with Google My Business.

If your business is on Google Maps – even if you did not put it there – there is already a Google My Business listing for you. But it’s not controlled by you until you claim it. Do so and you’ll gain control over how your business appears in some Google searches and Google Maps.

Additionally, claiming and optimising a Google My Business account allows for easy communication and exposure to potential customers. When they Google your business, they will find your contact information, a business overview, and more.

Customers can get directions to your chiropractic clinic, read customer reviews, and more without ever having to visit your website. While it may appear that this will detract from your site’s traffic, studies show that many consumers prefer simple interactions. Access to critical information about your company with a single click will only encourage people to become patients.

Content Marketing

For chiropractors, content marketing is a critical form of digital marketing. According to studies, the average consumer is exposed to nearly 3,500 marketing messages per day. We ignore or block out the majority of them. Content marketing aims to address the problem of marketing that falls on deaf ears and ad blind eyes.

To connect with target audiences, content marketing uses blog articles, social media posts, emails, videos, and other less aggressive forms of content. It concentrates on the consumer’s pain points and interest as they relate to your preactice. This could include the following for chiropractic patients:

  • Having to deal with back pain
  • Treatments for neck and back pain that are both affordable and effective
  • Where can I find qualified chiropractors?
  • Core and lower back strengthening exercises

These are just a few examples of how you can create content that demonstrates that you care about your customers’ overall well-being, not just their business. You can also use your blogs, social posts and emails to offer discounts, incentive programs, and other valuable offers to your audience. This will reaffirm their trust in you while also encouraging them to use your services in the future.

Social Media

For chiropractors, social media is an important platform for digital chiropractor marketing. However, it may not be the simplest or most important method of patient acquisition. You can definitely increase your exposure through social media, but growing your social media following takes a lot of time, energy, and focused effort.

However, you should set up social media pages for your existing customers. You can keep them informed, direct them to your website, respond to their questions, and address their concerns there. It’s important to remember, though, that people will only follow your pages if they’re already patients or have something to gain.

Email Marketing for Chiropractors

We briefly discussed emails and how to use them for content marketing. But first, let’s look at why email marketing is so important for your practice.

A primed target audience is used in email marketing. Subscribers to your email list have already expressed an interest in your chiropractic services by signing up for it. To put it another way, you have a direct line of communication and advertising to people who are interested in what you have to offer.

Use landing page ads on your website, social media posts, and other paid ads to grow your email list. Offer exclusive discounts, free consultations, and other valuable perks to entice people to join your email list.

You should have a set of automated emails scheduled to go out once or twice a month. These emails will contain content that is relevant, informative, and useful. Your email recipients must be motivated to open your messages.

Finally, your emails should serve as a reminder of your services to recipients. Inquire about their feelings. Do they seem to be in any pain or discomfort?

This will encourage people to come in for injuries, preventative care, pain management, and other issues.

PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising

Finally, consider spending money on pay-per-click advertising on platforms like Facebook, Redditt and even with other content creators and companies. PPC advertising isn’t all that different from Google Ads. You only pay when your ads have a measurable impact.

Supplements like creatine powder, retailers, fitness centers, and other health-related businesses could be good partners for you.

Do you want to explore your best options for digital marketing for chiropractors? If so, why not work with the best digital marketing company for chiropractors, Pearl Lemon. Contact us today to discuss how our experts can help you.

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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