Increase Your Website's Credibility When You Buy CBD Backlinks From Pearl Lemon

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According to the Global CBD Market 2021-2025, the cannabis and CBD market will be worth $19.5 billion by 2025.

The cannabis sector has expanded significantly in recent years due to expanding legalisation. Because the CBD business is a thriving yet relatively new market, bringing your services to the forefront may be difficult.

Using a planned link-building strategy, Pearl Lemon ensures that your company’s organic growth will be an effortless success. As hands-on cannabis and CBD industry experts, we understand everything it takes for your company to be recognised by ready-to-buy internet consumers in your niche.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

All You Need To Know About CBD Backlinks

What Are CBD Backlinks?

Cannabidiol has been one of the most popular supplements for quite some time. It’s available as tinctures, gummies, drinks, and even vape juice as the market grows, thrives, and, most importantly, evolves.

CBD is gaining popularity as a result of its purported therapeutic qualities. That means the rivalry among eCommerce platforms, sellers, and CBD websites is only worsening.

Companies can distinguish themselves in the eyes of search engines by using quality CBD backlinks, which means that their website and products will receive significantly more exposure than if they did not use backlinks.

Investing in high-quality CBD backlinks is critical if you want to attract new consumers, enjoy organic growth, and establish industry authority.

Link Building

How Are CBD Backlinks Obtained?

Nowadays, every business should have a website. CBD businesses are no exception, especially if you intend to sell them online.

However, developing a website, coming up with a catchy brand name, making an eye-catching logo, and displaying all of your products aren’t enough. Today’s business owners must do much more to rank better in search results, and this is how they do it.

Report Broken Links

If you enjoy browsing the internet and reading CBD-related articles, you’ve most likely found yourself in the following position: you’re reading an interesting article and want to learn more about the subject. Surprisingly, there are backlinks included in the article as sources for additional research. But the links don’t work, and you get that unpleasant 404-page error, so you abandon the website.

You can now take advantage of these broken links. Instead of disappointing visitors, take the time to contact the webmaster and report the broken links. Along with reporting broken links, provide a new link to replace the broken ones. Find a similar link on your website and provide it as an alternative.

Although we cannot guarantee that the web admin will accept your offer, the odds are in your favour because you also assist them in keeping their sources current. All you have to do is seek broken links in articles in the CBD category. You’ll be astonished to learn how many there are on the internet. As a result, you are given the option to locate the broken connections and replace them with your own. This is also the easiest and quickest method of building backlinks.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are the simplest approach to developing high-quality backlinks as long as they are phrased and packaged correctly. Many websites enable users to write comments, reviews, or testimonials on nearly any piece of material, and if you can sneak your link into one of these remarks, you’ve just earned a backlink.

Assume the testimonial is too promotional or simply poorly phrased. In that instance, the webmaster may delete it, but if you leave a testimonial on your product or a similar one and convey it without being pushy, gaining backlinks in this manner will be a piece of cake.

Guest Blogging

Guest posting isn’t just the best way to get backlinks in 2021; it’s the best way to get backlinks in general. Many websites, particularly those in the CBD, Cannabis, and Vape industries will let you guest write for free, and you may be able to earn a commission.

Whether you get a commission or not, guest blogging allows you to include as many backlinks as you like in your guest posting content, as long as the moderator/webmaster of the website you publish on approves.

Guest posting and content marketing are the most effective, profitable, and successful methods of gaining backlinks.

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You won’t gain much-deserved attention unless you promote your content, no matter how helpful, intelligent, and original it is. This is especially true for newly launched websites with no or few visitors.

Because so much fresh content is released daily, you must make your content stand out. The simplest method to accomplish this is to promote it. Others will understand your material is worth linking to, and you will acquire high-quality, dependable backlinks.

Many well-known brands promote their content online because content marketing benefits businesses of all sizes. To get the most out of online advertising, use popular keywords and eye-catching imagery to communicate with your customers.


The skyscraper strategy immediately became an SEO link-building industry standard. It entails identifying the most desirable backlinks, or skyscrapers,’ from top-ranking websites in your field.

These blogs and websites hold the coveted first and second organic positions in Google and other search engines. They’ve already ascended to the throne, which is why their backlinks are the best in the business.

Once you’ve narrowed down the backlinks you want, it’s time to outdo the material they’re currently linking to – and not by much.

Ideally, you want to make something ten times stronger than what is already there.

How do you go about doing that?

Look for places where you can go deeper than the initial post. For example, list the top 25 cannabis strains instead of the top 100 – complete with images, videos, and infographics, if possible.

Anything you can do to give the reader more insights and value will improve the material. Because visuals are essential, incorporate high-resolution photographs relevant to your topic.

When your elite-level content is finished, contact the original post’s backlinks. Inform them that you have a more substantial piece (make sure to link to it so they can see it for themselves) and seek a backlink politely.

If your content is of higher value, they will likely want to link to it instead.

Importance Of CBD Backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most important factors influencing your page’s rating. In addition, SEO, user experience, and page performance are all influential variables. The importance of backlinks cannot be overstated, as these website elements can make or break your page.

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Increase Your Rankings

Backlinks are utilised in search engine rankings to determine where a specific webpage ranks in the results. For example, if you want to rank first for a given keyword, you should strive to collect as many backlinks as possible going to that page.

Google interprets backlinks as a vote of confidence from well-established sites. The more credible websites connect to you, the higher your ranking.

Generate Traffic

Backlinks are critical for increasing website traffic. You can quickly boost your SEO and increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages by building links to your site from other reputable websites.

Raise Brand Awareness

Backlinks can increase the authority and recognition of your company’s brand. Quality links from credible websites can help you attract new clients and increase conversion rates. In other words, when consumers read what others say about you or what you offer, they will gain greater faith in your brand and become more interested in what you can do for their company.

Improve Discoverability

High authority backlinks can also increase the likelihood of a search engine showing you its results since it sees a page on which many other respectable websites are linked. This means more discoverability, which means more people discovering what you have to offer and what distinguishes your website.

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Why Buy CBD Backlinks?

Backlinks are essential for your business. Because they are your company’s digital “thumbs up.” They indicate to search engines that other people have endorsed your work. As a result, your organisation provides a valuable and reliable service. 

Furthermore, Pearl Lemon offers paid links for businesses that want fast results and to save time in building natural CBD links. Here are some reasons why many businesses prefer to buy backlinks.


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Save A Lot Of Time

Outreach consumes a significant amount of time. You must conduct extensive research, produce bespoke outreach emails (if you want a response), and then manage those discussions.

Websites can take weeks to respond to your contact and even longer follow up on each element of the dialogue.

Sponsored link building takes time, but the people that operate paid sites are strongly incentivised to respond and handle orders as rapidly as possible. After all, this is how they pay their expenses.

Get Faster Results

Another good argument to consider purchasing backlinks is that you will see results quickly. This is something to think about if you want to make the most progress in the least amount of time.

If you buy high-quality backlinks, you should see results fairly quickly. This can undoubtedly help to increase your overall SEO efforts.

When you don’t have time to focus on link development, you’ll get the results you desire right away.

If you divide your time between different things, doing this job alone will take longer.

Because so many tasks must be done, very few people can devote their entire time to creating backlinks.

Paying for Backlinks Opens Doors

Your list of target links most likely comprises the same sites that dozens of other SEOs in your niche have contacted. The more competitive the speciality, the more inundated the best sites’ inboxes will be.

To stand out, you must do something, and making a financial offer may be the only way. Offering to purchase links from these sites increases the likelihood that your request will be considered. It also often brings you to the front of the line.

If you don’t pay for links, it can be difficult to figure out how to generate organic backlinks in these sectors.

Given these advantages, it’s difficult to see why some SEOs are concerned about sponsored connections. That anxiety stems primarily from Google’s attitude on the matter.

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Access To High-Quality Backlinks Made Easier With Pearl Lemon

Despite what some may say, buying links can be a great approach to generate highly positive outcomes quickly.

While you shouldn’t rely only on purchased links, they should form part of your digital marketing strategy.

With Pearl Lemon experts, we’ll ensure that every link you purchase is worth your money and will surely generate traffic to your CBD website.

Book us a call today!

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


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Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works


The time variable can be as long as six months, usually one to ten weeks. The consequences of a link usually take at least four weeks to notice and 6-12 months to reach 80% of their full effect.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question because a link’s value is determined by various criteria, such as the quality of the connecting site, the relevancy of the link to your site, and the popularity of your site. Generally, a link from a high-quality, relevant, and popular site is more valuable than a link from a low-quality, irrelevant, or unpopular site.


To be competitive for SEO, a website should have 40 to 50 backlinks to the homepage and 0 to 100 backlinks to each web page. On the other hand, the PageRank scores of such backlinks are crucial since the higher their value. Fewer connections are required to increase total ranks.