Bespoke SEO Audits


According to Google, there are more than 200 criteria that influence how your website ranks in their search engine. While many of these are off-site elements, such as how strong your website’s link profile is, some are critical on-site aspects, such as what your competitors are doing.

At Pearl Lemon we offer businesses in all kinds of niches, and of all sizes, bespoke SEO audits that will help them uncover existing problems, untapped possibilities for improvement and much more. It’s the best way to start making use of the power of SEO.

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Why Choose Bespoke SEO Audits?

The way the website is built, the keywords it focuses on, the amount, and quality of the content, your technology architecture, how graphics and images are used, it’s overall speed and how internal linking is arranged are all things to consider.

Our bespoke SEO audits include an in-depth study of the numerous parts within your website, external factors, and – most significantly – those of your competitors’ websites. They are prepared by our experienced human SEO specialists and are not computer-generated.

However, that’s not all. In addition to going over your onsite SEO with a fine tooth comb, and uncovering data and insights that no automated audit ever could, as a part of our bespoke SEO audits we also turn our attention to your offsite SEO, a much larger undertaking that most SEO companies don’t even bother with, and with which an automated tool certainly can’t help, as much of the critical information is too nuanced for bots to understand.

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What to Expect From Pearl Lemon Bespoke SEO Audits

By definition, the SEO audit we undertake for your business will be something that is unique to your business and your goals for your web presence. While every business, no matter how large or small, needs a website, the uses they put it to vary greatly. Some businesses actively sell goods and services from their site, while others use it primarily as a lead generation magnet and brand builder. As such, every company naturally has different SEO priorities.

That having been said, you are almost certainly wondering at this point just what your bespoke SEO audits might cover. Here’s a look at some of the most common metrics analytics we include in our bespoke SEO audits to give you a basic idea of what you can expect.

Information Architecture Review

Internal links and the structure they create are important for establishing site architecture for the search engines and helping their bots crawl your website to place it accurately in the SERPs. Our technical SEO experts will examine a wide range of architectural aspects across your site, both looking for errors and noting ways that it can be improved.

Mobile Optimization

Many businesses do not realize that for several years now Google has been a mobile first index. This means that they ‘judge’ your website based on how it looks and functions on mobile devices first, and that your desktop site is now a secondary (but still important) consideration.

Often businesses have the opposite focus, working to create a great desktop site and giving little thought to mobile experience. During your bespoke SEO audits from Pearl Lemon we’ll figure out what you are doing right – and wrong- in terms of mobile optimization and make suggestions for improvement.

Website Speed Analysis

Speed is another SEO factor that Google – and web users – pay closer attention to, and in the case of Google a slow website will be placed lower in the SERPs even if it’s content and link profile is great. Figuring out why your website is slow is an increasingly complex thing, as there are all kinds of things that can slow it down. Our bespoke SEO audits take a deep dive into your website speed issues and offer our technical SEO specialists best recommendations for fixing any they find.

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Design and User Experience

Sure, your website might look nice, but does it really offer a good user experience? This is one area in which you really do need the human touch when it comes to SEO auditing, as only a human can assess how they feel about navigating the site.

We will look through your site to see if there are any unique usability or design concerns that are preventing it from functioning at its best. We’ll also look at your site’s user journeys to see how they could be enhanced – or if there are any major issues preventing users from ‘converting,’ whether that means buying something on an e-commerce site, filling out contact forms, or responding to other specific calls to action.

Internal Linking Audit

Did you know that Google expects sites to have an internal link profile that makes it easier for their bots, and humans, to navigate from one page to another, or between content pieces, or products, that logically go together?

As a part of our bespoke SEO audits we review your website’s internal linking architecture, determine what you are doing right, where you can improve and then make recommendations for creating an internal linking structure that both search engine bots and human users will love.

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External Linking Audit

The way Google has always seen things is that the best websites in any niche are linked to from other relevant, high quality websites. While almost innumerable things have changed about SEO over the years – and continue to change all the time – the importance of genuine, high quality links never has.

This has been exploited in the past by so-called “black-hat” SEO tactics that built phony links to inflate the numbers. Google now rigorously checks how many sources the links come from and the quality and relevance of these links to prevent this kind of exploitation.

As a part of our bespoke SEO audits, we can offer suggestions to ensure that your website is not penalized for unnatural backlink activities, as well as for ways to gain those high-quality backlinks Google loves. Often we find that businesses have toxic links that they are not even aware of, and that these alone are holding their site back in the SERPs.

Keyword Audit

Selecting keywords that best represent your website’s pages is vital in order to attract your target audience and to help Google and other search engines place your site in the right places in the search results.

The reach of your site and its ability to target relevant visitors will depend a great deal on the use of relevant keywords and optimizing site copy to these terms. The overuse of keywords – or keyword stuffing – can damage your site though, so striking just the right balance between good keyword usage and keyword stuffing is a must.

As a part of our bespoke SEO audits, we perform an extensive keyword analysis, both of your current content and, based on our own expert research, opportunities you are yet to take advantage of.

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Content Audit

Content is something else that has always been important to Google, and has taken on even greater importance over time. It’s not enough to have lots of it, or to post it often, the content Google is looking for, and rewards in the terms of SERPs placement is original, engaging and relevant to the keywords it targets. Our bespoke SEO audits examine your content and determines how effective it is right now and makes suggestions for improvement.

Competitor Analysis

While it’s critical to make sure your website is adequately SEO optimized, outranking your competitors is what you actually need to do to improve your search rankings. We’ll look at your online competitors and their current search marketing strategies to see how they got to where they are now and what you can change to do better than them, both in the SERPs and in general.

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

Participant feedback has been excellent, and attendance numbers are projected to reach 5,000. Pearl Lemon holds their work to a high standard, working quickly to get things done.
Jakub Zajíček
CMO, PitchGround
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works

The Pearl Lemon Difference

At Pearl Lemon, we won’t just tell you what is wrong with your current SEO strategies, we can give you all the help you need to fix them, and to implement new SEO processes that will help you get the most out of your piece of Internet real estate.

Your bespoke site audit will end with a prioritized list of recommendations for you to adopt, either on your own or with our assistance. After completing the SEO audit, you’ll have a better idea of how your website currently performs and what needs to be done to enhance ranks and boost your share of search engine traffic and relevant visitors.

Ready to learn more about how bespoke SEO audits from Pearl Lemon will boost your website, and your business? Contact us today and let’s get that conversation started.

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