Get More Downloads With Our App Store Optimisation Service

70% of all apps are discovered via the App Store search. We’ll increase the visibility of your app.

Get more downloads and of course more revenue with our App Store Optimisation service.

What Is App Store Optimisation?

App Store Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of your app within a mobile app store (the Apple App Store & Google Play). Besides high rankings in the app store, the basic principles of ASO are the focus on click-through rate (CTR).

This means you have to convince people actually to click on your app once they find it. You can do so by optimizing your App Name, Title, Logo, Screenshots and App Rating. But it doesn’t end there.

Once people click on your app and are on your App Landing Page, you have to make sure they also download it or make a purchase. This part of In-App Store Optimization is also known as Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

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App Search Optimisation

App Store Optimisation (ASO) gives your apps the best chance of ranking higher in an app store’s search results.

If you’re not using ASO to increase the visibility of your app, you’re missing out on the opportunity to drive more organic traffic to your apps page.

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Get More Downloads With App Store Optimisation

App ecosystems such as Google Play, and the iOS App store have billions of apps and get millions of downloads every day. Your App Store Optimisation (ASO) strategy needs to be data-driven to put your app in front of your target audience, maximise your downloads.

Why Not Book A Call?

We would love to help you with our bespoke SEO services. Pearl Lemon can get you ranking better for improvement in the long-run. Book a call today!

Put Your Brand In The Palm Of Your Customers Hands

Our team of growth-driven SEO experts here at Pearl Lemon will put together a bespoke mobile app marketing strategy that is in line with the goals and visions you have for your app’s success!


Ready To Grow Your App on App Store?

It’s worth mentioning that the most common way people discover apps is via searching through app stores. The higher your app ranks in the search results, the more likely it is to be downloaded. Let’s talk about your app marketing goals!

Watch our Case Study videos

Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The campaigns led to an influx of new listings as well as buyer leads. Pearl Lemon responds quickly to inquiries and communicates effectively with the internal team. The team is hard-working, knowledgeable, and easy to work with.
Chris Myers
Co-Owner, DVC Resale Experts
Competent and flexible, Pearl Lemon delivered successful improvements to the site. Although it's early to gauge metrics, the project points in a promising direction. They'll continue to execute effective SEO in the ongoing effort.
Gev Balyan
Founder, Ucraft
The efforts of Pearl Lemon resulted in an increase of 30% in unique monthly website traffic and grew purchases on the site. Their team was friendly and professional, emphasizing the importance of effective communication both internally and with their client to create a good final product
Aftab Sherwani
Director, Online Vape Retailer
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As Featured In:

How do I increase app downloads?

You can increase app downloads by engaging in app store optimization best practices. This means that you focus on keywords and accuracy and be sure your app works, is listed correctly and is fully optmised to be found by app store visitors. From here SEO does the hard work for you, if you app is listed and optimised it should come up for relevant searches.

How do I increase my visibility on the app store?

To increase your visibility on the app store, you should get an app store optimisation agency to do an audit of your app listing. They will be able to point out what needs improvement for you to gain better visibility.

They will build a bespoke app store optimization plan for you to see how your title, description, categories and more that may need to change inorder to increase visibility and increase app downloads.

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How do I optimize apps on Android?

Optimizing an app on Android may cover the following points:

  • Make sure your app is bug free
  • Make sure the reight categories are assigned
  • Have a keyword focused description
  • Have a fun catchy title-or keyword focused title
  • Have feature app images
  • Have a demo video
  • Minimize the size of the app
  • Have the app load quickly
  • And more…

How much does app store optimization cost?

Some app store optimization services have a flat rate and some vary in price depending what is included.

The best idea is to contact an app store optimisation expert and get their individual pricing 🙂

How is app store optimization done?

First of all, you need an app store optimisation expert!

This expert or team of experts will take a thorough look at your listing and ensure the title and description are keyword focused, the right categories are used and that there are high quality images being used in your listing…and plenty more.

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Why app store optimization is important?

App store optimization is important because you need all that hard work developing the app to pay off through sales. You can’t go about optimizing your app’s listing all willy-nilly though. You need bespoke app store optimization services provided by a team of app store optimization experts to execute your plan.

Pearl Lemon provides the best app store optimization services available for hire. Book a call with one of our app store optimization consultants today!

How to get your app discovered?

Apps are discovered if and only if you have a bespoke app store optimization strategy in place. This means your app is set up in a way that you can be found for the most relevant searches to your app and people will then download or purchase your app as a result.

Pearl Lemon provides app store optimisation services that will get you infront of your customers.

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What is app store optimization?

App store optimization is a service provided by an app store optimization agency with the goal of improving the visibility of your app within the app store– this could be the Apple app store or Google app store.

An app store optimisation agency will be sure your title, descriptions, images, keywords and more are as they need to be to be seen and purchased by your ideal customer. If you want to get your app ranking better, book a call with the Pearl Lemon team to get an app store optimisation consultant to go over your app and see what needs to be done to get you more sales.

What does ASO stand for?

ASO is short for App Store Optimization. It is not, as some people mistakenly believe, just another form of SEO. The ASO process contains some of the same elements as Search Engine Optimization but is, in fact, a completely different discipline. If you hire someone to help you with ASO for your app, you’ll need to ensure that they have specific experience in the field and that they are not just an SEO practitioner ‘having a go’ at ASO because it’s ‘hot’ right now (which it is.)

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What is ASO in digital marketing?

Mobile apps, whether they are designed to be placed in the Apple App Store for iOS users, or the Google Play Store for Android users (or both) are big business and potentially big money earners for their creators. But even if an app is the best ever created in its niche it won’t make a dime unless it can be found via a store search. Therefore, ASO sets out to do everything possible to increase an app’s visibility in search and maybe even get it featured on the most coveted ‘Top’ Charts that both stores maintain.

What’s the difference between SEO and ASO?

The simplest definition of SEO is that Search Engine Optimisation is a process of increasing the visibility of a website in the search engines. The simplest definition of ASO is that it is the process of improving the visibility of an app within the App Store.

An App Store IS a search engine.  Just like they do to discover content via Google, people search for and discover apps by using the app store’s search system. And so just like you can use SEO to increase a website’s visibility you can increase an app’s visibility with ASO.

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But the processes are very different. Google has over 200 ranking factors. App stores have far less. In fact, the following are the most important and those that should be focussed on during an ASO campaign:

  • App Title– one of the most important parts of ASO. Pick the right title using relevant, well-researched keywords.
  • App Keywords– a very important field on the Apple’s App Store. It’s a little bit like the now obsolete Meta keywords tag. But this one actually has a big impact on the App Store rankings.
  • App Description– this is where you can explain what your app is about and encourage people to download it.
  • App Downloads– the number of app downloads seems to be one of the key factors. Popular apps rank higher.
  • Backlinks– it is known that these have no impact on the ranking of your app on the Apple’s App Store. However, some people believe that backlinks can influence your ranking on Google Play. This makes perfect sense, given that Google already has a similar algorithm in place for its search engine but it is not something that Google has ever confirmed.

It’s important to note that ASO is not directly related to App PR, the process of promoting your app outside the app store, but it can often be a part of an overall promotion package.

How Important is App Store Optimisation?

There are thousands of apps in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. The good news is that app fans are often more persistent searchers than the average web searcher. They will go through several options to find what they want and tend to ‘scroll’ further than they might when searching the web. However, they won’t scroll forever, so your app needs to appear as close to the top as possible.

Reviews are even more important, not just for the App Store algorithms but for users too. They will be downloading your app to hardware that may have cost them (correction, probably has cost them) more than a months rent, so they want to make sure that it’s safe, bug-free and worthy of the GBs it will take upon their device.

Don’t think that generic, paid reviews will be of much help to you. App users are a very savvy bunch used to reading reviews and can usually spot a fake a mile off. This means that any ASO campaign has to effectively generate real, helpful reviews to boost your app’s appeal and search ranking.

All of this means that ASO is VERY important. The sobering fact is that most apps don’t make much money because no one can find them. A good ASO campaign changes that and allows your app to stand out and shine for the brilliant utility/game it is.


What is ASO in digital marketing?

Mobile apps, whether they are designed to be placed in the Apple App Store for iOS users, or the Google Play Store for Android users (or both) are big business and potentially big money earners for their creators. But even if an app is the best ever created in its niche it won’t make a dime unless it can be found via a store search. Therefore, ASO sets out to do everything possible to increase an app’s visibility in search and maybe even get it featured on the most coveted ‘Top’ Charts that both stores maintain.

Is Keyword Research a Part of ASO?

Keyword Research is a crucial part of SEO. It is also crucial for anyone working on ASO. However, there is one big difference: when it comes to Google, we can access accurate data with monthly search volumes for keywords using the AdWords Keyword Planner.

But there is no way to get accurate keyword data for keywords searched on the App Store. Of course, there are some useful ASO tools available. However, none of them will give you the sort of data that SEO professionals take for granted when it comes to search engines, so it calls for some serious human-powered research and expertise (again, another great reason to make sure that anyone you hire to do ASO for you has done it successfully before)

By this, we mean studying competitor apps: their titles, their keywords, their descriptions, and how this seemed to affect their placement in the stores. It also calls for an understanding of how people search in general – the way their minds work – and that is something that really the only experience can teach.

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How Important is An App's Icon?

Very. It’s not a ‘known’ ranking factor, but a memorable image will go a long way to help you stand out in-app search results. You need to remember that these searches are being conducted via smaller mobile screens only though so they must be optimized specifically for mobile, and that represents your app and brand accurately.

As an app store optimization company, Pearl Lemon can help you ensure your app’s icon is attractive and stands out.

How Does App Store Optimisation Work?

App Store Optimisation is the process of optimizing mobile apps to rank higher in an app store’s search results. The higher your app ranks in an app store’s search results, the more visible it is to potential customers. That increased visibility tends to translate into more traffic to your app’s page in the app store. The obvious goal is to get your app to get more downloads.

How Important is Having the Keyword in the Title?

As with all SEO, having the title contain a main keyword is critical to sales, or in this case, downloads. Apps with a main keyword in the title often see an increase of 10.3% in the ranking.


Do Ratings Matter?

Yes, Of Course!

Apps that have higher ratings rank higher in search results overall.

Should I Have App Screenshots?

If you can include screenshots, then the answer is yes. Users like previews and being able to see beyond an app icon. A screenshot included on the page can help push a purchase/download of the app.

Should I Include the App Publisher Name?

Including the App Publisher name can be important because users can search by App Publisher name via the App Store.  You can use this to include keywords tied to the type of Apps you are creating.  Something to consider is publishing under several trade names of your company that fits the different types of apps you are developing.

What is App Category?

App Category is where your app is placed as far as where it fits within the app store. Picking both the Primary and Secondary category for your app can lead to the success of your app.  The right category will get you in front of qualified customers, while the wrong category will result in a lack of exposure for your app.

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What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing is a form of comparing an app directly to a similar app to see what is performing the best. This can also be referred to as split testing or bucket testing.

As an app store optimization company, Pearl Lemon can run A/B tests to help ensure your app will perform the best.

How Does Apple Spotlight Search Effect ASO?

Apple’s Spotlight search helps publishers improve engagement, and Google’s app indexing assists with current user engagement and gaining new users. Both should be implemented by app publishers who want to grow. When you enable Apple’s Spotlight Search, you can improve app use and engagement levels because there will be more exposure to your app, and it will be more frequent.


Here are some frequently asked questions relating to ASO. If you have a question that has not been answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Localization can help improve your app rankings. Translating the app titles and content can take a lot of effort. It is worth the effort because both Google and Apple favor localized apps while ranking them. It is especially beneficial to localize for non-English speaking countries as you will get a clear advantage by translating into local languages. Localization also helps as several regional Apple Stores index in multiple languages, so localization provides you with more keywords.

Title– The keyword placed in the title should be the one with the heaviest search traffic.

Keywords– To improve your search rankings, you need to know which keywords are relevant and used most often by your target audience.

Total Number of Downloads – Your number of downloads are significant to ASO, but you don’t have complete control over them.

Ratings/Reviews– Also important and difficult to control. However, there are ways to incentivize happy users to rate and review.

There is a range of factors that help determine success in the app store. These factors can include App Title, App Description, App Icon, App Publisher, App Screenshots, App Category, and App Keywords.

Yes, App Size does matter. Huge app size is a deterrent to app downloads as users find it difficult to download such apps using their mobile data. A smaller app is easier it is to download and is more likely to be downloaded.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!