What Is Digital consultancy, and Why Does Your Business Need It?

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Digital consulting is rapidly increasing, and its value and role is now beyond enterprise-level companies. Currently, even small business enterprises need to have digital consulting to stay at the top of their game.

Digital consulting focuses on helping companies overcome issues and drive intelligence to businesses. Expert IT consultants provide a company with a data strategy related to their business goals, define what data has potential, and work it out.

This article will look through the benefits of digital consulting for businesses and what to look out for in a digital consultant.

So, what is digital consulting?

Digital consulting is the activity that connects business strategy to implementation beyond different digital fields, like web design and development, marketing, PR, server scaling, branding, strategy, monetisation, memberships and anything that happens in the digital space.

How is a digital consultant helpful to your business?

Digital consulting has been steadily growing in the past years. Its global market value is expected to surpass $53 billion by 2023, according to statisca.

The primary purpose of digital consulting services is to help companies and organisations achieve their digital transformation and innovational goals efficiently while staying relevant in the market by using IT and digital channels.

IT consulting services ranges from building long-term digital innovation strategies to finding immediate transformations like business process automation, consulting on big data and custom software department, cloud migration etc.

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Digital consultants :

  • Bring broad and diverse industry expertise knowledge.
  • Develop and set high-end business strategies.
  • Pave the marketing road map for your business.
  • Amplify your brand through their diverse network.
  • Improves or enhances technology infrastructure.

Digital consulting involves a broad set of activities, so a digital expert must be “a jack of all trades”, or at least very competent.

Here are some of the things they are responsible for:

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1. Search engine optimisation (SEO)

This is by far the most recognisable job of a digital consultant. An SEO consultant has to be on top of their SEO game, and while some consultants specialise only in one area, a business can benefit from a more diverse approach.

SEO includes but is not limited to :

  • Creating and publishing high-quality and relevant content on your website.
  • Procuring appropriate back-linking.
  • Reputation management and branding.
  • Keyword analysis.
  • Social media management and marketing.
  • Google guideline compliance.
  • SEO audit reports and analyses.
  • Website and traffic analytics.
  • Managing new content processes.

This list entails only a few of the elements that SEO encompasses. Managing your SEO is one of the hats that a digital consultant wears, and it is one aspect that can make or break your digital efforts.

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2. Content management.

Writing and publishing articles, posts or blogs takes alot of time and requires consistency. This might be a challenging task to keep up with, especially for business owners.

Even if you do enjoy writing these posts and have time for it, your content will only be effective if there’s a well-planned strategy in place.

Sourcing your SEO content writing to a consulting expert can accelerate your results and free up time to do other things.

A digital consultant specialising in content management will use research and data to discover topic ideas your customers search for and give you strategies for publishing. 

A digital consultant will as well optimise created articles and publish them regularly on your website.

3. Digital ad campaigning/ advertising

There’s alot to grasp about digital marketing tools, and hiring a consultant to oversee these efforts will help you maximise your returns. 

Suppose you contemplate advertising on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram or looking into paid ad strategies on google. A digital consultant will know where you need to invest your money on the web.

Digital consultants can help you promote your products through sponsored posts, podcast ads, and other forms of media placement. 

They will know how much of the budget should go to buying a google search result ad compared to other campaigns.

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What Is Digital Consultancy, And Why Does Your Business Need It?

4. Social media management

Growing your social media audience and getting more followers would require you to create consistent and engaging posts and interactions with the customers.

Social media consultants can take over the role of posting on your social media accounts and keeping up with the conversations while saving time and being effective on these platforms.

Working with a social media consultant will give your posts a consistent feel and is aligned with your brand. And since consultants are specialists in their field, they are top of trends and changes in the digital landscape.

5. Web design

Anyone can learn how to put up a simple website, but working with an expert ensures that your site is beautiful, fast, easy to navigate and in line with your brand. The most important aspect is user experience.

An excellent digital strategy by web design agencies is more hands-on since they are hired to plan and execute a specific project. If it is a new business, they will form a strategy from scratch by creating a custom solution.

For already functioning businesses, the consultants will revamp and build the websites. With the rapid technological changes, the way people interact with your business online also changes, so your website will need to keep up.

A consultant can help you relaunch or start over with a high-converting ad functional website.

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6. Marketing strategies

Digital consultants do unify the corporate brand or business. They assess the design assets, pick the right technological solutions for a given brand, and build short-term and long-term marketing strategies.

Such may include helping out with inbound or outbound marketing efforts, suggesting different tools and services that could be used for automation, helping out with PR, marketing and networking activities, and so much more.

Benefits of hiring a digital marketing consultant

Hiring a consultant can be quite expensive, but there are distinct advantages that come with doing so, such as:

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It's time-saving

Digital marketing is a vast field that’s constantly evolving. It’s possible to do effective marketing on your own, but long-term success requires spending time researching, learning, and implementing new ideas.

By hiring a consultant or marketing firm, you can redeem your time by focusing on operating and improving your business instead of worrying about digital marketing efforts.

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Small businesses fail to hire digital because they think the costs are high. However, these people work on a project basis, so you will only pay for the services rendered, often on a short-term basis.

You can scale up when you need help and scale back when you’re ready to focus on other projects. 

When you hire a digital consultant, they come with tools of the trade to execute effective social media strategies, research the best keywords, and much more.

With an effective marketing campaign, you will enjoy a good ROI that will make the initial investment worth it.

Access to expertise

Digital consultants work full time in their field of speciality, with multiple clients in multiple markets. They have a level of experience that provides unique insights you can leverage in your strategies.

Build brand authority

Digital consultants put in alot of work to build your brand authority and ensure relevancy. Even when they specialise in one project, you will still benefit from effective SEO to boost your brand reputation.

Effective marketing involves delivering quality content to your target audience, and marketing tells stories and identifies problems that people are looking to solve.

Even after the end of your marketing campaign, there will still be people following and engaging with social media channels, sign up for email lists and more.

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Broader marketing channels

If you are doing marketing on your own, you will realise that you may not have the necessary human resources and knowledge to utilise all the social media channels. 

I.e. you can create a marketing plan based on social media ads, but you could be missing out on implementing an effective PPC campaign.

All of this requires knowledge of keywords, competitor insights, compelling ad copy and more. By hiring a digital consultant, you broaden your marketing efforts, boost your website traffic, etc.

Timeless strategies.

It doesn’t matter when you stop working with a consultant; the strategies developed and implemented can be maintained and carried on into the future. 

All you have to do is keep the systems in place.

What you should look out for in a digital consultant

With a vast pool of consultants of different types, areas of expertise, and price points, it can be too much when you finally need one.

Here are some quick pointers to ask yourself before choosing the right consultant for you.

  • Have they worked with your type of business before?
  • How much do they cost, and are they within the range your cash flow can handle?
  • How have they helped clients in the past?
  • Do you want to work with a large agency, or do you want a personal approach?
  • How do they represent their consulting services?

You want to make sure that the agency or consultant you hire is right for you and fits the profile of your personal needs. Ask as many questions as you can before closing on a decision.

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In a nutshell, digital consulting entails a broad set of activities, and it is diverse. The benefits that have been realised with consulting are proven by the many success stories out there.

As technology grows and evolves, the demand for digital consulting is only expected to increase. For a business to survive the competition, they need to adapt to the evolving trends in business. 

Digital consultancy can speed up innovation in business and directly impact the pace of various businesses in different industries.

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