Get More Qualified Leads With Our Spanish SEO Services

Link building and SEO in Spanish has a high focus on quality to generate natural site traffic. Your On-Page SEO needs to be cohesive and internal structure flow together well. For link building, high-quality links are a must. Close to 90% of Spanish users focus on Google, so quality and authoritative links are necessary. We can get you positioned to page 1 of!

Local Spanish SEO is a more than a little different. Local SEO is an effective way to market your business online to the most important customers; the ones who are looking for the things you offer, in your area right now. Local SEO is focused on providing results relevant to a searcher based on their current location.

Search Engine Optimization – SEO for short–is a specialist area of digital marketing discipline that focuses on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results. It involves both the technical and creative elements and, done right, can improve search rankings, drive additional traffic and even boost those all important conversions by up to 200%.

If you search for ‘best steak restaurant’ on your mobile when  you want to be shown results for places you can walk – or at least Uber too – easily, not a place fifty miles away. Google wants to be able to do that for its searchers, which is why there is more emphasis than ever before on local search, and therefor local SEO.

Local SEO Spanish helps businesses promote their products and services to local customers at the exact time they’re looking for them.

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Local SEO uses a variety of strategies — from getting your site ranked on search engines like Google, in business directories such as Yelp, Trustpilot, Foursquare, Yellowbook, Google My Business listings, Bing Places for Business pages and creating great localized content on your website.

It won’t work overnight. Local SEO takes time, effort and expertise. Local SEO Spanish isn’t something every SEO agency can take on and succeed with, as they don’t understand the area, the people who live and work there or even why local SEO is different to general SEO. The team at Pearl Lemon do.

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Glasgow Business On The Map With Local SEO Services

Put Your Spanish Business On The Map With Local SEO Services

Local SEO helps businesses promote themselves online to local customers within a geographic area. The difference between local SEO and general organic SEO is intent. Google can (pretty well, too) pick out search queries that have “local intent,” meaning the searcher wants search engine results with local companies featured first.

Why is Local SEO taking over? Because local searches are more people-centric than organic search results, meaning it’s more customized for each user. Nowadays, Google searches are all about local “near me” searches.

People want what they want when they want it.

Local Spanish SEO is highly targeted and time sensitive – people are searching for a business literally at the exact moment they need it. You can’t get much more personalized than that. And great local SEO Spanish makes sure that your business ticks all the boxes Google wants it to to rank at the very top of local search for the products or services you offer.

If your business is only concerned about being found locally, and not nationwide, then where backlinks come from are very important. Having your website listed with local chambers of commerce for instance is not only a strong link, but it also shows the search engines that you have a presence in that city/county. Just having your business name, address and phone number listed (also called a NAP listing) can help the search engines.

This is where partnering with a local SEO Spanish company is an advantage for your organization. Most large, national only SEO firms will usually automate the link building process. They have endless online networks that they plug your information into, letting computers do the rest.

Local SEO companies have done lots of research on where to get your business found by your local target market. Whether it’s local news outlets, local directories or reliable, local blogs, marketing companies in your area know the ins and outs of getting local results.

Here at Pearl Lemon, our team of local Spanish SEO experts will create a results-driven strategy to improve your SEO and help to boost your conversions. Our SEO services are designed to drive qualified website traffic and leads to your business and we’ll do everything we can to ensure you.

Technical Website SEO Optimization

What Is Local SEO?

What Goes Into Great Local SEO?

Need your Spanish business to rank locally? There’s more involved than you think! Google considers all the following (and more) when determining which local businesses to rank highest in their local search results.

Link Signals

Link domain authority, inbound links, link quality, link relevance and more. We make sure you get the local and national links you need to climb the SERPs.

Review Signals

Consumer reviews are very important to local businesses. We’ll help you get more of them across all the review sites relevant to your local business.

Onsite Signals

Are you offering search bots and browsers the best onsite experience? We’ll help you ensure that you do.

Citation Signals

It’s important that information about your business in directories across the web is consistent. Our local SEO audit will track down all your NAP listings to make sure that’s the case.

EAT Ranking

Expertise. Authority. Trust. EAT. These things are increasingly important to search engines. They want to point their users to the best local businesses. We’ll help you build a reputation that will have them sending people to you.

Top SEO Companies - Clutch

We're Recognised As Being A Top Local SEO Company Globally

We are ranked as one of the top Local SEO agencies on Clutch’s Leaders Matrix, demonstrating our ability to deliver excellent results to our clients. We are incredibly proud to be acknowledged as 1 of 15 global market leaders in SEO out of 11, 932 firms.

Want To Increase Your Visibility In The Search Engines?

Are you looking for SEO services to BOOST local business in your area, and be seen by more of your potential customers?

Book a free SEO audit conducted by one of our SEO experts today!

killer keyword research
Spanish SEO Services

Localised Spanish SEO

Hiring an SEO agency familiar with the nuances of different regions is an important factor in choosing who to bring aboard your team. One important factor is ensuring that your content is written in Spanish naturally and not auto-translated with a machine. Different regions do use different lingos, so content is king.


We’re a full-service SEO agency operating on a global scale, but maintaining a local mindset. Here’s a look at the answers to some questions we are asked most frequently. Have more questions?- Contact us!

Local SEO marketing is the process of optimising a website – and its individual pages – to generate traffic from location-based searches. The rapid growth of mobile usage and on the go searching has made local optimization an important focus for a variety of businesses, but most importantly for businesses with brick and mortar stores or offices.

Local SEO marketing is not something you pay someone to take care of technically behind the scenes without your involvement as a business owner. Local SEO Cardiff is a process that needs to be integrated into all your marketing, writing, publishing, and customer targeting activities.

The main difference between general organic SEO and local SEO is that local SEO has a geographical component.  

If a user searches for an industry/service/product  + location, the search engine – whether it is Google, Bing, Yahoo or even Facebook – knows that the search has local intent. And all search engines want is to give the user exactly what they’re searching for. So a local business that has implemented local SEO specifically is almost always going to show up ahead of one that has not.

local SEO strategy is especially important for small, local businesses. SEO stands for search engine optimization and is important in order to increase traffic, attract customers, and make your business known.

That, depends of course, upon where your business is located. But, in very general terms, as of July 2018,  46% of all searches on Google are seeking local information (and that’s according to Big G themselves) That’s nearly half, another indication of just how important local SEO is.

Do you remember the Yellow Pages? That big thick book that used to be delivered to homes and businesses in countries all over the world? They are still around, but in much smaller numbers, and most people either throw them out if they do receive one (or use it as a doorstop or something similar)

Why? Because people use the web to find what they are looking for these days. And the web uses Local SEO citations to help deliver that information to them. In a nutshell, a local SEO citation or local business citation (the two are essentially the same thing) is any listing that contains (at a minimum) a business’ name, address and phone number. Google and other search engines rely heavily on what are known as citation sites to find local businesses to include in their results.  

Directories and citation sites go out and scrape business information from the web – in mass quantities. They then pull business info into their database and share it with the world. Google My Business, Yelp, Foursquare, Trustpilot, Merchant Circle, CitySearch – they’re all examples of citation sites. And those are just a few of the big ones, there are many more.

Name Address and Phone (NAP) accuracy is critical for local businesses. It’s important for your NAP to be correct and consistent not only throughout your website, but also anywhere it appears throughout the entire Internet.

Having strong Google reviews and completing your Google My Business listing – adding photos and videos and selecting correct categories – improve your business’ chances of showing up on Google Maps.

Something else that people just don’t use anymore is an atlas. Or an A-Z (remember those?) Instead they often rely on their trusty cell phone to find things and to find their way making use of Google Maps. There is a Google Maps app installed by default on most smartphones and Google Maps data is also used to power hugely popular GPS apps like Waze.

And on Google Maps, if a business has a Google Listing, people will find that business as they near it. Or look it up. To see this in action right now head to Google Maps for a minute. Do a directional search for a location near your business. See those buttons that are offering you the chance to look up restaurants, bars, cafes, and almost any other kind of business located in the area? This is where you want YOUR business to appear, which is what Google Maps Optimisation and Google Maps Marketing as executed by a local SEO expert sets out to achieve.

The benefits of local SEO for a business that has a local presence are almost too many to list here. But here are some of the most important:

  • A stronger web presence in your local market
  • Higher search engine rankings in local search
  • Your web content will rank higher in search, driving more traffic to your site.
  • Increased website traffic
  • An increase in phone calls from local potential customers
  • An increase in foot traffic to your business location
  • Increased sales revenue
  • An increase in repeat business
  • Stronger local community presence
  • More effective incentive-based marketing campaigns

As an SEO company that specialises in Local SEO, we have developed a set of proprietary local SEO techniques that we tailor to suit the needs of every individual client we work with. In local SEO there is no one size fits all solution that will ensure that every business ranks as well as it possibly can in local search.

Instead we examine the needs of each business/client we work with and create a unique local SEO plan that will include Google My Business listing optimisation, general website SEO optimization, Google Maps optimisation, locally focused content marketing, local business citation optimisation and much more, according to the individual business’ needs. 

Absolutely. Each location is different, and so we treat it that way, even if you only maintain one website (as is the case for most local businesses) As a business that maintains a number of regional locations ourselves we have a unique insight into the challenges such companies face and we’ll put all that we have learned to work for you too. 

Not nearly as well, though it is possible to create and claim a Google My Business page for free. Those can show up in the map 3-pack if the competition isn’t too fierce for your local industry but it’s a very difficult feat to pull off. 

Follow “white hat” tactics approved by search engine webmaster guidelines so your listing isn’t in danger of disappearing from results altogether.

If learning about SEO and local SEO makes your head spin, outsource it. You pay an accountant to handle your books, so pay an SEO agency to handle that side of your business.

SEO -and local SEO – is an ongoing process. Search engines change their algorithms all the time – Google makes up to 80 small changes a week – and so keeping up is a must. You may need fewer hours though as time goes on and your SERPs positioning improves.

Websites that are not mobile friendly tend to not rank as well on Google, especially when the search is from a mobile device. With over 50% of local searches from mobile, it is bad for your site if it offers users a poor mobile experience. Google ranks websites that offer great mobile experiences the highest.

If needed our team of technical SEO specialists – who also boast some impressive programming and coding skills – can help get your website up to speed and delivering a better user experience for both human browsers and bots.

Our local SEO team will help you select the review sites that matter the most to your business and create a process to make reviewing your business easy.

Yandex is used by a little more than half of all Russian speaking people. This includes Russia and the neighboring countries. Yandex places high value on being able to search and find in Cyrillic. Some other differences is that Yandex crawls sites much slower than Google will and focuses much more on a need to have original content and geo-targeting.

Unlike Google, Yandex displayes Favicons. Favicons are little icons that are displayed next to a search result. They are representative of the website that it is next to. It is typically the brand logo or image.

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If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!