SEO for Professional Services Firms

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SEO ensures that your website operates as smoothly and effectively as possible, benefiting both existing and prospective customers. A well-optimized website is always useful, authoritative, and simple to use.

Furthermore, SEO is applicable to every industry. Regardless of the professional services you provide, SEO can help you boost your site’s traffic, whether you’re a small or medium-sized organization.

The best SEO practices are well-defined and reproducible. When you invest in SEO for professional services firms, you can get the kind of traffic that your company needs to thrive. Furthermore, SEO is a very cost-effective way to increase visitors.

SEO for professional services firms will improve the relevance of your content, the usability of your website, and the engagement of your visitors with the professional services your organization provides.

It’s fair to say however that SE is neither quick nor easy. In order to be most effective, SEO needs to be an ongoing process that requires attention and effort every day. The chances that you have the time, knowledge or personnel to keep up are slim. Fortunately Pearl Lemon does and can put the power of SEO for professional services firms to work for you without you needing to do a thing.

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What is SEO for Professional Services Firms?

We know that SEO is a tried and true approach for increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website. You might not, however, know what it is, so let us explain.

Because SEO is data-driven, its impact on your business can be measured and replicated. If you’re a small to medium-sized business that values data, SEO can be a cost-effective alternative to paid traffic.

Some businesses love SEO because it is data-driven, while others prefer SEO because it is a low-cost method of obtaining more traffic, especially when contrasted to paid advertising (such as Google Ads).

Regardless, if your company has the vision to invest in SEO, you can get the specific, engaged and ready to buy traffic you need on a regular and ongoing basis, rather than only when you pay Google to run ads to generate clicks.PPC clicks dry up when you stop paying for ads. Traffic from organic search as generated by SEO keeps flowing in, day after day, offering far better ROI in most cases.

So how does SEO for professional services firms work? When someone searches for information on a topic using a search engine (such as Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo), SEO begins.

The search engine then generates a list of websites, known as a search engine results page (or SERP), with the most relevant results at the top. This is where any professional services firm needs their website to be found. There is a reason that SEOs joke that page two of Google is where websites go to die: it’s true. Very few consumers make it past the first page of any search.

To convince search engines, via the bots that crawl the Internet looking for good content, that your site belongs at the top of their SERPs you’ll need a website that meets their technical standards, that makes good use of the keywords its looking for and that appears to be authoritative, trustworthy and informative. If this all sounds like a lot, it is. Which is where SEO agencies like Pearl Lemon come in.

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SEO for Professional Services Firms and Keywords

The one thing that many professional services providers do know about SEO is that it involves keywords. This is true, although SEO also involves much more.

However, keywords, or rather the proper, measured use of the right keywords is very important. Finding the right keywords and keyphrases is an important skill for any SEO to possess, and the SEOs on the Pearl Lemon team are well versed in the art of keyword research and selection.

Keywords tell Google and its crawlers exactly what each of your webpages is about, and this, in turn, tells them what your company does and what professional services it offers. This helps it understand your site quickly so that the bots can move onto the next part of their mission: determining how valuable your site is likely to be to those searching using those keywords.

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The Power of Onsite SEO for Professional Services Firms

As we alluded to earlier, keywords are a small part of the SEO puzzle. Google is also a business, and it wants its search results to be the best they can be, which means providing users with the best possible, most relevant results. Filling a website full of spammy amounts of keywords is easy, but modern search bots aren’t fooled. They want to see informative content that demonstrates knowledge and expertise of the professional services you offer, presented in such a way that is quick and easy to use.

Onsite SEO for professional services firms starts with a complete audit of your site, from its content and speed to the tiniest lines of code. Once this is completed, a good SEO agency will be able to tell you what needs to change, how it needs to be changed, and then make those changes as quickly and efficiently as possible so that your site becomes one that search engine bots – and humans – will love.

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Offsite SEO for Professional Services Firms

You may also have heard that backlinks are important to SEO, and again, this is broadly true. But in the 21st century, the quality of your backlinks is as important as the quantity. Some less than scrupulous SEO firms buy links for their clients to make it appear as though the job’s done. Any link you can buy, however, is not a good link. Any temporary boost buying links can provide quickly disappears when Google discovers what’s been going on, and penalizes your site for violating their guidelines.

We don’t do that. Pearl Lemon builds links naturally and focuses on the quality of the links. You need links that demonstrate that other respected sources in your niche find your content valuable, and that’s what we work hard to get.

Local SEO for Professional Services Firms

Local keywords are frequently used in searches for professional services by those looking for them. In addition to a list of websites, Google – the world’s most popular search engine – now also returns Google My Business profiles. Many people hold these Google-provided profiles in high regard, although they are frequently underutilized. At Pearl Lemon, we work with our clients to ensure that their GMB profiles are thoroughly optimized, so that they leave a lasting good impression on individuals who see them.

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