Let Your Firm Stand Out From The Competition With Our SEO For Professional Service Firms

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The time for your firm to generate clients or customers from yellow pages or flyers is long gone.

Nowadays, people only need a device that can connect to the internet, and they’ll be able to see various professional services they need. It became easier for people and businesses to find the things they required.

However, that’s not the case for “being found”.

As a professional firm, if you want to be found on the internet, you’ll need an online marketing strategy that guarantees your website’s visibility and exposure.

One method that most professional firms and big companies employ is SEO. This strategy allows business websites such as yours to rank high on search results for better audience reach.

But where do you get SEO?

Lucky for you, you’ve stumbled upon us.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we have search engine optimization experts with 25+ years of experience that can help you with your SEO-related problems.

Stand out from the competition and be the top choice for people searching for professional service firms online.

Book a call today.


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Red Flags To Notice

If you have a professional service website, you’d want it appearing in front of your target audience, right?

However, for your site to rank among the top results and be visible among the people searching, it first needs to be in its top performance.

Let’s look at some red flags on your site that could be yelling a big ‘NO’ among search engine crawlers and online visitors.


1. Site Loads Forever

The speed of your website is a critical factor that is commonly neglected. If a website’s pages take too long to load, visitors will abandon it. Outdated designs, massive pictures, chunky add-ons, excessive content, and even viruses are some of the most prevalent causes of a sluggish site. At the end of the day, slow site performance kills conversions.

2. Isn't Mobile-Friendly

People nowadays no longer just use desktops to search across the internet. Through the technological developments over the years, it has now become possible for individuals to search using mobile phones and handheld devices. Thus, if your site cannot scale on smaller screens, the chances of your site being ignored by users would be almost a hundred percent.

3. You're A Not Secure Site

You’ll know you need site optimization if you see a “not secure” sign whenever users click on your website or webpage. Search engines won’t recommend you if your site systems pose significant threats to their users. After all, search engines are businesses that provide excellent service to the people who use them.

4. An Ugly Website

We won’t sugarcoat it. It’s a red flag if you have an ugly site. Humans are always attracted to things that are pretty or aesthetic– this also goes with the websites they visit. Once users see that your site looks like it came from 200BC, they’ll switch you out with a better one.

The good thing about SEO is that it can solve all of these red flags and give you more benefits in the process. It can make your site load faster, mobile-friendly, secure, and aesthetic.

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Our SEO for Professional Service Firms

SEO or search engine optimization for professional service firms is making your professional website rank high among search results to get more leads and customers coming into your firm.

The more visible you are when people look for professional service-related keywords, the more people can view your site and take action on it.

With our sound SEO strategies here at Pearl Lemon, you can be the next best friend of search engines when people search for services related to your firm.

Place your site among the top searches with our services below:

Online Competitor Analysis

As a professional providing services among clients, we know you have rivals. We'll assist you in identifying other businesses that are also selling into your target markets. This process will assist you in determining the appropriate niche and target customers for your brand while also putting a pedestal on what your rivals do. It's a tight competition in the digital world, and you'll need every information you can to get that competitive edge.

Google Penalty Checker

Did Google penalize your site? Or maybe you don't even know you've been penalized. No need to worry because our expert SEO team will evaluate your site, help you understand why you have been penalized, and give you the insight, knowledge, tools, and expert advice you need to recover from a Google Penalty. Let's take your SEO to new heights of excellence that Google will love.

Podcast SEO

Professionals nowadays also market on podcast channels. They talk about everything related to their profession and share it with many people. This is because podcasts can create content to reinforce your brand. In today's day and age, almost everyone listens to podcasts online. If you plan on using this platform, our podcast SEO experts will create an ideal strategy, so you can tap the booming market of podcasting to increase your ranking and brand awareness across the internet.

SEO Audit & Analytics

Data is essential in improving your business. At Pearl Lemon, we do SEO analytics and audit reports where our experts can analyze your SEO to identify which ones are working correctly and which aren't. We'll conduct a complete and precise SEO audit for your website within 48 hours and provide customized suggestions for your site.

We’re always open to your queries. So if you’re looking for a service not mentioned above, talk to our experts on the line.

We Have Worked With:

Watch our Case Study videos

Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works

You're A Professional

A solid SEO plan for firms that offer professional services like you is crucial now more than ever. 

Keep in mind that a targeted SEO campaign based on your unique service and target market will put you in front of numerous new customers that will keep your inquiries coming in.

However, you’re a professional, and you’re busy, so you probably can’t take up another task that requires a tremendous amount of attention.

For that reason, Pearl Lemon is here to help.

Talk to us.

SEO for Professional Service Firms FAQs

For your site to rank on search engines, you’ll need to satisfy several engine algorithms’ ranking factors. Your site would need relevant content, system optimization, quality links, popular keywords, and many more. However, all of these factors could be satisfied if you employ a sound SEO strategy for your business.

The short answer is yes. Google My Business rankings can be optimized through SEO as well. If SEO is not enough for you, PPCs and paid ads can also be an option. We will suggest everything that can possibly help your business rank higher on Google My Business here at Pearl Lemon. You can also be rest assured that we will be there to guide you every step of the way with whatever we suggest.

A search engine optimization tool can be different apps, platforms, and software that help boost your SEO strategies. These tools make it easier for SEO agencies such as ours to analyze content, backlinks, and other important ranking factors needed for your site. These tools can also help do reports that can help understand your site’s performance better.

It really depends on your firm’s performance online. In Pearl Lemon’s opinion, if your employed SEO strategy produces excellent results, you don’t need a PPC. However, there are also circumstances where PPC can supplement your SEO strategy to give you more significant results. Whichever the case may be, if you hire us, our experts will discuss with you what steps would be best on a long-term basis.

Our services vary on a case-to-case basis. Pearl Lemon understands the unique needs of each client that we have. That is why we do not offer a singular plan to everyone– our experts will customize every plan to each client we will be working with. Talk to our team of experts to learn more about our rates.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!