Capture More Smiles & Breathtaking Views With Our SEO For Photographers


Every skilled photographer has the eye to capture almost every good shot there is in a moment right before them. They take these moments and put it in a souvenir that would always remind us of what happened.

For that reason, people always hire photographers because they want to relive those magical moments forever.

The photography industry is expected to grow in the next few years, indicating that there will be a surge in demand for the job.

So how do individuals look for photographers?

Well, their primary source of top-notch photographers would be on the internet.

All they have to do is type in “photographer for hire” on the search tab, click enter, and they’ll have thousands of recommendations.

As a photographer, if you want to capture more smiles and the best sceneries for clients all the time, then you have to be their choice of photographer. You have to be there whenever users online look for you.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we help photographers like you to be the top suggestion of search engines whenever people look for whom to hire.

Our sound SEO strategies that always win will help you to be part of the 17% of photographers who clients constantly contact.

If you want to learn more about how we can help you, talk to us.


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Our SEO For Photographers

SEO or search engine optimization understands the standards set by search engines and matches them so that your site will rank in the highest part of search results.

When SEO  is implemented into your business or work, you won’t need to worry about having a steady stream of clients coming.

Lucky for you, we have SEO campaigns that will make you the top most sought-after photographer in no time.

Keyword & Audience Research

To be on page 1 of search results, you need relevant keywords and know what your audience is looking for. Our experts can do the challenging work of researching which high-quality keywords and online trends can generate more clients for you. The more photography-related keywords present on your site, the more traffic we will generate for your site.

Photography Content

It's best to have a website that search engines can easily read, but if you want to rank on page 1, you'll need lots of relevant, original, and valuable photography content. Our experts are not just SEO professionals. They're also content marketing experts who want to help you convert clients. We can assist you by organizing, evaluating, and generating optimized content for search engines. If you make your content, we can also go with that– we’ll offer our content advice.

Building Links

Internal, external, and outbound links are three links that are crucial for your site. You must have internal links so that users that see your site will be able to view more services from your website. An external link is a form of referral that comes from another website. These links are counted by search engines as third-party votes, indicating that your site is an authority on your topic and worthy of being referenced. Lastly, connecting to another website from your own is known as outbound linking. With this method, you are assisting search engines in determining the credibility of your website by connecting to other reputable sites.

Mobile SEO

When people visit your site through their mobile devices, they expect it to scale excellently. We can improve your organic search visibility on mobile phones and other handheld devices such as tablets with mobile SEO. We can scale your site so that it’s still good-looking and functional when people visit it through small screens. Get more people viewing your art through the small screens of their devices.

International SEO

Want to reach international clients? No problem. We'll optimize your site so that search engines can quickly identify which countries to target. No matter where your audience is, we will be sure to make your site relevant, up-to-date, and credible for different cultures. With international SEO, you can reach more clients and possible sponsors for your work.

SEO Web Design

Aside from being experts in SEO with 25 years of experience, our professionals are also experts in web design and development. We can make your website visually appealing and easy to use for every customer visiting you. Pearl Lemon knows how important it is for your site to reflect your work. Therefore, we will be sure to incorporate your goals and views as a photographer.

If you need more services, we can always talk about it over the phone– so call us now.

Make The Pearl Lemon Choice

But why would you hire Pearl Lemon in the first place? Why would you want to work with someone like us?

Well, here’s why:


1. Expert On The Job

People now use the internet to be updated on everything happening worldwide. Pearl Lemon utilizes the vastness of the internet to do SEO strategies for your brand. With our years of experience and knowledge, we’ve won various awards for what we do. We have a good grasp of what to do and what needs to be done once we take hold of a project for a client.

2. Tech-Savvy Folks

We know and understand what devices your target audience uses to read content and create campaigns that will pique their interest. Data analytics are also used to determine your target customer’s behavior. Using these statistics enables us to customize strategies and campaigns to make them more effective.

3. Values Partnerships

The main goal is to connect with your market. We make relationships through the SEO strategies that we can plan and execute. We also capitalize on the potential conversations made throughout various online platforms to increase business reputation among the public.

4. Transparent Workers

Transparency and honesty are what make relationships more meaningful. We are confident in how good we are at what we do. We are honest about what we can’t achieve. So we make sure to provide evidence and supplementary information on our produced results.

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We Have Worked With:

Watch our Case Study videos

Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

They took ownership of what needed to happen and worked hard to do what needed to be done! Revenue has expanded thanks to Pearl Lemon’s efforts. They overcame some initial challenges to deliver quality SEO services and own their role.
George Oustayiannis
Managing Director, Go International
The SEO and marketing efforts have contributed to an increase in visitors and ranking, plus a decrease in bounce rates from the site. The Pearl Lemon team has been a consistent partner during the project. Their personable, professional approach and expertise make them easy to work with.
Ofir Bashari
CTO, Asteria Diamonds
Leads have increased since the new system was established. Quality copy on a new landing page drives users through a comprehensive qualification funnel. Pearl Lemon established an effortless collaboration and worked rapidly to produce results. One can expect a proactive, motivated partner.
Renatus Adhome
Managing Director, Band Vault TV

Take More Photos

As a photographer, you’re probably familiar with ISO and RAW as a photographer, but not with SEO.

That’s fair enough, given that it’s not your field of expertise.

But now that you’ve read how SEO can help you and your work, why not invest in it?

You won’t even need to worry about how to plan, create, and implement SEO, because we at Pearl Lemon are willing to do it for you.

Take more photos for people while maintaining a steady stream of clients online.

All you have to do is book a call with us today.

SEO for Photographers FAQs

Search engine optimization is understanding and complimenting your website to the standards set by search engine systems. By knowing their algorithms and guidelines, you’ll have a better ranking whenever users enter their queries online. In some way, it is similar to a photo competition. The judges in the competition are taught to consider several key factors before deciding which is best. Judges, in this sense, are search engines. Nevertheless, for photographers, SEO is a way for your name and work to be known without paying for ads or doing hard marketing.

Keywords are words that are frequently searched for by individuals online. These words frequently come up on search queries across various search engines. For the photography industry, some examples would be “photographer” or “photography”. You may then add specific phrases like “debut photography,” “graduation photography,” or “maternity photography.” If you do family photography, you may use specific keywords like “baby portraits” or “family photo.”

If you want to drive more traffic to your website, you can choose from various options. You have PPCs, paid ads, paid links, and SEO. Among the four, we highly recommend using SEO. Aside from the fact that SEO guarantees your visibility and exposure online, the method’s main advantage is its capability to drive organic traffic to you. Organic traffic is when people naturally go to your site without the help of any ad or link. It means that they intend to go to your site of their choice.

Here at Pearl Lemon, yes, we do. Search engines such as Google have features that would enable you to use images as a search query. For that reason, we can optimize your images’ alt texts so that crawlers can easily identify them. Labeling your images on your website system will be easier for users to find your photo.

Our services vary on a case-to-case basis. Pearl Lemon understands the unique needs of each client that we have. That is why we do not offer a singular plan to everyone– our experts will customize every plan to each client we will be working with. Talk to our team of experts to learn more about our rates.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!