Get Your Pinterest SEO Nailed With Us Today

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What Is A Pinterest?

Pinterest, the internet’s premier idea-sharing and cultivation platform, allows users to save pieces of information that they might find useful later on and share it instantly with friends and family. 

Users can access this information from any web browser in the world. Many associate Pinterest with finding recipes, fashion updates, and DIY projects, but this thinking minimizes the immense power behind the platform for those who create the ideas that are being shared.

Pinterest has a wide variety of uses, from finding recipe ideas, DIY projects, wedding planning, to artistic inspiration and is by a wide variety of people. Creatives use it to connect with other artists. Travelers use it to find itineraries for their trips. Teachers use it to find lesson plans and ideas.

Every business niche has a home on Pinterest, and your website traffic can explode organically through the digital version of “word of mouth” marketing. This is exactly why you need SEO for Pinterest! And Pearl Lemon as your Pinterest marketing agency.

It also has a unique way of sharing content that differs greatly from the other major social platforms, as it is focused on idea collection as opposed to idea sharing.

This means that most of the active users on the site are not trying to create something new and push it out on the world, say in comparison to a Tweet or Facebook post. Instead, they are shoppers, browsing around for cool and interesting blog posts, projects, images, or products.

In short, Pinterest is a great place to find any type of customer you are looking for and to help spread your content like wildfire among its 291 million users. If you aren’t using it for your business, it is definitely worth changing that, and changing it fast.

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Pinterest's SEO Benefits

As well as the marketing benefits it offers there are also some very nice Pinterest SEO benefits to be gained from maintaining a Pinterest account.

user-centric CRO model

#1: Better Analytics

Comprehensive analytics are one of any marketers best and most useful tools. If you look at your website analytics reports, you can see at a glance the websites and other traffic sources that brought people your way. 

Social networks are not so helpful. Facebook for example offers their “insights” but does not give you any information about just which piece of your content sent someone winging their way to your website. 

Pinterest is different. Pinterest will show you exactly which of your “pins” earned that all important click thru and let you see that item on the Pinterest site. This is also great for social interaction as you can then thank the person for sharing, or connect with them through a comment.

#2: Seamless Facebook Integration

If you create your new Pinterest account by signing up using your Facebook page (yes, you can use your business page) you will have to option to share your Pinterest activities on your Facebook page whenever you like. 

Not all of your pins perhaps but one that is really interesting, or just one a day or so. That way your Facebook fans will discover you Pinterest account, expanding your social reach once again. You can also (and you should) cross promote with Twitter as well. You can also cross promote with your own blog for an even deeper integration.

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#3: The Pin It Buttons

Like any good social network does, Pinterest offers you the option to encourage people to interact with you on Pinterest and share your content on their pin boards as well. 

There are two buttons you can use: 

The Pin It button is a line of code you can add to any page of your website, or to a blog post that will allow your readers and visitors to share images from the page or post right onto their Pinterest pinboards, very much in the same way a Facebook share button does. 

The other button that Pinterest offers to webmasters is a “Follow Me on Pinterest” button. For bloggers you will find that some of the better bookmarking plugins have already added the Pin It button option to your settings. Otherwise you can also create one right in the Goodies section in your Pinterest account with just a few clicks.

#4: A Great Backlinking Opportunity

Pinterest is a highly trafficked site and those traffic numbers are still increasing every day. That means it constantly attracts the scurrying virtual feet of those all important search bots. 

The more repins you can get that lead back to your website the more traffic you will get for sure, but you may also get a bit of a rankings boost (that’s not a guarantee though) At the moment Pinterest pin links do not contain a “no follow” variable but that could of course change at any time.

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Business Growth SEO services

#5: Get a Keyword Boost

Keywords can be every bit as important on Pinterest as they are on your website or your blog. People search for images on Pinterest in the same way they do in a Google search – by keyword or key phrase. 

Under every Pin you have the chance to add your description. If you use your current keyword strategy here as well (you do have one don’t you?) you can not only “rank’ for your keywords on Pinterest itself but your images should start coming up in a Google (or Bing) image keyword search as well.

The Pinterest Problem

Pinterest is great, but it is also time consuming. Current wisdom suggest to get the most out of a Pinterest presence you should post 8-10 times a day. Who, as a busy business owner has the time for that, even if you schedule Pins in advance? 

Pin creation is also a very time-consuming process. Your pins need to stand out from the sea of similar images, they need to link back to your web properties and ideally they all need to be branded with your business’ name and logo. And you need ten of those a day. That’s a lot of work, especially if graphic design in not your forte. 

Rather than miss out on everything that Pinterest has to offer because you don’t have time to stay on top of it, why not opt for Pinterest account management services, outsourcing as much, or as little of your Pinterest account activity to Pearl Lemon’s experienced team of expert Pinners. 

Furniture Store Pinterest PPC Case Study

Clad Home has been a great client we have worked with to help them increase their sales and conversions while using Pinterest as a PPC platform. We have been able to help Clad Home generate nearly $30,000 in sales within 90 days.

Expert Pinterest Management

Pearl Lemon offers the following Pinterest Management Services:

Developing A Pinterest Brand Strategy

An effective Pinterest SEO strategy calls for much more than simply pinning pretty pictures. You need to determine what you want to link to, the keywords you want to target and the brand image you want your Pins to project. 

Our team will work with you to develop a Pinterest brand strategy that works as your chosen Pinterest marketing agency. We can make changes to your existing Pinterest profile and Pinterest boards or build a new Pinterest account from scratch.

Content Structure
killer keyword research

Pinterest Keyboard Research

We have seen quite a number of PinBoards that obviously belong to a business but all the descriptions under their images say are things like “we love this” or “this is cool”. These people are missing the point of Pinterest for business use. 

You have the space and the opportunity to add a link back to your site and a nice keyword friendly description, use it and use it every time you pin.

Our team of expert Pinners work closely with our SEO team to find the best keywords for your Pins to target and create a keyword strategy that will boost the benefits you get from your Pinterest account even further.

Pinterest Pin Creation

Creating great pins takes time. Not only do the images have to be enticing and exciting but they also need to be branded and there are even sizing issues that need to be addressed. Working with Pearl Lemon’s Pinterest Management Team means we can create these Pins for you, saving you hours of time and frustration.

Individual On Page SEO
Online Reputation Management

Pinterest Pin Scheduling

Our team will schedule your Pins at the optimum times to maximize their reach and ensure that your account publishes the 10-15 pins a day that experts recommend.

Pinterest Interaction

Group boards are a great way to expose your Pins to an audience that is already interested in what you do or what you have to offer. Your Pearl Lemon Pinterest Management Team will find those boards and interact in them on your behalf.

Startup PR Agency London
White Label SEO Services

Pinterest Ad Management

Pinterest advertising can be very successful, especially for retail brands. Our team can help create, place and manage Pinterest ad campaigns that really work.

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Contact us today to learn more.

Pinterest SEO FAQs

Pinterest social media management can be another way you can generate traffic to your site and build an audience.

A Pinterest specialist can build content as well as optimize your profile. These services will include applying techniques to improve traffic to your site.

Pinterest management services can cost anywhere from $200 -$1,000 a month depending on the contract.

Pinterest account management involves building content for your Pinterest page and applying SEO techniques to gain organic traffic.


Pinterest is another way to gain traffic to your site. Pinterest management services can build and manage your pinterest profile to expose your brand across the pinterest audience.


A Pinterest expert will optimize your page to gain more organic traffic. SEO is applied through techniques to appear in more Pinterest searches.

There are no hard and fast rules, you can have as many – or as few – as you like. However, Pinetrest’s own research found that the average number of boards on accounts owned by pinners with 300K+ followers is 56 boards.

Your Pinboards should be focused on engaging your target market and, where possible, using your Pin descriptions to help you gain visibility in both a Pinterest search and a general Google or Bing search. You should never sacrifice the visual appeal of your Pins by focusing too much on keywords though. In most cases, every board you build should also include complementary or helpful fellow pinner pins in addition to your own.

We recommend a minimum of 20 pins per Pinterest board. However, your most important boards should have 200+ pins per board to boost their performance in a Pinterest search.

You should try to use two-four well searched keywords that describe your board. Make use of keyword research and keyword research tools to help you find the right terms to target. As your Pinterest managers the Pearl Lemon can take that task on for you, ensuring that all your boards perform as well as they should and give you the overall brand and SEO boosts you are looking for.

Yes. Writing keyword rich Pinterest board descriptions is a very important part of your SEO efforts.

Hashtags on Pinterest can be a double edged sword. Hashtags can be a good way to add additional keywords but as they do create a clickable link that will display other boards you may risk losing your users attention. However, many people do make use of one or two, but no more than that.

Yes, but it does not have to be you. Pearl Lemon’s Pinterest management team can take over the day-to-day operation of your Pinterest account for you, ensuring it remains active without taking up too much of your time.

Like most search engines, the actual workings of the Pinterest search algorithm are something of a secret. As is the case for all SEO however we can make some educated guesses.

Pinterest provides stats for your top performing boards including impressions, clicks, saves, and # of pins. Pinterest SEO experts agree that these figures are used to determine where to place your Pin in search. It’s believed that these stats are used to decide how boards will rank in search.

If you do have a Pinterest board with lots of pins and very few impressions, clicks, and saves, it’s probably not going to rank well. However, you may not want to delete them if the images are good, just work on the Pinterest SEO needed to get them seen by more people.

No! Old pins have clout and plenty of SEO juice. Even if it only has ten repins it has a better chance  of being found through Pinterest search than your new one. You also don’t know what people will respond to best. Some people may respond to your old pin. Others will respond to the new one. Deleting it would eliminate an effective source of traffic and sales.

Color can dramatically improve your product sales. Here are a few stats:

93% of the time a purchase is made based on visual appearance

85% of surveyed consumers state that color is the primary influencer of purchase decisions

Color increases brand recognition by 80%

Pins that perform best are tall pins that are 736px x 1103px in size. We have found that using even taller images is also OK but shorter images will not perform as well.

There isn’t a single number, but basically the more the better.

Five to ten times a day is optimal, which is a number that’s considerably higher than some other social media platforms. As this might be very time-consuming if done by hand most people make use of a scheduling tool like Tailwind.

Very, Pinterest is still a social network and so interacting with other users is a must.

We would recommend that you do when it’s appropriate. Not all pinned images are suitable for the addition of a logo, but those that are should feature some kind of brand mark yes.

Yes they can, it’s one of the many things they are great at.

Yes they can, it’s one of the many things they are great at.

We can. Pinterest is a great place for entrepreneurs, coaches, influencers and others to build their brand and improve their brand SEO, and we love working with them.

Pinterest is suitable for any business whose products, services or even company culture can be visually represented. It is especially effective for retailers, service businesses and as a personal branding tool.

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