Payday Loans SEO Case Study

traffic cost/month
$ 0
pages ranking between position 1 - 5
0 +
Competitive Keyboards
0 +
Our Client - Loan Pig

Our SEO client, Loan Pig, is a part of the short term loan space. In addition to their SEO work, we also worked on creating a Youtube content calendar for our client. This campaign covered a full remit of services including optmising blogs and pinterest too.

Through the length of this project we were able to achieve significant growth in the organic keyword listings in that space, as well as, clicks per month. The estimated traffic cost per month was $250,000.  

Beyond that short term work, we also worked to get dozens of keywords on page one for extremely competitive keyword listings. By the end of the campaign, 8 pages of keywords ended up ranking between position 1 and 5 respectfully.

As Featured In:

This campaign got exceptional results over just 4 months.

If you’re a business in the space of financial services and looking to get similar kinds of results give our experts a call to discuss how we can help you.

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