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Writing is communication, and if you cannot communicate your point clearly to your audience, you won’t get the response you desire. 

You can use the best grammar to put across a well-thought-out argument, but it’s all a waste if the people do not get the point of what you’re talking about.

Fortunately, we can quantify your text clarity with something called the readability score. 

Readability can be defined as how easy it is to read and understand a text. You can use Metrics such as the number of syllables in a sentence or a variety of words to calculate your readability score. 

Read on further to understand what a readability score is and why it is crucial to analyse your texts.

What is a readability score?

A readability score is a number that tells how easy or difficult it is to read and understand your text. People read at different levels, and what might be readable for a PhD holder might leave a Grade 1 pupils head spinning.

In general, what’s readable to me may not be readable to you. So, as you are writing, you need to consider other people so that your content is not misunderstood, ambiguous, and frustrating to those reading it.


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At Peal Lemon, we can help you determine roughly what level of reader will understand your text. Some metrics considered while calculating your readability are more subjective than others, but for the better part, this is what goes into determining readability:

  • Sentence length
  • Scanability
  • Vocabulary level
  • Voice tone

There are multiple readability tests you can use, i.e. Flesh-Kincaid, Readable.io and Yoast SEO.

Keep in mind that the higher the readability score, the easier the text is to read and understand.

Why is readability important?

For readers

  • Readability determines how easy it is to your content; the higher the score, the better for you. For starters, readable texts keep people on your site as it takes them less time to go through your content.

    You might think this is a bit contradictory as the aim is to keep people longer on your site, but an easy to read text will require less effort from your visitor as they will find the answer to their query right away.

    On the other hand, a hard-to-read text will frustrate the visitors, and they will the site immediately, resulting in bounce rates. Many people don’t have the patience to figure stuff out, especially internet users. 
  • Readable content builds trust between you and your site visitors, presenting a chance of them reading beyond the first sentence and clicking through to your other pages to read more about related topics or products. 
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  • Readability plays a massive role in SEO because right now, search engines are getting better at mimicking humans each passing day. In the earlier days of SEO, it was as easy as stuffing content with the keyword.


    Currently, Google is a lot better at recognising quality content, and besides that, search engines are also good at predicting what users want to read. So Producing user-friendly content is essential when it comes to your rankings. 

For readability online

  • Writing texts that are easy to read is vital for online content. People get easily distracted online, so you should stay focused and give readers a positive user experience. 

    Readability influences how clearly the reader can understand a text. 


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Tips for achieving WordPress readability

Readability is quantifiable. Here is a quick list of rules for you to keep at the back of your mind.


1. Keep your sentences precise.

It’s very easy to get caught up in your flow and just keep typing away the idea we want to tell people. We might forget that people who will read our content might not have the patience to read through long compound sentences. 

The idea is to keep the sentences short and straightforward.

2. Write as you would talk to children.

Whenever you are writing something, break it down so that even a 5-year-old child would understand what you are talking about. 

Simplify your message so that your readers don’t have to scan their heads for a hidden meaning.

3. Read your text out loud.

Reading your text aloud will help you pick out any mistakes or things that don’t make sense. The whole point is that your content should be readable, even to you.

Reading out loud is a great way to get yourself back on track in case you deviate from the main point, as well as helping you regain your train of thought.

4. Don’t try to be a Shakespeare.

When writing, don’t try to sound like a writer. Writing in a grand, sweeping, epic style and using words people barely know will them more confused than ever. 

Let your writing style be simple. After all, writing is about communication. 

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5. Space out your texts

Blocks of sentences discourage readers from going further. Use short paragraphs while writing, use bulleted lists, and add single-line paragraphs now and then for variety.

Breaking up your texts helps readers quickly grasp the gist of your content.

6. Use more pictures

Relevant, entertaining and informative pictures keep your readers engaged.

7. Be conversational

As you are writing, remember you are writing for your blog, not your literature journal. Create a sense of intimacy with your audience.

Write like you are having a casual conversation; it’s not a thesis.

8. Use larger fonts

Larger fonts maximise readability.

9. Employ humour in your writing

Use humour when and where appropriate. It not only makes your blog enjoyable, engaging and readable, but it also makes it shareable with other people.

These are just a few of the many tips you can use to increase your wordpress readability, but they are sure to help you grow and increase your audience.


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With much of internet content today being populated by bots and run by algorithms, we produce content meant for humans. Our job is to make sure real people understand your work.

You need an experienced WordPress expert who can help you climb the rankings and subsequently get more traffic. 

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