Why Silence Isn’t Golden: Harnessing Conversations For Inbound Success

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All of us have been there. After a long day, you finally sit down to eat. As you prepare to swallow, the phone rings. A telemarketer is calling and enquiring about your preferred oven. 

This annoying break in the action is unnecessary. Lead generation provides a solution for this.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of lead generation and how to identify potential leads. We’ll also discuss why inbound lead generation is far more efficient than merely purchasing leads.

Let’s get into it

What Is A Lead?

Any individual who expresses interest in a company’s goods or services in any way, shape, or form is considered a lead. Typically, leads hear from a company or organization after initiating contact (by providing personal information for an offer, trial, or subscription).

Leads are a component of the larger lifecycle that customers go through, from visitors to paying customers. Not every lead is created equally (nor are they qualified the same). There are various types of leads based on their qualification and lifecycle stage. These include:

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

Contacts that have interacted with your marketing team’s efforts but aren’t yet ready for a sales call are referred to as marketing-qualified leads. A contact who completes a landing page form for an offer is an illustration of an MQL.

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)

Contacts who have expressed a clear interest in becoming paying clients are known as sales-qualified prospects. An example of SQL is a contact who fills out a form to inquire about your good or service.

Product Qualified Lead (PQL)

Contacts who have utilized your product and taken actions indicating interest in purchasing are known as product-qualified leads. PQLs are frequently used by businesses that provide free or limited versions of their products with the opportunity to upgrade. This is where your sales team comes in.

A consumer who utilizes your free version yet interacts with or inquires about features only accessible through payment is an example of a PQL.

Service Qualified Lead

Contacts or consumers who have expressed interest in paying clients to your service staff are considered service-qualified leads. A client who informs their customer service representative that they would like to increase their product subscription is an example of a service-qualified lead; at this point, the customer service professional would up-level this client to the appropriate sales team or representative.

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation involves attracting potential customers to your business and nurturing their interest so they become customers. Job applications, blog articles, coupons, live events, and online material are a few ways to generate leads.

These lead generators are just a few illustrations of the lead generation techniques you can employ to draw potential clients and direct them toward your offerings. Lead generation is a method of introducing potential clients to your brand and setting them on the route to ultimately making a purchase, and that is typically what resonates best.

Why Do You Need Lead Generation?

When a stranger approaches you and expresses genuine interest in your company, the change from a stranger to a consumer is far more natural.

The second stage of the inbound marketing process is called lead generation. It happens when you’ve garnered a following and are prepared to turn those viewers into leads for your sales team (namely, sales-qualified leads).

What Are Some Effective Lead Generation Strategies?

Various approaches, campaigns, and strategies fall under the umbrella of online lead generation, depending on the platform you use to gather leads. After a visitor is on your website, you must practice lead capture, but how can you draw them in? Let’s explore lead-generation tactics for a few well-known platforms.

Facebook Lead Generation

Since its conception, Facebook has been used to generate leads. Initially, businesses could leverage information from their bios and outbound links in their articles to attract new visitors. However, there was a significant change in how companies used the network to get leads after Facebook Advertising was introduced in 2007. Its algorithm started favouring accounts that used sponsored advertising.For this reason, Facebook developed lead Advertising. Additionally, Facebook offers a tool that enables you to add a straightforward call-to-action button at the top of your Facebook Page, which may be used to link Facebook users to your website.

Twitter Lead Generation

With Twitter Lead Gen Cards, you can generate leads within a tweet without ever leaving the platform. Users only need to click “Submit” to enter their lead information, which includes their name, email address, and Twitter username.

LinkedIn Lead Generation

From its inception, LinkedIn has grown its involvement in the advertising sector. In terms of lead generation, LinkedIn developed Lead Gen Forms that automatically fill out information from their profile when a user clicks a CTA.

PPC Lead Generation

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements appear on search engine result pages (SERPs). The success of any PPC campaign strongly depends on a fluid user experience, your budget, target keywords, and a few other elements. Google receives 3.5 billion searches daily, giving it excellent real estate for any ad campaign, especially lead gen.

B2B Lead Generation

A unique approach to lead generation is necessary for the B2B business model. Referrals are the best option for obtaining business leads, according to SmartInsights. In addition, effectiveness varies depending on the channel.


Conversations are essential throughout the client lifecycle. With the help of inbound marketing, businesses can draw in prospective clients who they can interact with and please through conversational marketing. It allows the audience to interact with your brand how they want. Now, you know how conversations help your inbound marketing strategy!

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What is a conversation in inbound marketing?

Conversational marketing is often considered a part of an inbound marketing strategy. Inbound is the “pull” tactic of attracting customers through their preferred channels. Conversational marketing is the method of actually conversing with customers in these channels.

Why are conversations important in an inbound strategy?

Besides indicating what consumers desire and require from your products or services, conversations also provide your business with crucial information as to how your customers choose to interact with your brand, any questions or problems they might have, what “works” for them about what you’re doing, and what doesn’t.

Is conversational marketing effective?

Conversational marketing helps 50.7% of companies respond more quickly. Nearly eight in 10 businesses say they’ve experienced positive growth in sales, revenue, and customer loyalty due to live chat services.

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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