Growth Hacking

Let Pearl Lemon Help You Achieve Rapid, But Sustainable Growth

Grow Your Market Share

Achieve Early Traction

Our expert growth hacking consultants will show you how to achieve the best possible market fit for your products and get the early traction you need for a successful launch.

Grow Your Market Share

We’ll help you determine what your most promising customer acquisition channels are and optimize them to drive rapid growth for your product or service through our growth hacking SEO services.

Optimize Campaign Conversions

We’ll show you how to sustain your product’s growth by optimizing campaign conversions to ensure ROI and revenue at the bottom of your sales funnel.

What Is Growth Hacking?

Growth hacking. It might sound a little like it’s another throwaway buzzword that marketers use that’s trendy but has no real meaning. While there are lots of terms like that – terms we try to avoid – growth hacking services isn’t one of them.

Growth hacking is simply a broad, umbrella term for strategies that focus solely on growth. Almost any business can benefit from it but it’s especially effective, and important, for young start-ups who need to generate great growth fast but also don’t have huge budgets to devote to it.

The basic goals behind a growth hacking agency, London based, are simple. To acquire as many customers, clients or users as fast as possible on a smaller budget. That’s it. Well, there’s more to it than that, as you’ll discover, but it’s a real, viable practice, not just another bit of made-up marketing shtick.

Growth Hacking
Business Analytics

Who Is A Growth Hacker?

A growth hacker is the person – or people – who brainstorm and execute the lower-cost strategies that lead both to rapid growth and eventual customer retention. Occasionally you’ll hear growth hackers referred to as growth marketers, but that term really isn’t fair, because growth hackers are not just marketers. There’s a lot more to us than that.

A good growth hacker is somewhat obsessive, extremely curious and very analytical. We focus only on growth strategies, things that will grow the business. We are willing to innovate, to hypothesize, analyze and test. And then test some more.

The ideal growth hacking agency London based– and Pearl Lemon can offer you one of those – understands how to identify the best channels to acquire clients, customers, and users, how to set priorities for growth, how to measure successes – and failures – and how to scale growth.

As Featured In:

Growth Hacking In Action

A growth hacking consultant, or a growth hacking marketing agency, follows a pirate code. Well, a pirate funnel anyway. The Pirate Funnel is a framework to divide a company or product to better show you where attention should be focused.

The Pirate Funnel was originally developed by Dave McClure, an entrepreneur and angel investor who founded the hugely innovative 500 Startups. It’s called the Pirate Funnel because its crucial elements – Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue – when used as an acronym spell out AAARRR, which is of course a very pirate-y thing. This is essentially what it looks like.

The Pirate Funnel is also a very fitting term name because great growth hackers, like pirates, don’t follow establishment rules easily and innovate with what they have and what they can obtain quickly and affordably.

The Pirate Funnel has, over the years, been tweaked and tweaked and every growth hacker develops their own version of it and then their own expertise and experience into the mix. It’s an effective place to start however and a simpler way to explain the goals of growth hacking to those unfamiliar with it.

What is Growth Hacking
Growth Hacking Strategies

Growth Hacking Strategies

Most effective growth hacking services can be divided into three main areas:

  • Content marketing
  • Product marketing
  • Advertising

Within those three areas all the following lower cost strategies might be used in a growth hacking campaign.

Content Marketing

  • Creating valuable, shareable content via blog posts
  • Guest blogging
  • E books
  • White papers
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Email marketing
  • SEO
  • Strategic product placement in forums, listings, and marketplaces
  • Influencer marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Customer/consumer reviews 
Negative Content Suppression
Referral Marketing
Product marketing utilizes techniques for making your product or service more appealing to the target audience and might include.
  • Creating FOMO –  a fear of missing out – by access to a product appears more exclusive (by using an invitation-only sign-up system for example.)
  • Gamifying the onboarding process to make it more appealing, enjoyable and engaging
  • Offering referral incentives that benefit existing customers AND the new users they recruit
  • Affiliate marketing
In terms of more direct advertising some growth hacking campaigns benefit from PPC advertising to create immediate traffic.

Some Of Our Clients

Growth Areas

Pearl Lemon’s Growth Hacking Experts Specialize in these Growth Areas

Customer Acquisition

Attracting new customers calls for a real understanding of what they want and what makes them tick. This leads to a continuous flow of prospects without wasting money on the wrong campaigns and the wrong channels.To achieve this we’ll
  • Boost your traffic and generate more real leads
  • Review, revise and optimize your current marketing campaigns
  • Brainstorm new marketing efforts that will engage and excite your target audience
  • Help you discover new customer acquisition channels
  • Turn leads into actual customers
Customer Acquisition
Optimize Customer Activation

Optimize Customer Activation

Getting more visitors to your website or landing page is good, but what you need is to get a name – and at least an email address from every new browser’s click. Once they arrive visitors have to be carefully nurtured. This is the first time they are going to get to decide if the  value proposition you promised them is real

To help you do this Pearl Lemon’s growth hacking team will

  • Optimize the onboarding process
  • Effectively automate onboarding communications so you gain conversions while you sleep
  • Ensure there are no activation bottlenecks



Retain More Customers

To achieve sustainable growth you need to cultivate a loyal customer base. Customer retention is at the heart of successful sustainable growth and is the very essence of growth hacking.

Our customer retention strategies include

  • Comprehensive customer retention analysis
  • Brainstorming advanced techniques for pulling customers back to you
  • Creating and distributing the effective and educational content needed to keep your customers engaged with your brand and your products.
GatherContent tool Review
Technical Website SEO Optimization

Generate More Revenue

Those who are willing to pay for your product or service are the real fuel for your company’s growth. As successful growth hackers our team can show you how to increase MMR and continue to find new revenue streams while optimizing existing ones.To do that we’ll
  • Maximize free trail and freemium conversions
  • Increase your paying customer base
  • Gather and analyze all the essential metrics needed to engage and re-engage customers and decrease churn.

The Pearl Lemon Growth Hacking Difference

If you are not familiar with the Pearl Lemon Group you won’t know that, in 2020, it’s only just turned two years old… And that’s the parent company, Pearl Lemon. Our other divisions are much younger. Yet we’ve won multiple national awards in both the UK and the US, have become a profitable, six figure concern and are still enjoying great growth. All of this is thanks, in large part, to growth hacking.

When you work with the growth hacking team at Pearl Lemon you will be working with the same talented group that created our own growth. This is a team that can not just show you case studies detailing results they have achieved for others – which they can – but continue to practice what they preach every day.

Ready to talk growth hacking with a London growth hacking agency UK businesses love? Contact us today.

Team Collaboration
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Growth Hacking FAQs

To become a successful growth hacker, you need to start by reading any and everything you can about the field. It’s also a good idea to network with other industry experts as well and see if they are open to answering any questions you may have. You should also have a basic knowledge of growth and analytics.

Growth hacking is not dead. As long as there are startups, and other companies that need growth, there will be a need for growth hackers. Growth hackers are experts in company growth, so they can build a course of action for rapid growth to maintain a positive ROI.

Growth hackers make different salaries. This depends on their industry experience if they are freelancers or part of an agency and where they are based. On the high end, an experienced growth hacker can make $82k.

A london growth hacking agency is an agency that focuses on building a plan for rapid and sustainable growth. These agencies are experts in the field and can help any business achieve rapid growth, whether they are a startup or a large company. Growth hacking agencies may also be refered to as growth marketing agencies as well. We are the growth hacking agency London businesses can trust and need.

Growth hacking. It might sound a little like it’s another throwaway buzzword that marketers use that’s trendy but has no real meaning. While there are lots of terms like that – terms we try to avoid – growth hacking isn’t one of them.

Growth hacking is simply a broad, umbrella term for strategies that focus solely on growth. Almost any business can benefit from it but it’s especially effective, and important, for young start-ups who need to generate great growth fast but also don’t have huge budgets to devote to it.

The basic goals behind growth hacking are simple. To acquire as many customers, clients or users as fast as possible on a smaller budget. That’s it. Well, there’s more to it than that, as you’ll discover, but it’s a real, viable practice, not just another bit of made-up marketing shtick.

Pearl Lemon is a growth marketing agency UK businesses can trust!

A growth hacker is the person – or people – who brainstorm and execute the lower-cost strategies that lead both to rapid growth and to eventual customer retention. Occasionally you’ll hear growth hackers referred to as growth marketers, but that term really isn’t fair, because growth hackers are not just marketers. There’s a lot more to us than that.

A good growth hacker is somewhat obsessive, extremely curious and very analytical. We focus only growth strategies, things that will grow the business. We are willing to innovate, to hypothesize, analyze and test. And then test some more.

The ideal growth hacking team – and Pearl Lemon can offer you one of those – understands how to identify the best channels to acquire clients, customers, and users, how to set priorities for growth, how to measure successes – and failures – and how to scale growth.

At first, because it sounds very different it’s tempting to dismiss growth hacking as a fad, and the term as yet another overused buzzword. But it’s not. The term was first coined by a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Sean Ellis, in 2010. His company, Growth Hackers, is still going strong today and leads the growth hacking space. 

Pearl Lemon is a growth marketing agency London businesses can trust!

Not quite. Growth hacking does involve digital marketing, but only as one of the ways its aims are achieved. Traditional digital marketing – if there is such a thing – does not focus solely on growth. 

What are some examples of really big companies who successfully made use of growth hacking? 

There are a lot, but some notable examples of great growth hacking include: 

Airbnb – In order to connect with people looking for affordable accommodation Airbnb’s founders contacted people on Craigslist who were doing just that. 

Dropbox – An ongoing growth hacking strategy the online storage company makes use of is that they reward users with extra free storage space when they get their friends and contacts to sign up. 

Hotmail – Remember Hotmail? Hotmail made use of growth hacking before it was ever a ‘thing’. If you think back, you might remember a line that encouraged non Hotmail email recipients to sign up for their service was appended every email sent.

In fact, growth hacking strategy represents a solid key factor in that, particularly valuable for a startup but useful for a company of any size, it tends to optimise a fundamental aspect of any leverage plans that seek to grow, thus to improve, anything inherent to a successful development of the business.

This question directly refers to the strategies conceived by the growth hackers themselves, thus if successfully effective, they may not reveal it easily. Furthermore, what works well for a type of company may work very differently for another one. Each business is unique, right ? 

However so far, all growth marketers share common innovative and creative professional traits that empower them to effectively design tailored growth marketing strategies. But ultimately.. Pearl Lemon is prodigious in this field subsequently, so can become your business if you decide to hire us ! 

Pearl Lemon is a growth marketing agency London businesses can trust!

Intrinsic to all successful types of businesses alike, a growth hacking roadmap can be defined as a planning document displaying the growth hacking strategy of the organization usually for current, near and future terms. 

  • Content marketing distribution on social media  
  • Engagement with your target niche on social media groups and/or pages 
  • Spread of new leads via social media campaigns 

The more you leverage your business, the more it will advance growth hacks !

Quite simply, offline growth hacking refers to any physically generated growth marketing campaigns. Hence, these mostly encompass postal and other paper distributed ads, fidelity customer cards, public and private sales events, etc.

Pearl Lemon is a growth marketing agency UK businesses can trust!

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