Pearl Lemon’s Expert Google Penalty Recovery Service Will Speed Up Your Site's Recovery Process And Get Your Business Back in the SEO Game

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In today’s market, possessing a consistent online presence is vital for your business

More people are online than ever, with research showing that the average person usually stays online for up to seven hours a day. This makes the  internet the wealthiest marketing source for your business.

SEO (search engine optimisation) is the art of expanding your business’ reach online and  managing your website and advertising so you appear in as many searches as possible. 

With everything online now, it is becoming harder and harder to stand out, so good SEO is necessary for any successful business. There are so many SEO companies dedicated to leveraging strategies to help you rank high on Google and other search engines. 

Unfortunately, Google constantly penalises your SEO campaign and search rankings for various reasons. With Google being the king of search engines, you want to stay on its good side so recovering from a Google penalty is paramount to maintaining your business’ presence online.

At Pearl Lemon, we pride ourselves on delivering top  SEO services globally, and as part of this, we specialise in Google penalty recovery services. 

Call us today so we can start working on getting your business back out there.

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How to Tell if You Have Been Penalised by Google

Unfortunately, Google will not notify you when they have placed a penalty on your domain. Instead, you will have to manually search within Google webmaster tools to see if one has been placed on your website.

If you have noticed that traffic from Google to your website has decreased sifnificantly or your keyword ranking has gone down without you changing your SEO strategies, chances are you’ve been flagged. 

Another way to know if you have been penalised is if your website no longer appears on Google searches. While such a penalty can significantly affect your ability to reach your target market, it is not the end of the world, as Pearl Lemon is here to help! 

Online marketing is our bread and butter, and we have assisted hundreds of businesses in recovering from Google penalties in the past, so be rest assured you will be in expert hands. 

Our years of experience mean that we already have a checklist of problems that might be causing the issue and will endeavour to fix them so you can get back to running your business online with ease. 

Our relationship doesn’t have to end there because we can assist you in reclaiming your previous market reach. We can also help to expand it even further using our years of SEO expertise and the top-notch SEO tools we work with.

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Our Audit, SEO Recovery And Google Penalty Removal Services

We know receiving a penalty can be critical, primarily if your business operates entirely online. Pearl Lemon is here to fix the problem and quell your fears.

As one of the world’s top-rated SEO agencies, we offer an assortment of SEO services alongside our skills in removing Google penalties.

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Content Analysis

We like to be thorough at Pearl Lemon. We will go through each page of your website, scouring for content that may be the source of your penalty. 

Whether it’s specific bad keywords or the general structure of your content, we will work to fix it while offering suggestions on how to improve it further. Fixing the problem takes care of one thing, but we also want to help your business thrive online by letting you leverage our expertise to make your SEO better than ever.

Manual Penalties and Algorithm Penalties

Our Google penalty consultants are experts at what they do and will review your account to determine if the penalty was placed by manual action or flagged due to the algorithm

No matter which way it goes, our consultants will file a reconsideration request to Google on your behalf while taking necessary steps to have the penalty alleviated by developing a strategy that will allow you to move past it and regain excellent search engine results. SEO is a tricky concept to master, and we will keep you informed of what has caused the issue and what you can do in the future to avoid it happening again.

Forensic SEO

Our SEO ninjas will work behind the scenes to improve your website’s reach, meaning nothing will disrupt your day-to-day operations because we’ll handle it for you.

We endeavour to carry out a plan of action to execute penalty assessment and recovery strategies that will review your website’s data, backlink and analytics to ultimately determine what has caused the issue and safely dispel it. Our SEO experts will not only work to fix your lowered ranking but also offer advice on content development and link building to raise it higher than before and generate organic traffic.

If you would like to learn more about the specific Google penalty recovery services we provide, please click here

If you are after a broader overview of our SEO services to increase traffic and user experience, you can find that here.

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Get a Google Penalty Recovery Service And Save Your Business Online

While a penalty to your SEO from Google may seem like a death blow, Pearl Lemon is here to prove otherwise. Whether your website was flagged manually or picked up by the algorithm, we will work to ensure your business not only recovers but thrives online. 

Our Google penalty recovery consultants will analyse every inch of your website, flagging any keywords, backlinks, or bad structuring that may have caused an issue. We will then provide ways to avoid such issues occurring again. 

We can also talk you through the different types of penalties that Google hands out so that after we help you recover, you can be more vigilant with your digital marketing in the future. 

If you are unsure of the state of your website regarding Google, get in touch with Pearl Lemon, and we will talk you through the telltale signs and how we can work together to get your online presence firing on all cylinders. 

We Have Worked With:

Watch our Case Study videos

Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works


As the world’s biggest search engine, Google’s algorithmic interface monitors all the content that runs through its systems. 

These penalties can be put in place manually or automatically, usually resulting from keyword stuffing (unnatural spammy keywords) or other blackhat practices

Even though you may have unintentionally engaged in such a practice, a Google penalty can prove crippling for your business’s online presence. 

If you have noticed less traffic than usual on your web pages or cannot find your website through Google, you have likely received a Google penalty.

There are different types of google penalties that can affect your search engine results pages; hence, a number of reasons why your site may have received a penalty, even if you never meant to do anything wrong. 

If you have paid to have your website’s place in SEO rankings manipulated, then that is classified as a violation by Google and will result in a penalty. Sharing a server with a website that has received a penalty also makes your site likely to receive a penalty, described as “living in a bad neighbourhood.” 

Similarly, if a penalised website’s bad links lead to yours for whatever reason, it is more likely for your site to be flagged by Google. If a lousy website links to yours without your permission, you can use Google’s disavow tool to tell Google you don’t wish to be associated with those shady sites. It is not a guaranteed fix, but it is a step you can take on your own to try and fix the problem.

It is possible to remove a penalty if one has been detected, but several steps must be taken. 


You can contact Google directly if you believe the penalty is a mistake, but there is a chance you may have genuinely caused a breach, even if it was not your intention. You can also work to identify the issue and correct it while offering plenty of other engaging content on your website to alleviate the problem. However, Identifying what is causing the issue can be tricky, especially since it may be more than one thing. If you are at a loss as to why your website has been flagged, contact an SEO expert so they can get your business back in front of the eyes of potential customers.