Be The Next Wanted Brand In The Fashion Industry With Our Google Ads For Clothing Brands

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Fashion is undoubtedly one of the markets in the eCommerce sector that performs best. 

Implementing Google Ads, one of the most effective internet advertising platforms, is the most excellent method to capitalise on your success.

With over 5.4 billion Google searches every day, Google Ads offers an incredible chance to increase the visibility of your fashion brand’s advertisements. 

In fact, according to Google’s Economic Impact Report, you will typically get $8 in profit for every dollar you spend on Google Ads. That’s quite remarkable.


There are many rivalries because the eCommerce fashion sector is so thriving. It’s crucial to ensure that people see your clothing brand online if you want conversions.

Fortunately, we can help you get that exposure fast.

Pearl Lemon is an agency that specialises in Google Ads and digital marketing, so we know the platform inside and out.

Contact us today to create a successful marketing campaign.

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What Pearl Lemon Experts & Google Ads Can Do For You

Google Adwords is undoubtedly one of the most used online strategies to get business exposure across the internet. However, not everyone can successfully utilise them.

That’s why experts like us are here to help you and guide your business towards success using Google Ads.

Look at how we can make your clothing brand the next best thing online.

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We Choose Your Keyword Wisely

Understanding where your advertisements will appear, and the different types of advertising you may make is crucial if you want to use Google Ads. Your advertisements will mostly be visible in two locations:

  • Google search for any subject or phrase associated with your brand awareness;
  • On websites where your brand-related content is featured.

To get your clothing brand’s name in those searches, it is vital to properly understand your brand’s core and the themes & terms. This way, we will know where you want to appear and how we can make you appear in them.

Our experts will develop excellent keyword lists for your adverts so that you can target the best searches online and get more exposure. It’s like a prospective client search on Google. 

At Pearl Lemon, we target the right transactional keyword for your Google Ad to bring excellent results.

We Enter The Advertisement Auction

Your ads will join Google’s ad auctions once you have settled on your keywords and are finished with them. It occurs every time someone conducts a Google search or visits a website displaying Google Ads.

Each Google Ad campaign is given a score using a formula developed by Google called Ad Rank. These scores determine your ad position and ability to display ads. 

Everything is based on an algorithm, which is frequently unpredictable, but it typically displays the highest scoring ad first, the second highest, and so on.

At Pearl Lemon, we work on the following factors to get your ad on top:

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  • Bid: When we create your ad, we must establish your bid on the keyword chosen so that you can rank for it. It also informs Google Ads of your desired cost per click. You will typically pay less than the maximum amount you have chosen, but you can never be sure.
  • Ad group quality and landing page: We will check your website’s readiness before commencing the Google Ads strategy. This is essential since Google will review the landing page of your website in addition to the quality of your adverts.
  • Ad Rank regulations: We will check if the campaign complies with the regulations for Ad Rank. Every Google Ads campaign must comply with the minimum requirements that ads must achieve to be displayed. This is a quality assurance method to avoid fallbacks.
  • Google search context: Google Ads considers the search context when it is conducted. In other words, the time of day, the device used, the other advertising or Google search results, and many other factors. We check in with these factors and sync them with your campaign to give you a better edge.

We Include Ad Extensions To Stand Out

Your Google Ads strategy could succeed or fail based on how you use Google Ad extensions. 

Structured snippets, call-and-message extensions, message extensions (only for mobile), voice call extensions, cost extensions, promotion extensions, and many more are among the options available. 

At Pearl Lemon, we identify the right and relevant ad extension for you to get an extra push. These extensions may push your potential customer base to accept your invitation and check out your company.

Price and promo extensions are especially beneficial for fashion firms because they frequently play a significant role in customers’ purchasing decisions.

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We Maximise Negative Keywords To Your Advantage

Negative keywords are almost as crucial as relevant keywords! If you don’t want your advertisements to appear for specific keywords, we can enter them in Google Ads.

For instance, if you offer pricey scarves and caps, we will customise your Google Ad campaign so that it does not appear on keyword searches like “cheap,” “free,” and “vibrant scarf”– since these are your negative keywords. 

Additionally, we can use this with brands for which you don’t want your advertisements to appear. Just tell us where you don’t want to appear, and we will make it happen.

We Conduct An Effective Remarketing Campaign

Because most website visitors won’t purchase on their first visit, remarketing has the potential to encourage them to return at a later time and finish the transaction. 

Pearl Lemon follows an excellent approach of strategically designed remarketing plans to entice visitors back to your website after they have already closed your site.

By adjusting your bidding, you can concentrate on the audiences that are most likely to convert and  engage, such as:

  • Shoppers that suddenly abandoned their on-site carts;
  • Those who have viewed specific products and reviews; and
  • Visitors that interacted with your bot or customer service.
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Create An Outstanding Google Ad Campaign

It can be difficult for some fashion firms, especially those without a sizable in-house marketing staff, to get the most out of Google Ads because it requires knowledge and expertise across several marketing disciplines.

The good news is that fashion businesses only need a reliable partner digital marketing firm, like Pearl Lemon, that has the necessary knowledge and skill set to get outstanding results for your business with Google Shopping Ads.

Over the years, we have created a very successful combination of technical prowess, marketing know-how, and innovative concepts to help your company and increase sales. 

Contact us now to get started on your Google Ad campaign.

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

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Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works


If you present yourself appropriately, you can achieve anything in life. It takes more than just dressing or window-dressing to use Google Ads for fashion marketing.

Many fashion marketers don’t believe Google Ads (previously known as Google AdWords) is appropriate for the industry. They are right to think that pictures play a significant part in their industry.

The most incredible advertising formats for clothing and fashion brands are smart shopping, Google display network, Google search, and video. Even while it is imperative, you can’t, at least not effectively, sell your company on all social media platforms by yourself.

It is forbidden to use a Google Ad campaign or websites that mislead users by omitting important product information or giving false information about goods, services, or companies.

It is generally seen that customers’ likelihood of making a purchase increases when given a Google shopping ad. 

With a Google shopping ad, you may reach your clients and people interested in making a purchase.