Facebook Ads Case Study

ppc, SEO for Wedding Planners, Fintech Branding Agency

One of the many excellent (dare I say award winning) services we provide includes PPC for Facebook or Facebook ads. This particular case study is an example of “you are what you eat” and “practice what you preach”. This means that our Facebook PPC strategy has evolved from our own work with Purr Traffic.

Voya VR was one of our many successful PPC clients. They came to us to help with Facebook Ads as a pre launch for a Kickstarter campaign. Pre launch- meaning they want to ultimately collect emails to then tell prospects about who they are, what they do and when they are kickstarting.

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The spend was about $2,000 a month for the campaign. When they came to us, they said they had 597 leads, which were costing $2.40 on average. Voya VR came to us and said, “hey, this is what I’ve spent so far. Can you do better?”

At the start of the project, the cost for leads was still about $2.40 per lead, but as we went on that started to drop over the course of the month. We were super excited to say that costs per lead dropped down to $.42 in some cases. 

In addition to Facebook ads, we also had this linked to Mailchimp so prospects were getting emails as well to help us cover more ground.

Savings per month
$ 0 +
lowest cost per lead
$ 0
save money
coast per lead now
$ 0

Voya VR went from spending $2.40 to get a single email to spending $1.08 to get an email. By partnering with us, our client was able to have some massive savings to have a longer PPC campaign.

We were very excited to be able to report that the cost per lead dropped $1.34 over the course of a month. The Pearl Lemon team would love to work with you to launch a successful Facebook ad campaign and show you how our methods can help save you more compared to the competition.

To get started on your Facebook PPC campaign, book a call with our consultants today!

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