Digital Marketing Statistics to Help You Do Better in 2023

Digital Marketing Statistics
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The pressure on digital marketers may never have been greater than it is going into 2023 and as digital marketers ourselves we are obviously hugely aware of this. Digital marketers are continuously pushed to create individualized customer experiences, keep up with consumer demands, and demonstrate measurable marketing ROI.

Keeping up with the state of the market and the priorities that are necessary for success can be difficult for marketing teams, to say the least.

Because of this, tracking digital marketing statistics is crucial. You can strengthen your plan for the future by being familiar with the current status of the industry, which this up-to-date digital marketing statistics will help you do.

We have created a thorough list of digital marketing statistics to assist marketing teams and business owners in general in keeping track of important trends in the areas of customer experience, customer journey mapping, and how regularly measure the impact of marketing activities.

These insights will help marketing teams in evaluating their own performance and identify areas where they should devote more time and money in order to maximize the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. They will also help you understand where you might need help from outside digital marketers with more experience in certain areas.

Search Marketing Digital Marketing Statistics

Digital Marketing Statistics

We constantly use search engines in our daily lives. For instance, it’s likely that you came across this page on Google before arriving here. Search engines offer the quickest solution when people need to know something or need to buy something. Here are some statistics to illustrate the possibilities and potential of good search engine marketing:

Organic Search Statistics

85.4 percent of internet users conduct at least one monthly search for information.

On average, Google handles around 40,000 search inquiries each second. That means that every day, there are more than 3.5 billion searches!  Every month, 12 billion searches are also processed by Bing, Google’s nearest search rival.

A little under 92 percent of the market for search engines is owned by Google. Bing (2.75 percent) and Baidu (1.9%) are the next-largest international search engines

Mobile devices account for more than 60% of Google searches.

The amount of traffic to DuckDuckGo, a search engine that prioritizes anonymity, increased by 107% between October 2019 and October 2021.

Over $100,000 is the average household income of 38% of Bing users in the US, versus $45,000 for Google users.

Mobile Search Statistics

92.3 percent of smartphone owners conduct online searches using their devices.

According to research, mobile devices accounted for 70% of US paid search impressions and clicks.

70% of smartphone owners use their devices to do more on-the-spot research before making an in-store purchase.

Online Shopping Search Statistics

36 percent and 49 percent of product searches, respectively, begin on Google and Amazon.

85.3 percent of all clicks and 76% of the money spent by digital marketers on retail search ads come from Google Shopping ads.

If they can view the inventory online, internet customers are 80% more likely to visit a physical store.

76% of mobile users who look for a store on Google Maps visit one nearby within a day and 88 percent do so within a week.

A purchase results from 28% of “nearby” or “near me” searches.

Voice Search Statistics

Voice search is now something that 72% of individuals who own voice-activated speakers (like Alexa or Google Home) do often.

The percentage of people using mobile voice search is 27% worldwide.

By 2023, voice search is predicted to be used by at least 50% of consumers, according to experts.

Digital Marketing Statistics and Customer Experience

Digital Marketing Statistics

Modern consumers expect a high level of customization from brand interactions. Consumers will tune out if marketing teams do not target clients and prospects with a message that speaks to their interests, past purchases, and place in the buying process. Marketing teams should strive to comprehend consumers on a personal level in light of this. But the same applies to the distribution and sales processes. Personalization plays a huge role and consumers appreciate tailored approaches much like DTC fulfillment works — directly and without intermediaries.

A superior customer experience will entice 86% of people to pay more.

According to two-thirds of marketers, they primarily compete based on customer experience. In the next two years, 81 percent of marketers say they anticipate competing primarily or exclusively on the basis of customer experience.

Three out of four CX leaders (75%) say they’ve noticed a link between customer satisfaction and corporate goals.

For CX, budgets are rising. Only 47% of poll participants in 2017 anticipated raising their budgets on customer experience. This percentage increased to 74% in 2021.

Customers are more likely to transfer brands to those that cater to their demands; 52 percent said they would do so if they didn’t receive personalized communications and offers.

Customer experience mapping and personalized content are thought to be the greatest strategies to optimize automation operations, as many organizations use them to reach consumers in real time.

2.5 billion people visited their Google Account pages in the last year to change their ad personalisation options.

Consumers feel they are more loyal now than they were two years ago, according to 38% of respondents, but 57% said they would switch to a rival company over their usual choice if it offered a superior customer service experience.

Content-Based Digital Marketing Statistics

More stuff than ever is available to users on the Internet. Because of this, it’s essential that marketers concentrate on creating compelling content that makes them stand out from competitors. Here are some crucial statistics to bear in mind as you strive to do so:


Content marketing is important to their strategy, according to to 86 percent of B2C marketers.

Businesses in 63 percent of cases lack a written content strategy.

According to 72% of marketers, content marketing boosts leads and engagement.

Digital Marketing Statistics and Content Types

One of the top 5 content channels, according to 70% of firms, is blog content.

In 41% of nurture initiatives, thought leadership blog postings are included.

Digital videos are viewed by 82.8 percent of internet users at least once a month.

In nurturing programs, 31% of marketers employ video messaging.

Podcasts and other digital audio content are listened to by 71.1 percent of internet users at least once each month.

48 percent of nurturing campaigns involve webinars.

Data-Driven Digital Marketing Statistics

Digital Marketing Statistics

Big data is being used by marketing teams to make critical campaign decisions and communicate with customers in a personalized, human-centred way. Consider the following:

For marketing leaders, data-driven marketing is a primary priority. Data-driven marketing budgets are expected to rise by 40% in firms, and 64% of marketing executives believe that data-driven tactics are essential in the current economic climate. Top applications included:

  • Analysis of the customer journey
  • A/B testing
  • Website segmentation and personalisation

According to two out of every three marketers, data-based decisions are more reliable than gut feelings.

Data-driven marketing boosts ROI; campaigns that use data-driven personalisation claim ROIs of 5-8 times what they spent on the campaign.

Approximately three out of every four marketing executives questioned (76%) base their judgments on data analytics.

When asked what had supported their marketing strategies over the previous 18 months, 32% of marketers cited marketing analytics and competitive insights. Over all other categories, this came in first.

Despite the fact that more organizations are beginning to see the importance of marketing analytics, 37% of marketers believe that one of their top three issues is demonstrating that value.

Real-time analysis, AI, and automation are necessary for the personalized campaigns that marketing teams aim to achieve with data-driven marketing. As a result, marketing teams are spending more money on platforms and solutions for marketing analytics.

Analytics was used in marketing 52.7 percent of the time as of 2021.

Think with Google’s claims that marketing leaders are more likely than industry laggards to highlight these analytics tools and capabilities:

  • Leaders are 1.7 times more likely to concur that the use of automation and machine learning enhances personalisation, spend optimization, and targeting.
  • Leaders are 2.3 times more likely to use automation to handle campaign budgets and bids in real-time across numerous media platforms.
  • Leaders are 53% more inclined to believe that machine learning helps marketing teams analyze data to determine the intentions of consumers.
  • Leaders are 1.5 times more likely to immediately adapt their digital measurement learnings to digital investments and initiatives.

Marketing teams find it difficult to show how these analytics investments benefit an organizational success. 35 percent of marketers claim they lack the quantitative tools necessary to show how spending affects business performance.

Data Quality Digital Marketing Statistics

In the age of data-driven marketing and personalisation, data integrity is essential. Good data is essential for informing strategy as well as for training AI and machine learning technologies. These programs won’t be as successful at putting tailored messages in real time if they were trained with bad data.

Data quality and completeness are cited by 54% of firms as the major obstacles to data-driven marketing.

57 percent of marketers admit they probably interpret data poorly, which leads to inaccurate results.

At least one significant inaccuracy exists in 47% of new data records. Only 3% of executives reported that the departmental data met the standards for acceptable data quality.

However, managing this data is not without expense. According to their Marketing Data and Analytics Survey, Gartner says 37% of respondents believe that teams’ ability to succeed is hampered by the time required for manually gathering and preparing data.

The majority of businesses lack access to quantitative measures that demonstrate the efficacy of marketing expenditures.

68 percent of respondents believe that the most important goal of data-driven strategies is to increase the measurability of ROI.

In the upcoming year, 44% of marketing experts intend to utilize multi-touch attribution.

Data analytics and data literacy are vital, according to 66% and 63% of marketers, respectively. Though there is potential for growth, about half of survey participants have teams with skill sets that are on a level with or below expectations.

These professions are challenging to fill as well; 37% of marketers name data analysis as one of the most challenging job categories.

Nearly half (45%) of businesses use data scientists more for routine activities (such as data visualization) than for data analysis.

There is a mismatch between where analytics teams are now and where they want to be, as evidenced by the fact that more than half of marketers do not trust current modelling methodologies.

Furthermore, more than half (57%) of marketers globally express overwhelm by the influx of data.

26 percent of all marketing budgets are allocated to paid media. Companies require an advanced attribution model to correctly determine what is working and what is not in order to ensure that these dollars are not squandered.

For marketers, measuring offline media effectiveness can be challenging. Should the economy suffer as some experts are predicting in 2023, CMOs’ attitude toward offline spending will reflect this. In an uncertain economy, only 16 percent of CMOs would boost their offline media spending, while 32 percent would cut back.

Brand Awareness Digital Marketing Statistics

Digital Marketing Statistics

Marketing teams can prioritize direct response advertising by pushing short-term campaigns that are designed to persuade customers to take a particular action as a result of real-time data-driven marketing. However, businesses should also use this data to build brand recognition and value that are relevant to their target market. These are the campaigns that increase consumer loyalty and keep customers on board – says Harry Johns White, Marketing Specialist at NBAblast

Although the value of direct response campaigns to the company is simpler to assess, marketing teams should keep in mind the following brand-building statistics:

Aligned values are cited by 64% of customers who have a relationship with a brand.

56 percent of consumers are more devoted to companies that “get them,” or share their values.

Forrester found that emotional resonance is significant for branding and that user resonation accounts for 50% of branding.

Before a customer remembers your brand, you normally need to make an impression on them 5-7 times.

Approximately 66% of Millennials and Gen Z consumers favour companies with a mission statement or a position on an issue they consider important to them.

Only six out of ten marketers believe their brand and organization’s overarching strategy are compatible.

Branding is the biggest campaign-related line item for marketers, receiving 15.9% of their advertising expenditure.

58 percent of marketers think that prospects’ buying decisions are heavily influenced by the brand.

35 percent of marketers experience difficulties managing their brand internationally.

Additionally, 35% of marketers experience difficulty maintaining their brand’s relevance.

Email Marketing Statistics

Digital Marketing Statistics

As old as it is, email marketing remains a relevant and effective way to communicate with target audiences and bolster customer loyalty while also increasing direct sales and generating leads:

At least once a month, 90.9 percent of internet users send an email.

In the upcoming three to six months, about 50% of marketers intend to send more emails.

Compared to Facebook and Twitter, emails have a click-through rate that is 50 to 100 times greater.

Emails have an open rate of 22.86 percent, a click-through rate of 3.71 percent, and they are received by 85% of the recipients.

Marketers get $42 back for every $1 they spend on email marketing.

List segmentation is a marketing automation function that 78% of marketers claim they cannot live without.

Social Media Marketing Statistics

Digital Marketing Statistics

84 percent of C-suite executives and 75 percent of B2B buyers, respectively, claim to use social media in their purchase decision-making processes.

Globally, more than 3.6 billion people used social media in 2023, and by 2025, that figure is expected to reach approximately 4.41 billion.

90.4 percent of Millennials are active on social media, followed by 77.5 percent of Generation X and 48.2 percent of Baby Boomers. Millennials continue to dominate social media usage.

With 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook has the most of any global social media network, despite a recent drop in user numbers.

Users of TikTok engage 15% more frequently than users of other social media sites.

In 2023, TikTok’s user base is anticipated to approach 1.5 billion.

The use of social media in nurturing marketing is 50%.

Facebook is used by large businesses for content marketing in 97 percent of cases.

Paid Digital Marketing Statistics

69 percent of all Google Ads clicks come from mobile devices.

Google predicts that businesses make $8 in profit for every $1 they spend on Google Ads.

When asked if they had used paid advertisements to discover new goods or services, 28% of internet users responded positively.

According to eMarketer, PPC ad expenditure will surpass $258 billion in 2023.

Pay-per-click marketing is cited as a key business driver by 74% of brands.

About 39% of a company’s overall marketing spend is allocated to paid search.

Given that voice-based ad revenues are expected to reach $19 billion by the end of 2023, voice search presents a golden opportunity for PPC marketers.

A purchase made as a result of an online advertisement was reported by 58% of millennials.

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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