Driving Results with On-Page SEO: A Case Study in Technical Optimization for a High-Volume E-Commerce Site

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In-house marketing teams are fantastic resources, but even the most skilled teams can run into tricky technical SEO issues. That’s where outside help can be a game-changer.

In this case study, we teamed up with a client who had an in-house development team but needed specialized expertise in on-page SEO optimization. Our fresh perspective and technical know-how helped the client achieve their goals and drive real results. This case study is a testament to the power of combining the strengths of an in-house team with outside help to achieve digital marketing success.

The Client

We had the pleasure of working with a US-based e-commerce client in the used Volkswagen and Audi parts industry who was looking to improve their on-page SEO for their Magento-based e-commerce website.

Our client’s goal was to rank higher for multiple product and general industry keywords in the United States and ultimately increase their online visibility and sales. Our team was excited to take on this challenge and help our client achieve their desired results.

Our client had an in-house development team capable of implementing suggested changes, but they lacked the expertise and knowledge of on-page SEO they needed to make advanced improvements or even understand what needed to be done.

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They realized that there were significant gaps in their website’s on-page optimization, and they needed an experienced SEO team to identify and recommend specific improvements to improve their website’s ranking and visibility.

Recognizing this, our client reached out to us at Pearl Lemon to help them identify areas for improvement and implement changes that would enhance their website’s on-page SEO. With our in-depth understanding of on-page SEO, we were able to thoroughly analyze their website, identify areas for improvement, and provide detailed recommendations for optimizing their site to improve their SEO performance.

The Challenges

Our client had been in business for several years and had established themselves as a leader in their industry. Their Magento-based e-commerce website had over 75,000 individual product listings and was a complex site with many moving parts.

Despite their success, our client realized that they were not fully optimizing their website for on-page SEO. As a result, they were not ranking as high as they could for multiple keywords in the United States. They recognized the need to improve their website’s on-page optimization to enhance their online visibility and sales.

Technical onsite SEO is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy. It involves optimizing the technical elements of a website to improve its search engine ranking and user experience.

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These elements include page load speed, headers, meta descriptions, structured data, and many others. Technical SEO can be a challenging task, even for companies with in-house marketing teams. The biggest reason for this is that technical onsite SEO requires specialized knowledge and skills that go beyond the realm of traditional marketing and even general SEO expertise.

One of the main challenges that companies face when it comes to technical onsite SEO is that different content management systems (CMS) have different technical SEO issues. For example, a Magento-based e-commerce website may have different technical SEO issues than a WordPress-based blog. 

Each CMS has its own unique set of technical requirements that must be met to achieve optimal search engine ranking and user experience. Companies with in-house marketing teams may not have the necessary expertise in the technical aspects of various CMS platforms, making it difficult to optimize their website’s technical SEO fully.

Another reason why companies struggle with technical onsite SEO is that it is a constantly evolving field. Search engines like Google regularly update their algorithms, which means that technical SEO best practices are continually changing. 

Companies with in-house marketing teams may not have the time or resources to stay up-to-date with the latest technical SEO trends and changes. As a result, their website’s technical SEO may become outdated and fall behind their competitors, negatively impacting their search engine ranking and user experience.

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Finally, technical onsite SEO evaluation can be a very time-consuming process. It requires careful analysis, planning, and execution to ensure that all technical elements are optimized correctly. Companies with in-house marketing teams usually have other priorities or projects that require their attention, leaving little time to devote to technical onsite SEO.

When our technical SEO team at Pearl Lemon started working with this client, their website’s current status was that they were ranked in the top four for multiple product keywords in the United States but were missing the mark for many others. Given that many of the product pages were very similar, they did recognize that on-site SEO factors they did not understand were likely the reason for this. 

Our team’s goal was to extensively analyze their website, identify areas for improvement, and provide actionable recommendations that would help them achieve their desired results.

Our Approach

To address our client’s needs, our team at Pearl Lemon developed a comprehensive methodology that involved a detailed analysis of their website’s on-page optimization. We started by conducting a thorough audit of their website, which included a detailed analysis of various factors that impact on-page SEO.

One of the primary deliverables of our methodology was a 30-page SEO report that identified specific areas where our client’s website could be optimized to improve its on-page SEO performance. Our report covered a wide range of factors that impact on-page SEO, including page load speed, total page size, headers, and more.

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In addition to the broad areas of technical SEO optimization, we also conducted an in-depth analysis of granular details that could have a significant impact on the website’s on-page SEO. This included identifying duplicate content pages, analyzing no-index meta tags, and identifying cannibalization of URLs, among other things.

To ensure that we provided our client with the most comprehensive analysis possible, we used Google Analytics to analyze their website’s traffic sources, audience behavior, and user acquisition. This allowed us to identify the specific areas where our client’s website was underperforming and develop a targeted strategy to improve their on-page SEO performance.

In addition to the 30-page SEO report, we also provided our client with extensive video-based feedback that detailed our analysis and recommendations for improvement. This feedback provided our client with a more visual and engaging way to understand the results of our analysis and made it easier for them to make informed decisions about how to improve their website’s on-page SEO.

Many of the issues that we uncovered in our work with this client are very common to e-commerce sites, not just those built using Magento but across the various CMS options.

These included all of the following:

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Page Load Speed

Page load speed is an essential factor for any website as it affects the user experience. A slow-loading website can cause users to become frustrated and leave the site, leading to a higher bounce rate.

The bounce rate is the percentage of website visitors who leave a site after viewing only one page. A higher bounce rate can negatively impact a website’s search engine ranking, as search engines interpret this as a sign of poor user experience. Additionally, slower page load speeds can also negatively impact conversion rates, as users are less likely to complete a transaction on a slow-loading website.

Total Page Size

Total page size refers to the size of a webpage, including images, scripts, and other media. A large page size can impact website load time and, as a result, user experience.

Large page sizes can lead to slower page load speeds, higher bounce rates, and negatively impact search engine ranking. Additionally, larger page sizes can also impact website hosting costs, as larger files require more storage space and can slow down website performance.

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Headers refer to the HTML code that provides structure to a webpage. Properly formatted headers can improve website ranking and help search engines better understand the content on a webpage.

Headers also make it easier for users to navigate a website and understand the content on each page. If headers are not properly formatted or are missing, it can negatively impact search engine ranking and lead to a poor user experience.

Duplicate Content Pages

Duplicate content pages refer to web pages with identical or very similar content. This can occur when a website has multiple pages with similar products or when a product has multiple variations.

Duplicate content can negatively impact search engine ranking, as search engines may have difficulty determining which page to rank. Additionally, duplicate content can also confuse users, leading to a bad user experience and a higher bounce rate.

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No Index Meta Tags

No Index Meta Tags instruct search engines not to index a webpage. If a webpage is not indexed, it will not appear in search engine results. This can negatively impact website traffic and lead to lower search engine rankings.

No Index Meta Tags can be used on pages that are not intended to be indexed, such as thank-you pages, login pages, or pages with sensitive information. The issue is that they are often used in a blanket fashion, which means that essential pages are accidentally marked as No Index, meaning that search bots never see them and therefore never rank them.

Cannibalization of URLs

Cannibalization of URLs occurs when multiple web pages target the same keyword. This can lead to search engines having difficulty determining which page to rank for a given keyword. As a result, it can negatively impact search engine rankings and lead to lower website traffic.

This is a very common problem for e-commerce websites. To avoid cannibalization of URLs, it’s essential to use targeted keywords on each page and ensure that each page has unique content.

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The Results

After implementing the suggested changes, our client saw a significant improvement in their website’s on-page SEO performance. The client’s in-house development team was able to roll out all the changes we recommended, and the results were overwhelmingly positive.

One of the primary goals of our analysis was to improve the client’s search engine ranking, and we were able to achieve this by optimizing various on-page factors such as page load speed, headers, and page size.

Our recommendations for duplicate content pages, no index meta tags, and cannibalization of URLs also helped to improve the client’s search engine rankings across many of the products and categories they had been missing out on.

In addition to improving search engine ranking, our suggested changes also had a positive impact on the website’s user experience. By optimizing page load speed, headers, and page size, we helped reduce bounce rates and improve conversion rates.

Our recommendations for duplicate content pages, no index meta tags, and cannibalization of URLs also helped to create a more user-friendly website.

Overall, our client was delighted with the results achieved by implementing our suggested technical SEO changes. The positive impact on their website’s search engine ranking and user experience helped drive more traffic to their site and improve conversion rates. By investing in on-page SEO optimization, our client was able to improve their online visibility and establish themselves even more definitively as a leader in their industry.

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At Pearl Lemon, we’re passionate about delivering tangible results for our clients. We’re thrilled to report that our approach to improving our clients’ on-page SEO has helped them establish themselves as a leading brand in their industry.

By addressing key areas for improvement on their website, we were able to drive more traffic to their site and increase their conversion rates. We’re committed to achieving similar successes for all of our clients, and we’re always excited to tackle new challenges.

We understand that every business is unique, and we offer tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of each client. If you’re looking to improve your website’s on-page SEO, we invite you to contact us for a consultation. We offer a range of digital marketing services designed to help businesses of all sizes improve their online visibility and drive growth. Don’t wait even if you are in Sarasota, Spokane, Hartford, thousand oaks, buffalo, Santa Clara, anchorage or belfast  and want to take your business to the next level even if it is in portugese. Contact Pearl Lemon today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

Click-through rates and impressions have increased rapidly due to Pearl Lemon’s responsive approach. They’re detail-oriented and hardworking. Their dedication to clients is also noteworthy. Customers can expect a proactive team working with Pearl Lemon.
Sam Watson
CEO, Dr. Watson CBD
The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement has led to an increase in search ranking and website traffic. Pearl Lemon is organized and accurate, providing detailed analysis to ensure the best results for their client. Their team is understanding, communicative, and responsive.
Alessandra Cosimato
Marketing Director, ET2C International

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