4 Buyer Persona Tips for Generating Leads

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As the popular saying goes, “Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches”. But who is the wearer, and where exactly does the shoe pinch? Buyer personas provide an answer to this question by addressing pain points and current questions from (potential) customers.

Benefits of a Buyer Persona:

As a marketer, your ultimate goal is to ensure that your products and services connect seamlessly to your customers’ wishes. But who exactly are your customers? Where do they look for information? And which products and services best suit their needs? To know the answers to these questions, you will need to create a list that describes your buyers’ persona. Working with an effective buyer persona has major advantages, including the following:

You can efficiently spend your time by only paying attention to (potential) customers who can really help you and which suit your company.

You become aware of the pain points, issues, interests, and wishes of your customer; you can respond specifically to this.

You will be able to compete better by only providing the products and/or services that your ideal customer desires.

Now you know the importance of buyer personas. But the main benefit for you as a marketer is the effect of buyer personas on recruiting new leads and customers! How do you get more leads by using buyer personas?

Here are our Top Lead Generation Tips you can Utilise now

1. Forget leads and focus on the person

This sounds contradictory, but focusing on leads alone often backfires. Although it is important to ‘love’ your leads, entrepreneurs often forget that they cannot mean something for all potential customers. If you look at websites of various companies, it is noticeable that they are often set up freely. They offer a wide range of products and services, which makes the market potential seem large. It may seem that these companies convert a large number of potential customers into leads, but nothing could be further from the truth: great ambition works more against it than it does! Of course, you would like to convert all possible consumers into actual leads, but this is not feasible. You can’t be everything to everyone.

Rather focus on the people in your target audience! Buyer personas provide an excellent and detailed picture of this. A good buyer persona describes both personal and demographic data of the customer, provides information about what the customer is looking for and what his ambitions and objectives are. This data ensures that you can apply a sharp focus, which makes your product or service a lot more valuable!

2. Adjust your content to the current question

Drawing up buyer personas alone does not immediately lead to greater conversion of potential consumers into leads. Now it is important to adapt your existing content to the personas or to create content that seamlessly connects to this. Determine which buyer persona is most important to your organization (if you have several set up) and start with these.

This can also mean that you are well-advised to switch to ‘new’ content. Has your customer indicated that he likes to read articles via social media and regularly searches for e-books? Then make sure you delve into the questions and also answers that you can offer based on your own expertise. Even if you have years of experience in setting up other types of content; if your customers don’t read this, it won’t help you.

3. Implement buyer personas in your marketing strategy

You now know how the consumer searches for information and what goals he has in mind; gear your marketing strategy to this! Take into account the following:

Content: It is crucial to adapt your content to the questions and the language field of your buyer personas. Immerse yourself in the content or better yet in the answers and information that your ideal customer prefers!

Website: Nowadays, your website is the first sign of the organization. You know it yourself: if you don’t like the colours and images of a website, at first sight, you tend to click away. Of course, you want to prevent this. Therefore, implementing images, colours, text use and the structure that your customer finds pleasant. Turn your website into a beacon of content that inspires your customer to read on!

Call to action: A website often contains several call-to-actions, buttons that you can click on to take immediate action. Have your consumers indicated that they would like to download a document that provides tips or explains questions? Then make a call-to-action button so that they can navigate directly to the desired page.

Landing pages: These are often linked to the call-to-actions. When the customer clicks on the call-to-action, he is redirected to the correct landing page. Make sure that this page immediately reflects what the customer is looking for.

Blogs: Last but not least! Blogging is the most effective way to attract potential customers to your website, provide answers to their questions, and convert followers into leads. It has been found that companies that post 1 or more blogs every week show a markedly higher conversion of potential customers into leads. Blog about the things the customer is interested in; come up with relevant and valuable content.

4. Stay innovative

Now that you have set up the buyer personas and implemented them in your conventional & digital marketing strategy, you would almost think that you are ‘ready’. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The society in which we live is always subject to change, including your customers and the marketing world. After a while, do you have the idea that the buyer personas no longer really match your current customers? Then do your research again and create new personas. Follow the buyer persona tips and always try to stay informed of current developments and adjust your strategy accordingly!

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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