Entertain More Patients When You Buy Healthcare Backlinks from Us

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Digital marketing has replaced local newspapers all over the world. Before, healthcare businesses only needed community events and a strong professional network to market their services. Now, you can no longer rely on these tactics alone. 

Your health care agency needs a website. And beyond that, your search engine optimization game needs to be on point. But, it does not end there. 

A website doesn’t just display your business in front of potential patients. You have to work on your search engine rankings.

Pearl Lemon offers link-building services that can help you rank better on whichever search engines are relevant to you. We can help you place your links on high domain authority. By placing your links on credible websites, your potential patients will easily find and visit your site.

Ready to start on your healthcare marketing with the help of our SEO servicesget in touch with us today.

What Are Backlinks?

Backlinks are hyperlinks on other websites that direct to your healthcare website. Acquiring backlinks, often known as link building or referral traffic, is a component of healthcare SEO principles. 

Backlinks not only generate visitors to your site, but they also act as votes of trust. The more reliable websites connect to your site, the better your chances of ranking high on Google. They can also help you direct potential patients to your website.

Backlinks could be the answer to growing your home health care business. A backlink is essential to the search engine optimization (SEO) process. Its significance is growing as search engines get more sophisticated.

Link Building
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Links can be either dofollow or nofollow.

Dofollow backlinks are the most popular and valuable sort of SEO backlink. When you place a dofollow link on your website, you inform Google that the link is organic. This means you did not pay for the link, a common breach in Google’s policies. It also means that you are attesting to the accuracy of the information at the other end of that link.

Nofollow backlinks are less common. Search engines use them to disregard a specific link.

Nofollow links simply say, ‘Don’t follow links on this page or Don’t follow this specific link,’ according to Google.

Why You Need To Buy Healthcare Backlinks

Backlinks are an excellent SEO strategy. A high backlink profile indicates that you have excellent and relevant content. Google will believe your content is beneficial to users and ranks you accordingly. Backlinks are an important part of a healthcare provider’s digital marketing strategy.

Here are some reasons why you should consider link building;

It Enhances Your Website Visibility.

Each backlink your firm receives is another opportunity to boost visibility and get potential patients and clients.

You'll Have Greater Authority.

When your company’s name continues appearing on credible sites and platforms, your brand authority grows– increasing the likelihood that others will trust the content you convey.

Ranking Higher On Search Engines.

Google takes backlinks very seriously. While spammy links will not help you, quality links from authoritative websites will.

Increase Your Website Traffic.

Link building will drive traffic to your website in a variety of ways. A specific percentage of people who notice your link in another article or post will click on it. A strong link development approach will create more click-throughs via the SERPs.

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Developing A Link Building Strategy

Backlinks are not all equal. A valuable backlink comes from an authoritative site with a high domain authority or track record. A low-quality backlink is generated from a new or spammy site or a site irrelevant to your content.

Here are some essential elements that you should include in your link building strategy;

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Audit and Optimize Your Website

Before creating content for other websites, ensure that you have completed the necessary work on your website. Optimize your website by assessing the current content and determining what is missing. 

  • Do your service and product pages contain more than 1000 words? 
  • Do your doctors’ profiles include bios and highlight credentials, awards, and areas of expertise? 

Before you begin link building, ensure your website has well-optimized and answers probable patient inquiries.

Audience Research

Audience research is the most crucial step in link development yet is often underestimated. You must determine your target audience and why they require your services.

Every healthcare organization’s audience research and analysis is unique. You have a wealth of data at your disposal, and it’s all about maximizing your resources –Google Analytics, Quora, Reddit, Facebook, industry white papers, local demographics, and electronic health data.

Keyword Research

Keyword research works hand-in-hand with audience research. Once you understand your target audience, you can start creating a list of keywords. These keywords will resonate with them when they search for your products and services.

Finding low-competition and high-volume keywords relevant to your audience is key to successful keyword research. Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Google Trends will help you find these keywords. A plastic surgeon in need of SEO, for example, will have significant differences from a general practice practitioner.

Quality Content

Content creation facilitates link attraction or link earning. This is done to convince bloggers, journalists, and social media users to use your content as a credible resource. Links appear out of nowhere in any situation

You need high-quality content. 

This requires time and skill and is not something you should skimp on. Your link-building efforts will fail if you don’t have relevant content.

If you need help writing quality content, Pearl Lemon offers some of the best content writing services. Our team of SEO experts has what it takes to help you rank higher on search engine results.

Are you interested in our services? Book us a call now.

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Publisher Connections

You’ll need contacts with publications, social media influencers, bloggers, web admins, journalists, and other business owners unless your main goal is to generate links – which usually takes time. This is how you manually establish links on authoritative websites to get that initial boost that propels your SEO to the next level. Without pre-existing ties, this can be a time-consuming procedure that demands extensive outreach and patience.

Domain Authority

Domain authority (DA) refers to the number of relevant backlinks to your website from other respectable websites. These backlinks also affect your score.

Moz developed the Domain Authority statistic to assist businesses in determining where they may rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). They calculate a page’s potential ranking by combining numerous channels. It can compare websites or measure their ranking strength over time.

Checking your Domain Authority is the simplest way to see how you’re doing on search engines.

Getting Quality Backlinks to Your Healthcare Website

Building links to your healthcare site will increase your traffic, patients, and trust. Here are some websites you can look for when obtaining high-quality links to your website;

Healthcare Directories

WebMD.com, Doctors.com, HealthGrades.com, and others can help you acquire citations. Citations are similar to backlinks in but they are located in a directory. Create a profile page on these sites, and you are sure to get a credible backlink.

University Websites

You can review your area of specialisation in course curricula in medical schools, undergrad colleges, or universities. You might find content that is related to something on your site and acquire backlinks accordingly.

These backlinks will come from the a.edu site and demonstrate a high authority level. Marketing pros highly value backlinks from .edu sites in improving page rank.

Local Medical Directories

If there are any local directories in your area, you should make a profile page for them. This is very significant not only for your site’s SEO but also for patient acquisition.

Remember that including your link on directory profile pages is considered more of a reference than a backlink yet it helps considerably increase local SEO. Local SEO is important if you want to reach out to new patients and improve your rankings.

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The Right Healthcare Link Building Partner

Link building is easy, but it takes time, expertise, and experience to execute well. If you don’t have all three, it’s best to seek help from an expert to handle your link-building approach.

Pearl Lemon is the quick and easy solution. We have everything you’re looking for in a partner: 

  • Experience – The SEO sector has evolved significantly throughout the years. Similarly, a lot of strategies for link building have also advanced. Our experienced experts fully understand how Google perceives links and the best link-building strategies to give you results.
  • Competent Writers – High-quality content in link building is crucial. We have excellent in-house writers who understand your sector and know how to create quality content that appeals to both human readers and search engine crawlers.
  • Extensive Research – A high-quality link should only be placed on an authoritative website. We’ll conduct extensive research to ensure that your link will be placed only on websites that pass the standards. 

Link building is just one SEO service we provide. If you want to increase the visibility of your medical website on search engines- reach us today, and let’s discuss.

We Have Worked With:

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works


On average, 25-30 backlinks daily are safe for a new website. Even 500 links a day are safe if they are built naturally by organic exposure, such as a viral piece of content, a trending topic, or celebrating a special event for your company.

Link building can take longer than six months to provide noticeable returns in search engine traffic, but this depends on various factors. If you want to rank better, start link-building now.

Yes! However, we require specific requirements such as the content length, content relevancy, etc. If you want to learn more- give us a call.