Understanding the Benefits of PPC in 2023 and Beyond

benefits of PPC
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Most businesses are looking for low-cost, high-impact advertising options. This has been especially true over the past year as the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to impact almost every business niche.

Prospective customers are spending more time online than ever before, but businesses are cutting back on marketing spending. “Should I stop advertising or continue?” – is most likely something that has occurred to you.

To get their brand in front of lots of targeted internet users, many of our clients are using pay-per-click advertising (PPC), along with organic SEO. But why? If SEO is effective – which it is when done right – what are the benefits of PPC?

What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising?

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a type of marketing in which you pay a small fee each time someone clicks on one of your ads.

Instead of paying for estimated impressions, you only pay for the traffic these ads generate, making them an excellent choice for companies that want complete control over their ad performance and ad budget.

Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and Facebook Ads are the most popular PPC advertising platforms; however, given the volume of searches and number of options, Google is by far the most valuable property for any PPC campaign.

Google Ads are divided into three categories, each with its own PPC benefits, rates and efficiency:

Text: Sponsored links, shopping page ads, and results in the ‘shopping’ banner are examples of text-based ads that appear on Google search results.

Display Network: image-based ads that appear in the form of a banner, sidebar, or footer image on the websites that your audience visits.

Video: These are video-based advertisements that appear before, during, or after YouTube content.

The most effective PPC advertising campaigns focus on getting customers to take a valuable to your business action, such as purchasing your product, but it can also be used to boost any other type of lead generation method, like an email sign up, a quote request, or a PDF download.

But is PPC right for your company in these admittedly very uncertain times?

To help you decide, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten benefits of PPC advertising and how it can help your company weather the pandemic and thrive in 2023.

Top 10 Benefits of PPC Ads

1 PPC ads are a cost-effective way to reach targeted audiences.

You can have complete control over your budget, targeting, and ad placements with pay-per-click advertising campaigns. You’ll quickly find the sweet spot between budget and results if you continue to optimize your PPC campaigns.

You’ll never pay for ad impressions or reach with our PPC. You only pay for clicks, so you have complete control over your spending.

2 Pay-per-click (PPC) ads deliver immediate results.

While organic marketing and SEO efforts are focused on getting your content to the top of Google’s first page, PPC advertising slots are already available – why not take advantage of them and start generating revenue while your organic marketing builds traction?

It can take months to climb the organic search rankings for a given keyword. Organic growth is a MUST for building a long-term brand, but there are times when more immediate results are required.

This is where Pay-Per-Click (PPC) can help.

3 Pay-per-click (PPC) ads generate warm leads

PPC ads allow you to reach the right people at the exact moment they are looking for what you have to offer. You will not only pay per click, but your product will also be shown to users who are already interested in what you have to offer.

What more can you ask for in terms of “warmer” and more cost-effective leads?

4 PPC ads Offer Great ROI

Everything that can be measured has the potential to be improved and monetized.

PPC campaigns, unlike many other types of advertising, are easy to track, allowing you to tweak your ads until they produce a positive return on investment. You can then experiment with various ads and strategies until you find what works best for your company.

5 PPC user information is beneficial to your SEO strategy

Another of the benefits of PPC we love is that it can help boost SEO. Before committing to long-term SEO strategies, you can test your keyword strategy in PPC.

Whereas the best organic keywords are largely something of a secret to be uncovered, paid search has no such restrictions, allowing you to get a complete picture of which keywords convert and at what percentage and cost.

This means PPC keyword data can be directly fed into organic search marketing (SEO) and used in existing metadata, headlines, and keyword optimization.

Without having to wait for your content to rank organically, PPC campaigns allow you to improve all of your website content.

6 PPC ads are not affected by algorithm changes.

Unlike content marketing and SEO, which are subject to changes in search engine algorithms, PPC advertising is not.

Because PPC algorithms rarely undergo significant changes, you can quickly assess how your current and future campaigns will perform based on historical data.

7 PPC ads have a variety of targeting options.

PPC advertising makes it simple to target specific customer profiles locally and globally by putting metrics like user ages, locations, and interests at your fingertips.

Even better, as you test PPC campaigns, you’ll be able to see what types of users respond to them and what platforms they use, allowing you to hyper-target different audiences on the platforms where they convert best.

For example, if you sell gardening supplies, you may find that YouTube advertising generates more clicks from young houseplant enthusiasts, allowing you to create video advertisements to showcase your product on YouTube.

8 Your social media strategy will benefit from PPC user data.

Compared to standalone PPC campaigns, an integrated PPC campaign across search and social can lower the cost per acquisition while converting significantly more customers.

This is due to the fact that you will receive more cross-channel customer data, which can be strategically combined to improve your campaigns.

You can use social media analytics ” to inform your social targeting when advertising on Google, for example.

You can also use Google’s “Audience Observation” feature to see which audience groups perform better than others and use that data in your social media targeting and ad copy to reach even more people.

9 Smart retargeting is possible with PPC ads.

When you combine PPC advertising with analytics, you can see how a user interacts with your campaign and retarget those who didn’t convert.

Assume you’re running a pay-per-click campaign for a new clothing brand. Your ad is clicked, but the user does not buy the product. You can then retarget that user with display ads all over the internet to stay in the forefront of their minds.

Because you know the user is already interested in your product, retargeting works. They just need a little more time to decide. You increase your chances of conversion by keeping your product in front of their minds.

Furthermore, in your retargeting campaign, you can only show relevant product ads, so the user is reminded of what they are missing.

You can help improve brand awareness and attract new customers by employing this highly targeted advertising strategy.

10 PPC ads are simple to create.

The great thing about PPC ads is that they don’t call for a lot of design or production expertise.

It’s easy to set up, accessible to any company, and platforms like Google Ads or your PPC agency are always available to guide you through the process of creating successful PPC campaigns.

10 Astonishing PPC stats

If you’re still not sure whether PPC advertising is right for your company, consider the following data:

  • Every second, Google processes more than 40,000 searches.
  • In 2017, 7 million advertisers spent a total of $10 billion on PPC.
  • Over 2 million websites are part of the Google Display Network.
  • 63 percent of people say they’ll click on Google ads
  • 75% of people who click on ads say they make it easier to find the information they’re looking for.
  • According to Google, PPC can help increase brand awareness by as much as 80%.
  • Ads account for 25% of all search result clicks for local searches.
  • Local businesses that use PPC to target their audience geographically see a 107 percent increase in in-store visits.
  • A user calling a local business is the result of 69 percent of mobile searches for that business.
  • 87 percent of all businesses spend money on social media advertising, with 88 percent doing so on Facebook, 15% on LinkedIn, and 15% on Twitter.

Why Should You Use PPC Management Services?

PPC advertising is a rapidly growing and ever-changing industry.

What worked six months ago may no longer work, which is why it’s critical for digital marketing agencies like Pearl Lemon to stay on top of the latest features and methods for reaching your target audience online.

As a company, you probably don’t want to waste time trying to figure out how to navigate the world of online advertising.

Instead, you should concentrate on more important tasks, such as keeping your company afloat.

Rather than hiring, training, and managing an in-house team, we believe that hiring a professional PPC management agency is easier and more cost-effective.

Our PPC experts are not only certified Google Ads specialists, but they also have extensive knowledge of alternative search engine (like Bing) and social media PPC advertising.

You won’t have to worry about wasting time (and money!) on ineffective ad campaigns when you work with us. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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