White Label PPC Services: Grow Your Agency Without Lifting a Finger


Looking to offer more to your marketing agency clients? Supercharge your digital marketing agency with expert, results-driven White Label PPC services. We’ll handle everything behind the scenes, so you can focus on client relationships and growing your business.

Why White Label PPC is a Game Changer for Agencies

The digital marketing landscape is fiercely competitive and constantly evolving.  Agencies need to offer a comprehensive suite of services to stay ahead and meet the growing demands of their clients. White Label PPC offers a powerful solution, allowing you to:

Expand Your Service Portfolio Quickly

Adding PPC management to your service offerings can be resource-intensive. It requires hiring and training specialised staff, investing in tools, and continually staying updated on platform changes.  White-label PPC lets you offer these high-demand services without a major investment. You instantly become a full-service agency, attracting a wider range of clients.

Focus on Your Core Strengths

Outsourcing PPC management frees up your team’s valuable time and resources. This allows you to focus on your agency’s core strengths, whether that’s creative design, social media strategy, or client relationship management, without sacrificing the ability to offer in-demand PPC services.


Deliver Expert Results

Partnering with a reputable white-label PPC provider means your clients benefit from the experience and skillset of seasoned PPC specialists. This translates into well-optimised, high-performing campaigns that deliver a strong ROI, enhancing your agency’s reputation and client satisfaction.

Increase Client Retention and Loyalty

Offering a well-rounded suite of services makes your agency indispensable to clients. White-label PPC helps you become a one-stop-shop for digital marketing needs, which leads to longer client partnerships and increased revenue.

Scale Your Agency Efficiently

White Label PPC allows you to take on more clients without expanding your in-house staff. This gives your agency the ability to scale quickly and profitably, taking advantage of new opportunities

Maintain Complete Control

White-label PPC services integrate seamlessly with your existing branding. You retain full control over pricing, client communication, and reporting.  Clients see you as their trusted advisor, with no indication of your White Label partner behind the scenes.

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Our White Label PPC Services

We provide a comprehensive suite of white-label PPC services designed to give your clients a competitive edge. Our team of experts will manage their campaigns from start to finish, giving you total confidence in the results. As a trusted white label PPC agency, we offer seamless solutions for agencies looking to expand their service offerings without the need for additional resources. With our white label PPC outsourcing services, you can confidently deliver top-tier PPC management to your clients under your own brand.

What Is A Lead Generation Funnel?

Campaign Setup and Management

  • In-Depth Keyword Research: We identify the right mix of high-value search terms to attract the most relevant clients to your clients’ businesses.
  • Competitor Analysis: We’ll analyse your clients’ competitors’ paid search strategies to identify best practices and potential weaknesses.
  • Targeted Ad Creation: We’ll craft compelling ad copy that aligns with search intent and drives clicks.
  • Bid Management: We’ll optimise bidding strategies to maximise visibility while ensuring a healthy return on investment.
  • Landing Page Optimization: We’ll ensure your clients’ landing pages are tailored for conversions and align with the promises made in their ads.

Cross-Platform PPC Expertise:

  • Google Ads: We’ll develop optimised campaigns across search, display, and other Google Ad formats.
  • Microsoft Advertising (Bing): We’ll help your clients reach a wider audience through paid campaigns on this often-overlooked search engine.
  • Social Media PPC: We can manage PPC campaigns across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for a multi-channel approach.
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Conversion Tracking and Optimisation

  • Advanced Conversion Tracking: We’ll set up precise conversion tracking to monitor every lead, sale, or other desired action.
  • Data-Driven Optimisation: We analyse performance data to identify areas for improvement and implement changes to maximise your client’s ROI.

Performance Reporting and Insights

  • White-Label Reports: We’ll provide branded reports detailing campaign performance, key metrics and analysis. These can be sent directly to your clients with your agency’s branding.
  • Actionable Insights: We go beyond just numbers, offering strategic recommendations to optimise future campaign performance.
  • Client Communication & Support: We prioritise open communication. You can choose your desired level of involvement; we can handle all direct client communication regarding the PPC campaigns  or provide you with the data and talking points for your team to present to clients.

We’ll customise our white-label PPC solutions to fit your agency’s needs and your clients’ goals.


The Pearl Lemon White Label PPC Advantage

At Pearl Lemon, we’re more than just a white-label PPC provider; we’re an extension of your team.  We’re committed to helping your agency succeed. Here’s what sets us apart:


Transparent Communication and Collaboration

We believe in open and regular communication throughout the entire process. You’ll have clear channels to reach out with any questions or strategic adjustments, ensuring white label Google Ads and white label PPC management services are delivered seamlessly under your brand. This transparency helps you stay in the loop and confidently address any client inquiries.

Data-Driven Strategies

We don’t guess; we analyse. Our PPC campaigns are built on in-depth market research, competitor analysis, and continuous data-driven insights. This ensures your clients’ ad spend is always working towards tangible results. With our PPC white label services and expertise as a white label Google Ads agency, you can confidently deliver high-performance PPC campaigns to your clients under your own brand.

Proven Experience

Our team has a successful track record of managing PPC campaigns across diverse industries and platforms.  We leverage this deep knowledge base to deliver exceptional results that exceed client expectations.

Customisable Solutions

We understand that every agency and every client is unique.  We tailor our white-label PPC solutions to fit your specific needs, preferred level of involvement, reporting requirements, and budget.

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Seamless Integration

Our White Label approach means we operate behind the scenes. Your branding and your client relationships take centre stage. We ensure a smooth and cohesive client experience that reflects your agency’s professionalism.

Focus on Your Success

Ultimately, our success is tied to your agency’s success. We’re invested in building a long-term partnership that empowers your team, expands your services, and helps you achieve your business goals.

Challenge: Social Fluence, a rising social media marketing agency based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, had established a strong reputation for crafting engaging social media campaigns for their clients across diverse industries. 

However, they recognised the growing demand for integrated digital marketing solutions, including Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. Building an in-house PPC team would require significant investment in recruitment, training, and ongoing management.

Solution: Social Fluence partnered with Pearl Lemon, a leading provider of white-label PPC services. This allowed Social Fluence to seamlessly expand their service offerings to include expert PPC management  without the need to build an internal PPC team. 

Our team of experienced PPC specialists took over all aspects of campaign management, from in-depth keyword research and competitor analysis to ad creation, landing page optimisation, bid management, and performance reporting.

Tailoring Mobile Marketing Strategies


Expanded Service Portfolio: Social Fluence was able to offer a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services to their clients, including social media and PPC advertising. This enhanced their value proposition and attracted new clients seeking a one-stop shop for their digital marketing needs.

Increased Revenue: By offering PPC services, Social Fluence significantly increased their revenue stream. The additional service offering allowed them to capture a larger share of their clients’ marketing budgets.

Improved Client Satisfaction: The integration of PPC campaigns, managed by Pearl Lemon’s experts, led to a measurable increase in client satisfaction. Clients saw a significant improvement in lead generation, website traffic, and conversions, directly attributable to the well-optimised PPC campaigns.

Scalability and Efficiency: By outsourcing PPC management to Pearl Lemon, Social Fluence was able to focus their internal resources on their core competencies in social media marketing. This allowed them to scale their agency efficiently and take on new clients without the burden of building and managing an in-house PPC team.


“Partnering with Pearl Lemon for White Label PPC services was a game-changer for our agency,”  says Janet, from Social Fluence. “It allowed us to expand our service offerings quickly and efficiently, while ensuring our clients receive the best possible results from their PPC campaigns.  Pearl Lemon’s expertise and seamless integration have been instrumental in our agency’s growth.”

This case study demonstrates the significant advantages that White Label PPC services can offer to growing marketing agencies. By partnering with an experienced provider like Pearl Lemon, agencies can expand their service offerings, increase revenue, and ultimately achieve greater success for their clients.


Ready to Scale Your Agency with White Label PPC?

Unlock new levels of growth and client satisfaction without the overhead. Let Pearl Lemon handle the complexities of PPC management, while you focus on building strong partnerships and scaling your agency. Contact us today to discuss just how we can help you. 

Some Of Our Clients

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Talk is cheap, so we don’t just say what we can do – we can show you! Our SEO campaigns have a track record of not just ranking our client’s sites on page 1 of Google but much more besides. You can expect an improved user experience, more traffic, better conversion rates, increased brand awareness and more.


What Our Clients have said about our SEO Agency.

Here at Pearl Lemon, we can help your company grow.

The engagement has led to an increase in inquiries through multiple channels. Pearl Lemon works closely with the internal team to ensure an effective collaboration. The team is open and transparent, providing a high level of customized service.
Lucy Russell
Director, Winova Properties
The engagement generated eight calls within the first month. Pearl Lemon establishes a seamless workflow to ensure consistent communication. Their professional team is enthusiastic throughout the process.
Leigh Ashton
CEO, The Sales Consultancy
Attendance to the event grew at a rapid pace, and a significant number of respondents gave positive feedback regarding Pearl Lemon’s approach. The team provided recurrent progress updates that clearly demonstrated their impact. Their knowledge and transparency set them apart from other vendors.
Lulu Laidlaw-Smith
VP Events & Sales, Paddington Works


We offer flexible pricing models that can be tailored to your agency’s needs.  We can work on a retainer basis, a per project basis, or a percentage of ad spend. We’ll discuss the optimal pricing structure for your business during the initial consultation.

We’re proud of our track record. We can offer you both references and in depth case studies that demonstrate our expertise and achievements. Contact us and we’ll be happy to provide them. 

As a part of our white-label PPC service we provide fully customisable reports with your agency’s branding. These reports offer detailed campaign insights, key metrics, and strategic recommendations.

Answer: While some initial gains can be seen quickly, PPC is an ongoing process. Significant results, particularly in competitive markets, often take several months of optimization and refinement.  We prioritise sustainable, long-term growth for your clients.

We tailor the process to fit your needs. You can choose to be fully hands-off, or actively involved in strategy and review.  We prioritise flexibility and collaboration.

We offer pilot projects to test the waters.  This allows you to evaluate our services and experience the White Label approach with minimal risk.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!