What Is Community Management In Social Media

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Table of Contents

Build And Nurture A Thriving Online Community With These Proven Community Management Tips

A new type of marketing is becoming increasingly important in the digital age: community management on social media. Community management refers to the process of engaging with online communities and managing customer relationships to build brand engagement and loyalty.

In this article, we’ll explore what community management on social media entails, examine the differences between a Social Media Community Manager and Social Media Manager, discuss the importance of community management on social media, and provide 6 strategies companies can use to get started. By the end of this article, you’ll be armed with the knowledge you need to navigate your brand’s social media presence successfully. 

So let’s dive in!

social media management

Community Management On Social Media

Community management on social media is an essential part of any business’s marketing strategy. It involves actively engaging with customers and potential customers to build relationships, facilitate conversations, and encourage loyalty. 

Effective community management requires understanding the needs and interests of your audience and providing meaningful content that resonates with them. This can include responding to comments, creating conversation opportunities, participating in industry-related conversations, sharing relevant news stories, and hosting social media campaigns.

Social Media Community Manager VS Social Media Manager

When managing a brand’s presence on social media, there are two distinct roles to consider: the social media community manager and the social media manager.

The social media community manager is focused on building relationships with customers and potential customers, responding to questions and comments, fostering conversations, and creating opportunities for engagement. They should understand the needs and interests of their audience to create content that resonates and encourage loyalty.

Meanwhile, the social media manager focuses more on crafting posts as your brand, maintaining your voice, following your strategy, overseeing campaigns, and analysing data. They must identify trends to shape strategies that will help reach desired goals.

6 Community Management Strategies To Get Started

Creating an effective social media strategy can be daunting, but you can quickly engage your audience with the right community management strategies. 

Here are six tactics to help get you started:

Clearly Define Rules And Guidelines To Follow

Creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere for your community is essential for fostering engagement and building trust. To ensure everyone feels safe and respected, it’s important to outline the rules and guidelines that must be followed clearly. This should include things like no hate speech, no personal attacks, or no spamming of any kind.

Make sure also to make it clear what the consequences are if someone does not follow these rules. Lastly, create a system for moderating content so that rule-breakers can be identified quickly and dealt with accordingly. Doing this will help ensure your community remains a safe space where people can unite without worrying about being harassed or targeted.

Be Consistent And Present

Being consistent and present in your community is vital for building relationships and encouraging engagement. Make sure to be available for members to contact with questions or concerns, and regularly check in on conversations to ensure that everyone is heard.

Additionally, post updates regularly so members can stay informed about the latest developments. When it comes time to engage your audience, create prompts or questions that spark discussions. This will help draw people into conversations and keep them actively involved in the community.

Listen To Your Community

Listening to your community is essential for successful community management in social media. Pay attention to what your members are saying and their experiences with your brand so you can better understand their needs and wants. Make sure to listen closely and take note of any feedback or ideas they provide and any questions they may have. This will help you make better-informed decisions about improving your members’ user experience.

Activate Influencers And Brand Ambassadors

Activating influencers and brand ambassadors can be a great way to increase engagement within your community. Influencers are users with large followings who have the potential to reach a wide audience.

They can be used to boost your message, promote content or initiate conversations that generate interest and involvement from other members. Brand ambassadors are loyal customers or fans of your brand who are eager to share their experiences with others. They can provide valuable insight into how your products or services have helped them and offer helpful advice and tips for using them.

Encourage Employee Participation

Employee participation is an important aspect of any successful community management strategy. Employees can be a great asset to your community and provide a personal touch to your interactions with members.

Encouraging employees to engage with the community in meaningful ways can help build relationships and trust between members and promote conversations about your brand and offerings. Employees should be encouraged to contribute their thoughts, opinions and experiences with the community on topics related to your brand or products. Be sure to collect all your employee feedback and add meaningful contributions to your employee record software. This way when it comes to performance reviews you will have a record of valuable contributions.

Additionally, they should be encouraged to join in conversations, answer questions posed by other members, and interact with content shared by other users. By participating in these discussions, employees will become more engaged in the community while building relationships with other members.

Determine How To Measure Success

Measuring success in community management can be tricky since it involves intangible factors such as relationships, trust, and engagement. To ensure that your efforts are successful, it’s important to have a clear idea of what success looks like before you begin. Establishing metrics for tracking your progress is the best way to ensure you achieve your goals.

Some metrics to consider include the following:

  • Follower count.
  • Average time spent engaging on posts or conversations.
  • The number of comments per post or conversation thread and the number of people joining private groups or communities.

Tracking these metrics regularly will allow you to assess whether your efforts are having an impact and make adjustments if necessary.

Additionally, if you’re looking to measure how satisfied members are with their experience in the community, consider conducting a survey or poll among members periodically. By taking this approach and regularly measuring success, you can optimise your community management strategies and improve overall results.

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It’s no secret that social media is indispensable in today’s business landscape. Hence, every company must understand how to manage its social media presence comprehensively.

Community management on social media involves engaging with audiences, cultivating relationships and creating brand loyalty. Businesses need to understand what community management entails to make the most out of their social presence. 

Do you have any concerns? Let us know!


Why is community management important on social media?

The general purpose of social media and community management is to ensure that a brand’s social channels are managed consistently and in a way that the brand’s identity remains recognisable and responsive in all its communications with its audience.

What does community management mean in social media?

Social media community management defines a process by which your business engages with its audience on social media. This most immediately pertains to your social media profiles but can also include additional profiles you monitor, like influencers or industry-related pages.

What is effective community management?

Effective community management involves closely listening to your audience’s conversations and responding promptly and relevantly. It also involves providing engagement opportunities by asking relevant questions and encouraging participation from community members.

Picture of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

🔍 Head of SEO Strategy & Innovation
🚀 Empowering Businesses with Skyrocketing Organic Traffic
🗣️ Industry Speaker
🏆 15+ Years in Digital Marketing
🇬🇧 Based in London, UK

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