SEO for Solicitors


Would you like a steady, consistent, and then growing volume of your ideal clients coming to your law firm website month after month? This is something that a good law firm SEO for solicitors strategy can help you with.

Lots of solicitors and law firms spend thousands of pounds creating a perfectly adequate functional website, only to overlook the most important step: marketing their firm’s legal website to ensure that they receive as many website leads as possible by appearing near or at the top of search engines queries for the relevant search terms that will lead new clients to them.

For solicitors, SEO works because it brings new clients to their law firm website at precisely the right time, often when they are looking for their services urgently.

The Fundamentals of SEO for Solicitors

In a nutshell, law firm SEO entails doing everything possible to inform Google and other search engines about the services you provide so that you appear at the top of the search results when someone searches for them (or as close to the top as possible).

This is accomplished through great content on your website, good imagery, and a little behind-the-scenes magic.

It’s not exactly rocket science, but there are some subtleties to be aware of.

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Finally, you won’t go far wrong if you remember this phrase when adding content to your website:

Is the content I’m adding of high quality, and will it clearly demonstrate our legal expertise when read?

Is SEO for lawyers extremely difficult?


Is it going to take some expert SEO knowledge, a lot of time, and a great deal of perseverance?

Without a doubt.

It does take time, but it is well worth the effort.

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If you get SEO for solicitors right, your law firm’s website will get more visitors not just once, but every month after that. If just one page on your website receives three new clients per month as a result of this SEO process, that could be worth around £3,000 per month in fees, or £36,000 per year.

We believe it is time well spent, but it does necessitate the proper SEO skills and consistent application. If you want to beat your competition in law firm SEO, you must be consistent. The good news is that many – or even all – of the SEO for solicitors tasks can be delegated to an outsourced SEO service provider like Pearl Lemon.

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What Does SEO for Solicitors Involve?

Google says that it considers more than 200 factors when choosing where to rank a page in its SERPs (search engine results pages.) They are often not very forthcoming about just what those are either, although they do offer plenty of advice if you are willing to go looking for it.However, despite this ongoing element of mystery, there are certain SEO for solicitors best practices that usually remain relevant whatever changes Google make. These include all the following:
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Legal SEO Keyword Research

The goal of keyword research is to determine what your target audience is looking for and what it will take to rank for those terms.

How can you effectively optimize your website, target phrases for link building, or know what content to develop for your audience if you don’t know what keywords to target?

When it comes to SEO for solicitors and keyword research, it’s best to use terms that have a commercial intent. These specific terms are more likely to convert because they attract people who are looking for services rather than information.

Although there are many free keyword research tools available, you should consider using a paid subscription tool that you can grasp easily and become familiar with, or, better still, hiring an SEO firm to manage your keyword research.

On Site SEO For Lawyers

Website Structure and UX

The optimization of a law firm website is a big part of SEO for solictors. It's not just what you say that matters; it's also how you say it. The structure of your website, for example, influences how user-friendly – and search engine-friendly – it is. Websites should be designed so that users can easily navigate from page to find the information they require.

You might be tempted to put something in the navigation bar like the About Us page first. It's better, in our opinion, to start with practice pages. After all, those are the pages you want to rank for, so putting them first is a smart move. When possible, take steps to improve the user experience (UX). Customers and search engines will value your website more if it is easily accessible.

Business Blogging

Another important aspect of SEO for law firms is to run and maintain an active blog. Adding new blog posts to your site keeps it "fresh" and gives you more opportunities to target your audience.

You can write a blog post with keywords in the title and use those keywords in your content. Another good idea is to use geographical tags like "in London" or "of Manchester." Make the blogs good and they will also help build your reputation as an expert in your field, something that is as important to Google as it is to consumers.

Creating new blog content attracts a targeted audience and ensures that Google spends more time searching for and indexing your content, making it easier for people to find. When creating new pages, including new blog posts, don't forget to optimize URLs. Incorporating keywords into page URLs can help a lot.

Page Speed

A website optimization-related ranking factor that is increasingly important for SEO is page speed. The better your website is, the faster and more responsive it is, especially across different platforms and devices. Websites that load slowly are penalized by search engine crawlers. That's not to mention the average user's lack of patience. Not only will a slow-loading website not rank well, but even if someone does visit it, they are unlikely to stay long enough for it to load.

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Local SEO is Critical for Lawyers

Local SEO is the process of optimizing a website for a specific location. If your practice has multiple locations, each one should have its own optimized page on the website to connect with the local audience.

You should also pay close attention to Google My Business. A Google My Business listing is one of the most important aspects of local SEO. This  should be as current and accurate as possible.

A Google My Business page also makes it easy for customers to find you and leave reviews. Reviews are an excellent way to reassure potential customers about the quality of service they can expect from you. People don’t want to deal with service providers who don’t have any reviews.

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Link Building

When it comes to SEO for solicitors, link building is the final piece of the puzzle. To rank well in search results pages, your website needs high quality links from other websites. There are several tools available to examine a website’s link profile and domain authority, including yours.

Check your website’s baseline Domain Authority score, as well as the websites of your competitors. However, you should only compare yourself to your direct competitors. Don’t be concerned about Amazon’s near-perfect score. Compare yourself to other law firms in Central London if you run a law firm in Greater London. As you make changes to your SEO campaign, keep an eye on how your score changes. Is your grade improving? Do you think you’re still missing out? Your DA score will tell you how much – or how little – your hard work is paying off.

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Hire the Best Legal SEO Team

When looking for a service, the majority of people, including those looking for lawyers, turn to the internet. To get your website to the top five of search engine results pages, you’ll need more than just the right keywords.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help you in making the most of your SEO efforts. People look to you for advice because you are an expert in your field. People come to us because we are industry experts. Our SEO experts are eager to hear from you and would be delighted to assist you in achieving your legal SEO goals.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!